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Pakistan is Now the 11th Largest Producer of Broiler Chickens Worldwide

Got it.... yes, that is correct. when we make stew chicken from these, just amazing is the word. I recall this tourist staying at one of the chalets, came over for a meal, he got confused, the size of the chicken lef was 2x long and of course meat a bit harder; he thought it was a wild fowl that i had hunted from the bush. I said yes, there is a wild chicken here :).

Yes, got the fried one; we have something similar here - but not with the variety you mention. Our country is a fusion of cultures in food terms; anything we like we take it over and make slight change to it. For example, come here to Chicken Licken - our most widely eaten local franchise. You will get tomato sauce but you will get mango acha (pickle). Will you find it as kfc or McD? no, that is why they dont do well because they never cater to our tastes which demand a fusion of hot spicy; i mean really hot. I do just have it may be once in 6 weeks if i need the licken craving but not good for you :(

Had the pleasure of working with a South African recently. He was a Muslim, originally of Indian origin, been in South Africa for multiple generations, only spoke English and Afrikaans, was surprised he didn't know Urdu/Gujurati but then he explained his family had been South African for over 100 years, that made sense!

I can imagine South Africa is a unique place. It's my go-to destination in case of a nuclear apocolypse. The way I see it, people speak English, you've got Asian people and spicy food, it's in the Southern Hemisphere (all the nuclear beef is going to be in the northern hemisphere by my reckoning)....lol
Had the pleasure of working with a South African recently. He was a Muslim, originally of Indian origin, been in South Africa for multiple generations, only spoke English and Afrikaans, was surprised he didn't know Urdu/Gujurati but then he explained his family had been South African for over 100 years, that made sense!

I can imagine South Africa is a unique place. It's my go-to destination in case of a nuclear apocolypse. The way I see it, people speak English, you've got Asian people and spicy food, it's in the Southern Hemisphere (all the nuclear beef is going to be in the northern hemisphere by my reckoning)....lol

Noted. We have indians (tamils - I think largest diaspora outside India excluding srilanka) - who came here 300 yrs back; then from Java - known as Cape Malays around same time period (around 2mil +); also chinese and then the different part of Europe; then newer arrivals are from north of us including from ur country - we call them 'paks'. Very unique melting pot. I would describe it similar to Brazil in many senses including crime and infrastructure - 1st world with 3rd world problems.

Man, spicy... we dont use that word here.... that is foreign ... 'engels'; it is by default spicy we dont like bland food but the equation is hot, very hot or super hot. We like colourful tones to expressions. English is spoken but we tend to switch between languages - here i switch between afrikaans, english, and tswana interchangable. Strange he did not know because in madressas they used to teach urdu as a standard and not arabic for decades. Depends i guess which city he was from.
Try eating organic diet and focus eating more on vegetables and fruits.
are they broiler?
Also if they are just walking around they will not gain the weight. For fast weight gain , it has to be a meat breed of chicken such as broiler. also these birds are fed specific diets and dont get too much exercise. that's why they get so heavy so quickly. typically in 5-7 weeks 1-1.4 kilo is typical for broiler in farm conditions ( No Hormones required ).

here . https://www.ciwf.org.uk/media/5235306/The-life-of-Broiler-chickens.pdf
They are injected steroids at birth. Even you feed them with with simple grain, they will gain weight. In farms, usually animal sourse based( fish, blood, bone etc) is given to these birds. I know this because it was once our family business.
They are injected steroids at birth. Even you feed them with with simple grain, they will gain weight. In farms, usually animal sourse based( fish, blood, bone etc) is given to these birds. I know this because it was once our family business.

Ahem! Chicken are not birthed.
If they are given steroids at the time of hatching ( I am 100% sure they are not ) that wouldn't remain in their body thru out their growth period.
You might be thinking of antibiotics. Should ask a the actual person in your family who managed the farm.
@ssethii bhai disappointed. We shld boycott veggies and pulses except channai and channo ki daal.
Nothing here to be proud of. We should bycott broiler and consume healthy pulses instead.
Ahem! Chicken are not birthed.
If they are given steroids at the time of hatching ( I am 100% sure they are not ) that wouldn't remain in their body thru out their growth period.
You might be thinking of antibiotics. Should ask a the actual person in your family who managed the farm.
correct. it is antibiotics that are injected at early age.
Ahem! Chicken are not birthed.
If they are given steroids at the time of hatching ( I am 100% sure they are not ) that wouldn't remain in their body thru out their growth period.
You might be thinking of antibiotics. Should ask a the actual person in your family who managed the farm.
Well, may be antibiotic, not the hormones. You win. Cus I saw hatchery workers injecting something to new born chicks. And antibiotics are fed in water, later in first few weeks.
But, no matter what you feed them, they become fat. Although they will not be become so fat, if kept on strict grain food.
@ssethii bhai disappointed. We shld boycott veggies and pulses except channai and channo ki daal.
what is worng with vegitables and pulses?
Picture from OP is surely not from Pakistani broiler farm:
Pakistan is Now the 11th Largest Producer of Broiler Chickens Worldwide

  • Jehangir Nasir in FinanceFood & RecipesNewsOthers
Pakistan produces over 1.2 billion broiler chickens annually, and has become 11th largest producer in the world, said the Founder chairman of Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) Khalil Sattar.

“Chicken, once considered a luxury, has now become the cheapest source of animal protein in the country,” he added in a statement.

He said that these days, chickens’ diet mostly constitutes of corn, broken rice, wheat bran, corn by-products, oil seed meals, vegetable oil, etc. Sattar denied that local poultry industry is using hormones saying,

The weight gain of broilers in the US is far greater than what it is in Pakistan without using any hormones. On the basis of rapid weight gain, the consumers would jump to the conclusion that they are fed hormones. If it were so, firstly, the FDA would lodge criminal cases against the producers, besides, the consumer would file suits of billions of dollars against such producers.

The US, Brazil and Argentine produce feed with much higher energy content than that is produced in Pakistan, because of the low price of edible oils and feed grains.

The PPA Chairman, giving an example, said that a broiler chick gains more than two kilograms of weight in five weeks, while it takes about six weeks to gain the same weight in Pakistan.

He said he had not come across any publication showing any benefit of feeding hormones to the chicken. But, local chicken has the same genetic package as is available in the US, Europe, India, Brazil, Argentine, China, and elsewhere in the world.

60% of poultry-- eggs - feed- milk. butter-sugar- iron- steel-------------are owned by mamarah payarah ex prime -minister main m. nawaz sharif-------------- guiness book of world record---beat that .
60% of poultry-- eggs - feed- milk. butter-sugar- iron- steel-------------are owned by mamarah payarah ex prime -minister main m. nawaz sharif-------------- guiness book of world record---beat that .
Because he routinely puts little investors out business
Sabar karo usko bhi tight karein gay :D
Because he routinely puts little investors out business
Sabar karo usko bhi tight karein gay :D
Engine is already broke..keep tighting the usless nuts
I think Pakistani chicken still taste better, I stopped eating Canadian/US chicken because it has no taste and feels like chewing plastic.
Great news , as long as the farms are close to traditional farms for animals the food quality would be higher

However , I think there is some truth to the idea that as people grow older they need to eat more green or plant based diet
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