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Pakistan IT Exports Up 32.6% in Q1 FY 2012

I'm not blaming anyone & yes it is 99% fault of Pakistan's corrupt polititions.

You see these companies should be encouraged to enter developing markets coz with them they bring expertise and capital which
leads to rise of local entrepreneurship which in future becomes key to high growth especially in a sector like IT
Cant you find other reasons for Pakistan lagging in IT ?

1. Electricity shortages
2. Poor government support
3. Lack or co-ordination with Universities..

Still we are neither diploma mill not slave coder traders..so better slow and steady rather than fast and shaky!
1. Electricity shortages
2. Poor government support
3. Lack or co-ordination with Universities..

Still we are neither diploma mill not slave coder traders..so better slow and steady rather than fast and shaky!

Fast and shaky ? We have taken our own sweet time to get here. Our first software firm TCS was founded way back in 1968

An Overview of IT Industry of Pakistan


Article about Pakistan IT industry, photo from Bangalore, India. Epic fail :lol:

So finally someone is caught posting.. Hehehe

On the topic - Good news, good for Pakistan.
You failed to read the post he was answering to. Interesting.

No I didnt.. Do you really think that the original post was bad or counter productive in any way.. To me it seemed that JD_In just went ahead with the spirit of MFN news and got trolled in return..
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