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Pakistan is not an Islamic State: Siraj-ul-Haq

Pakistan was created by the people. They chose to live under the system, for the people and by the people.

Now majority of the population are Muslims which gives them democratic right to choose their own fate.

The constitution of Pakistan as in present form represent a closer system to Islamic state than any nation of the world at this moment in time(bar some limitations). Therefore it is called Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Pakistan was created by the people. They chose to live under the system, for the people and by the people.

Now majority of the population are Muslims which gives them democratic right to choose their own fate.

The constitution of Pakistan as in present form represent a closer system to Islamic state than any nation of the world at this moment in time(bar some limitations). Therefore it is called Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
interest banking= a closer system to Islamic state?
..So people here think Islam discriminates and isn't fit to be the governing law in Pakistan... Interesting with extremely negative connotations.. By definition- you're no longer a Muslim if you say that. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never once discriminated against any soul, he would engage people from various beliefs/backgrounds on a daily basis, they would live together in one land, following their own scriptures; within Islam is absolute tolerance. But if you misinterpret verses on purpose...
Does Pakistan have an option for interest free banking?
interest banking= a closer system to Islamic state?

No one is terming interest as halal here.
An internal monetary regulatory system can deal with this problem locally but we cannot isolate ourselves from the world.
Muslim on Muslim interest can easily be avoided through the current system as well.

Does Pakistan have an option for interest free banking?

All banks are interconnected one way or the other.
But for the masses there are enough Islamic Banking option available which many use.
No one is terming interest as halal here.
An internal monetary regulatory system can deal with this problem locally but we cannot isolate ourselves from the world.
Muslim on Muslim interest can easily be avoided through the current system as well.

All banks are interconnected one way or the other.
But for the masses there are enough Islamic Banking option available which many use.
I respect your opinion Sidd but we take interest too lightly.im sure you know very well what Islam says about interest banking.
Politics and religion must stay away from eachother..rats like saraj ul haq has brought huge mess to Pakistan over the course of history.given the chance they will marry 1000 woman's and let them rom free naked around the vicinity of their respected houses..the hypocrisy of these pimps and extremists of religion has no limits.. some use religion some use brutal force just to test the beauty of power and that's the story of Pakistan.
I respect your opinion Sidd but we take interest too lightly.im sure you know very well what Islam says about interest banking.

I am not promoting the interest based banking system.
All i am saying is you can create a bubble within the bubble and spare the masses from this evil.
The world is fast moving from paper based currency to electronic currency all designed under a great illusion of free market.
If we create a system where the money is circulated without interest internally we can avoid this evil.
This way we protect everyone's right and we stay mainstreamed and open for business.

Islamic banking has attracted fascination of not just the Muslims but also those who wish for a fairer trade.
We live as individuals painted on a canvas of diversity in this world but in the end it all comes down to the individual.

Muslim economist are encouraged to make a system worth withholding its own against all the odds. Only through a democratic process we can create such a system which will be respected by all and not just the elites.
People bashing the scholars and Siraj Ul Haq should know who exactly they are talking about in the first place!

This is Siraj Ul Haq NOT Fazl Ur 'Deisel' Rehman
It sounds great in practice, especially when you cite the corruption that Pakistan suffers from, but your solutions come with innumerable strings attached and many other draconian ideas not fit for any state in the 21st century.
It sounds great in practice, especially when you cite the corruption that Pakistan suffers from, but your solutions come with innumerable strings attached and many other draconian ideas not fit for any state in the 21st century.

Sorry if this was not directed at me. But fits my post as well quite well. So I will take a crack at it.

Corruption is not a long term problem for Pakistan. It is breathing its last as a system but individual corruption is here to stay.

I know it is a complicated solution but we can work towards it while using the current system as a necessary evil. Moreover we all know that in Pakistan we prefer to keep our savings in the home and not in banks due to maybe just interest in many cases.

This needs to be tactically thought and strategically implemented. I am not saying that we wake up a day and start using barter system again.

It is a gradual and eventual process which is more or less already being implemented on smaller scale because the next stock exchange crash may well be the last breath of this system.
Does Pakistan have an option for interest free banking?

Interest free banking doesn't exist, and it can't exist within the banking systems we know of anywhere in the world. If any country, no matter how keen they are on so called Islamic Banking were to abolish all forms of interest, they would face economic decimation.

Where they've tried to get rid of interest, they haven't got rid of it in practice, dressed it up in certain ways often with murahaba, where it's interest free in name only, there are two transactions and the second one has a price equivalent to the difference in interest, which in my opinion achieves nothing except removing interest in name only. There are some nice principles, ethical principles of Islamic banking worth considering, but that doesn't have to be exclusive to Islamic banking.
Damn...who knew that Pakistanis no longer like anything Islamic. Suicide is a bit much but ok.

We have seen enough, and nothing good has ever came from the clergy.
They have used religion to gain power for their own benefits.
In the end, they are responsible for the fact that the new generation is getting disenchanted with religion.

Ours and the rest of the muslim world's problem is that we want the state to be more muslim than individuals.

Ultimately we will be questioned on how good were we, not how good the state was.

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