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Pakistan IT Exports Up 32.6% in Q1 FY 2012


Mar 30, 2010
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Pakistan’s exports of IT and IT-enabled services witnessed an outstanding growth of 32.6 percent in the first quarter of 2011-12 compared with the corresponding period of past financial year, reflecting improving penetration of local IT companies in different countries of the world.

State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) statistics showed that Pakistan IT and ITES exports increased to reach US $ 61 million in Jul-Sep 2011 versus US $ 45 million exports recorded in the same period of 2010.

The SBP’s statistics showed exports earning remitted into country from various regions however exports were estimated to reach US $ 244 million in accordance with WTO formula.

Pakistan exports software based IT solutions, financial and mobile applications, BPOs services and infrastructure development support services to different countries.

Industry experts said that the achievement of growth in exports value is quite good for the industry in the scenario when global downturn has exerted its impacts on IT and other industries worldwide.

Pakistan IT Exports Up 32.6% in Q1 FY 2012
Good news, but still IT exports are very little. I don't like the thing that Pakistanis only keep them busy in facebook, twitter & youtube, instead of contributing something new & self made to IT industry. Their is huge talent but laziness & unwillingness.
If we put a little bit more effort our IT industry has potential to be one of the biggest in the world.
good news...partnering with Indian IT sector will help Pak accelerate its growth..initially may be in form of sub outsourcing by Indian majors..
good news...partnering with Indian IT sector will help Pak accelerate its growth..initially may be in form of sub outsourcing by Indian majors..

We dont want our country name to be loitered with poor quality products. Indian IT sector is quantity based while Pakistani companies compete on quality!

Information Technology is one of those industries in Pakistan which are growing rapidly. Government is also providing better facilities to the IT industry for its betterment and that’s the reason why condition of IT jobs in Pakistan is much better than rest of the jobs. The government is taking keen interest in the development of IT industry because it generates more than 2.3 billion dollars for the country per annum. Still IT industry of Pakistan has lots of potential to grow. Government can enhance the exports of IT industry through attracting foreign investors by giving them better infrastructure and smooth policies.

Many companies from developed countries and multinationals have outsourced their IT business to Pakistan because of its cheap labor rate and quality services. Currently, Pakistan has more than 120,000 highly trained IT professionals and this number is increasing rapidly as there are number of specialized educational institutes, which are adding quality and trained resources to this industry. Government has built IT parks and towers in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore with all possible facilities with the cooperation of private sector. These parks and towers are established with the aim of providing job opportunities in Pakistan to the professionals and one stop solution to set up or expand IT projects.

IT Parks in Islamabad: In Pakistan, first IT Park was established in Islamabad. Most of telecom companies have their head offices in Islamabad along with many private banks. There are many private IT companies working in Islamabad/Rawalpindi that is why condition of IT jobs in Islamabad is better than the rest of the country. Due to better infrastructure Islamabad and Rawalpindi are emerging as the “Silicon Plateau” of Pakistan.

IT Parks in Karachi: Karachi is the largest city and economic & industrial hub of Pakistan. Pakistan’s second IT Park was building in Karachi with the area of 6 acres of prime. Every multinational which is working in Pakistan has its head office in Karachi. It is the metropolitan city with the population of more than 15 million. It has the largest concentration of IT firms, and many well known Universities, institutes and IT Departments. Due to these reasons condition of IT jobs in Karachi is better than the rest of the country.

IT Parks in Lahore: Lahore is known as the Heart of Pakistan and it is the cultural and academic hub of Pakistan. According to the IT survey Lahore was the top choice for location by 65% of target companies. In Lahore many software houses, IT companies and call centres are working that’s why condition IT jobs in Lahore is better. The IT Park in Lahore is at 6 acres and it is located near Allama Iqbal International Airport.

Currently government and private sector is focusing on these three cities in the field of IT which should be spreading out to the small cities of the country. By doing this exports can be increased along with the job opportunities in Pakistan. Government should create awareness regarding importance of IT and establish IT universities and institutes all over Pakistan.

An Overview of IT Industry of Pakistan
We dont want our country name to be loitered with poor quality products. Indian IT sector is quantity based while Pakistani companies compete on quality!

just replied in a right spirit but seems u dont deserve it...

I dont know even if u know anything about IT as an industry, second quality parameters and quality processes....I dont need to explain you all that for free of cost..

I am damn sure yours is not the voice of Pak IT industry who have made attempts to join hands or learn from Indian IT through Nasscom....

wanted to write so many things but guess not worth...this is not the area where I would like to waste my time arguing with you..
We dont want our country name to be loitered with poor quality products. Indian IT sector is quantity based while Pakistani companies compete on quality!

$ 72 billion Indian exports vs $ 250 Million Pakistani exports only on quantity basis??:)

Anyway suit yourself friend.
$ 72 billion Indian exports vs $ 250 Million Pakistani exports only on quantity basis??:)

Anyway suit yourself friend.

I think most of them are foriegn based companies, that already have (you can say) reserved markets, whereas Pakistan exports are by Pakistani companies. I could be wrong.
I think most of them are foriegn based companies, that already have (you can say) reserved markets, whereas Pakistan exports are by Pakistani companies. I could be wrong.

No you are absolutely right. But whose fault is it that companies are not coming to Pakistan. It is Pakistan that has to take the
initiative. If we consider your point, than also keep in mind how many foreign countries are involved in exports from China.
just replied in a right spirit but seems u dont deserve it...

I dont know even if u know anything about IT as an industry, second quality parameters and quality processes....I dont need to explain you all that for free of cost..

I am damn sure yours is not the voice of Pak IT industry who have made attempts to join hands or learn from Indian IT through Nasscom....

wanted to write so many things but guess not worth...this is not the area where I would like to waste my time arguing with you..

You mean Nasscom the slave labor trader and H1-B visa scam tycoon??

An empire built on renting cheap low quality Indian labor which has destroyed the US IT industry, product quality and value erosion??

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/22/us/22infosys.html?pagewanted=all said:
A giant Indian outsourcing company with thousands of employees in the United States is facing an expanding federal investigation prompted by claims from an American whistle-blower that it misused short-term visitors’ visas to bring in low-cost workers from India.

http://www.whptv.com/news/local/story/Harrisburg-based-health-care-services-sentenced/af3im2FapEi3dPaX_yZqGw.cspx said:
The United States Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, announced the sentencing of a defendant convicted of visa fraud and money laundering in connection with the procurement of H-1b Visas and Green Cards for ineligible or unqualified Indian nationals.

http://www.cis.org/north/Infosys-loses-case-wins-secrecy said:
Infosys, the big Indian body shop and extensive user of the H-1B program, has, in effect, lost an age-discrimination case in federal court, but everything about the case is shrouded in secrecy.
You mean Nasscom the slave labor trader and H1-B visa scam tycoon??

An empire built on renting cheap low quality Indian labor which has destroyed the US IT industry, product quality and value erosion??

Cant you find other reasons for Pakistan lagging in IT ?
No you are absolutely right. But whose fault is it that companies are not coming to Pakistan. It is Pakistan that has to take the
initiative. If we consider your point, than also keep in mind how many foreign countries are involved in exports from China.

I'm not blaming anyone & yes it is 99% fault of Pakistan's corrupt polititions.
Why are we discussing Bharat here by the way? :pop:
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