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Pakistan is not an Islamic State: Siraj-ul-Haq

Sorry if this was not directed at me. But fits my post as well quite well. So I will take a crack at it.

Corruption is not a long term problem for Pakistan. It is breathing its last as a system but individual corruption is here to stay.

I know it is a complicated solution but we can work towards it while using the current system as a necessary evil. Moreover we all know that in Pakistan we prefer to keep our savings in the home and not in banks due to maybe just interest in many cases.

This needs to be tactically thought and strategically implemented. I am not saying that we wake up a day and start using barter system again.

It is a gradual and eventual process which is more or less already being implemented on smaller scale because the next stock exchange crash may well be the last breath of this system.

It wasn't directed at you, but you're welcome to respond anyway. I think one can promote Islamic ethics in our economy, and promote Islamic banking whatever that may be for individuals is fine. But to extend the rhetoric of Islamic banking to the wider system, would be disastrous, and even if we were to say that we're not foolish enough to implement this in one fell swoop, but gradually, then at best imo, we're saying that the cost whatever it will be will be spread over however many years or decades it takes, and the long term prospects are probably adjusted downwards for it, but we'll never see that tangibly. I don't like this idea much either.
He is involved in tax corruption and didn't pay taxes in the past. Basically he is a thief who is waiting for his turn.this kind of statements from such a thief reflects nothing.he must be held accountable first.even jang news reported about unpaid taxes regarding this mullah.you can't change system like this.it needs revolution and good people.
What we need is a moderate, logical, rational, strong and diplomatic leader.
We have seen enough, and nothing good has ever came from the clergy.
They have used religion to gain power for their own benefits.
In the end, they are responsible for the fact that the new generation is getting disenchanted with religion.

Ours and the rest of the muslim world's problem is that we want the state to be more muslim than individuals.

Ultimately we will be questioned on how good were we, not how good the state was.

When did the term "Islamic" become connected with ruling clergy? A type of governance cannot be Islamic because Islam never endorses a type of governance.
I used to be very conservative and believe in Islamic Law.
But the older I get, the more I convinced that secular law is the way to go.
No developed country in the world is based on religious laws. Why do we think Pakistan will be any different?
should Pakistan start giving Islamic punishments, these molvis would by the first ones crying when the law comes for them
punishments according to islmic law is not just the only thin required to make a country truly islamic. it is just one aspect of it.
in pakistan Allah is restricted to mosques only and Quran is restricted to books.
If only Pakistan was an Islamic state, which it is bound to be, things would be a lot more better.
Our society would have been better.
it is impossible to implement islamic values in today's pakistan due to two main reasons. One , there is no one at the influential level in this country who actually knows islam and lives islam. Second, even if some "momin" tries it the majority of the so called muslims of pakistan will oppose the laws given by Quran and the Prophet Muhammad SAW. the reason is they are so much obsessed with the west , idealize them and feel proud in adopting their life style and laws. so a muslim can only dream of a society of madina in pakistan or any where on planet . muslims are the biggest hurdle in implementing islamic laws . but they should not lose hope shariah will be there after the arrival of imam mahdi and hazrat Esa A.S.

We have seen enough, and nothing good has ever came from the clergy.
They have used religion to gain power for their own benefits.
In the end, they are responsible for the fact that the new generation is getting disenchanted with religion.

it is not "they" who are only responsible for the sorry state of affairs of all the muslim countries. it is "you" or "we" who have major role in our pathetic state. where is it written in Quran that it is only for the clerics of mulvis or imams to read and interpret it.? no where. it is the primary responsibility of every muslim to know what is written in Quran and implement it in the best possible way. we wont be able to give this excuse in the next world that O God i didnt read it as i was a doctor, engineer, scientist and never had the time to study your meesage. it was the job the mulvi and he should be punished for misguiding us.
Giving a different or true narrative of Islam and Pakistan was recently spoken of by the Prime Minister.

Islam is above any system of government that it maybe defined by one.

Any form of government is Islamic if the leader is also but a member of the state and sovereignty belongs to Allah alone. So kiss your presidential pardons goodbye.

You can have prime ministers or Presidents as you may see fit. They are nothing but a figurehead when it comes to the law itself.

Regarding the punishments. Those explicitly defined in Quran cannot be overlooked.

An Islamic republic should first ensure that every basic need has been taken care of. Lets say Ypsilon has committed robbery or theft it is first to be decided if the act was forced upon by poverty or lack of opportunity and only then a state can punish Ypsilon.

Although methods of punishments are not to be confused by Arabic traditions of the time.

But sadly we have enough people on both sides where one is allergic God forbid of the term sharia Arabic word for the system and the other side who goes chopping heads off for no worthy reason.

These things are practical but we are deaf, dumb and blind. The word of God gets stuck in our tongues rather getting stuck to our hearts.

So blame yourself everybody and realise where we got lost

We need realisation not revolution.
punishments according to islmic law is not just the only thin required to make a country truly islamic. it is just one aspect of it.
in Pakistan Allah is restricted to mosques only and Quran is restricted to books.
the ones who restricted Allah to mosques, and Quran to books were the religious scholars themselves.
they made the very easy Deen E Islam, and the very easy Quran Shareef into something so difficult, that people started running away from them. The scholars give the impression that they are the only ones who can truly interpret Islam and the Quran, while the normal people should stick to the arabic version, and just read it for sawab, and not for understanding.
Trust me when shariah law is enforced these munafiqeen will be in the first row of execution.
These are the one who destruct islam image in the name of blasphemy
Who destruct the youth of this nation even though they themselves commits severe offences.

Where you are free to move
Where ever you are free to salah
Wherever you are free to tabligh
Wherever you are free to work
Wherever you are celebrating the eid.

Yes this is an islamic state.

take a look at saudi arabia and tell me sharia law is any good at all lol
if there's good stuff in there, we should apply it, but we should also guarantee freedom, liberty and human rights for all; which unfortunately we dont

on topic : these mullahs blood thirst will never be satisfied. bhutto once rightly said about them that I only drink wine but these (mullahs) drink the people's blood. they want to turn pakistan into another IS or Saudi.

Freedom, Liberty and human rights come all under the sharia law.
Bhutto was the one who divided the country into two pieces, Im sure Mullahs never dared to do that or even utter words like 'Hum yahan, tum wahan'(must be his wine speaking).
If we had been honest enough to apply Sharia laws, likes of Bhuttos or so called Mullahs wouldn't find it so easy to hijack our state or nation.
the ones who restricted Allah to mosques, and Quran to books were the religious scholars themselves.
they made the very easy Deen E Islam, and the very easy Quran Shareef into something so difficult, that people started running away from them. The scholars give the impression that they are the only ones who can truly interpret Islam and the Quran, while the normal people should stick to the arabic version, and just read it for sawab, and not for understanding.
is this fault of so called scholars only???
What we need is a moderate, logical, rational, strong and diplomatic leader.




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