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Pakistan is winning against India in the USA

You understand the Pakistani psyche very well but you have got one thing wrong. Let me post quotes to drive home the point.
How many of these idiotic posts are you going to make?

US and India bilateral trade is more than USD 190 Billion on an yearly basis.

US and Pakistan bilateral trade is less than 10 % Of what India And US trade.

The list goes on and on and on.

Pakistan is far behind India.

US and India bilateral trade is more than USD 190 Billion on an yearly basis.

US and Pakistan bilateral trade is less than 10 % Of what India And US trade.

The list goes on and on and on.

Pakistan is far behind India.

This is not a India vs Pakistan thread.

The point is US is gravitating towards Pakistan and away from India.

US is moving factories from China to Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia instead of to India.

Both the new US abassador to India and George Soros have called India and Modi fascist.

congrats @Skull and Bones
Indians are deeply entrenched in US and UK, business and politics. Pakistan created the void and Indians gladly filled it and took full advantage.

It was game over for Pakistan when the fives eyes pulled the plug on intelligence sharing a decade back. No Pakistani is trusted, even UK/US born.
This is not a India vs Pakistan thread.

The point is US is gravitating towards Pakistan and away from India.

US is moving factories from China to Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia instead of to India.

Both the new US abassador to India and George Soros have called India and Modi fascist.

Just this month Air India announced the purchase of 500 Aircraft from Boeing and Airbus which is the largest order ever placed by an airline company.Another order of 500 aircraft by Indigo airlines is on the way.

So jubilant was President Biden with this order that he officially thanks PM Modi and tweeted that this order will support 1 million jobs across 44 states in the US.

The US is also offering partnerships in several critical industries and defence projects to the tune of billions of dollars.

Not to mention that India is almost the second home to several of the US tech giants like Google,Amazon and Meta.

So,If you think that US is dumping India, you are living in a fool's paradise.
@Abdul Rehman Majeed

Look what PDF Pakistanis think about West that includes USA and Europe.

So by that definition, 7× bigger india that has the full backing of the west and russia is not able to militarily engage with Pakistan in order to get Azad Kashmir back..........:lol:........unlike other indians, at least you admit it...........:lol:
Even though india is more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the west and russia, they will NEVER have the capability to do the above. If I am wrong, the indians are more than welcome to try....... :azn:
Too much gangu hot air here. Pakistan would make mince beef of india and you gangus know it too. Which is why india is too scared to take on Pakistan despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia............. :azn:
Pakistan ALREADY has domain over 35% of Kashmir. China 20% and india occupies 45% of Kasmir. EXCELLENT odds by Pakistan considering that india is MORE than 7× bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the west and russia............ :azn::

3 years ago, a nation that is more than 7x bigger than it's foe and has the full backing of the West and Russia, could do nothing when it's foe shot down one if it's fighter jets.........8-)
Okay, let's get this straight here. Are you seriously insinuating that india who is MORE than 7× bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia, still can't take on Pakistan?.................:azn:

Pakistan gas domain over 35% of Kashmir, China 20% and india occupies 45% of Kashmir...........Great going by Pakistan considering india is MORE than 7x bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia..............:azn:..........."Given up" on Kashmiris? Patience is a Virtue.......... :azn:.........8-)
So india that is more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia is more weaker than Pakistan?........:rofl:
Despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the west and russia, india still remains too weak, powerless, impotent and scared of taking on Pakistan.........:azn:
Not quite. Pakistan has had a nuclear 2nd strike capability since at least 2018........ :azn: :

Pakistan has more than enough nukes to wipe india off the face of the universe. This is the reason why india cannot militarily challenge Pakistan any longer despite being more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia............. :azn:
No wonder 7× bigger india that has the full backing of the West and Russia is too weak, scared, powerless and backward to take on Pakistan on it's western border..........:azn:........you just confirmed the reason........:azn:
so you admit that 7x bigger india CAN barely take on Pakistan DESPITE having the FULL BACKING of the West and Russia.............:azn:..............:lol:
india has NEVER EVER been able to mess with Pakistan on it's Western border despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia.......:azn:...... 8-)
Neither does india have the economic or military leverage over Pakistan to secure it's objectives against Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan despite being more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and giving the full backing of the west and russia............. :azn:
a country more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia yet STILL remains FAR too weak, scared, powerless and backward to take on the Pakistani Military..........:azn:
Please come and try. The americans and nato are no longer there to help you. You are more than 7× bigger than us and have the full backing of the West and Russia. What are you waiting for? Make my day.......... :azn:
A nation that cannot even take on a country that is 7× smaller than it despite having the full backing of the west and russia
Worst still, 7× bigger india was able to do NOTHING about having their fighter jet shot down by Pakistan despite having the full backing of the West and Russia........ :lol:..........even till today india has nightmares at the thought of facing the PAF, sanghis/gangus are too scared to even mention PAF in public..........:lol:
Tried what? india tried yet failed miserably despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia......... :azn:............8-)
Outmaneuver????????..........:lol:.......seems the already low indian IQ is dropping by the day........ :lol:................india is more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and has the full backing of the West and Russia yet still remains too weak, powerless and scared of taking on the Pakistan military.............:azn:.............8-)
The above is also the reason why india has not been able to take on the Pakistani military on the indian western front despite being more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia............:azn:
Yet this build up by india has never been able to take on Pakistan on it's western border despite being h more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia............:azn:...........at least you indirectly admit that india can ONLY take on the Pakistan military when they are isolated by 3000 kms of enemy territory and the indians outnumber Pakistanis by a ratio of 20:1 and have bengali help/support...........:azn:
7x bigger india that has the full backing of the West and Russia remains too frightened, weak and backward to take on the Pakistan military........... :azn:
So then why is india incapable and scared of taking on Pakistan despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia?............................:azn:
So by that definition, you must be happy that india is obeying a ceasefire against a country that is more than 7× smaller than india and doesn't have the full backing of the West and Russia like india does......... :azn: ............8-)
Indian diaspora population is close to 4.0 million in US, Pakistans is about 0.5 million, so there is no match. Indian lobby is huge and stronger there.
Indians are deeply entrenched in US and UK, business and politics. Pakistan created the void and Indians gladly filled it and took full advantage.

It was game over for Pakistan when the fives eyes pulled the plug on intelligence sharing a decade back. No Pakistani is trusted, even UK/US born.

That is because the west needs to build up india so it can be used as an asset against China.
Indians are deeply entrenched in US and UK, business and politics. Pakistan created the void and Indians gladly filled it and took full advantage.

It was game over for Pakistan when the fives eyes pulled the plug on intelligence sharing a decade back. No Pakistani is trusted, even UK/US born.
You are ruining a feel good thread.
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