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Pakistan is China's number one ally: Chinese experts

Like it or hate it, China is set to replace the USA as the next Hyperpower, and Washington has its panties in a twist over how to handle the growing clout of China, especially in the pacific:

EDITORIAL: End of the American superpower - Washington Times

I disagree, the age of hyperpowers are gone. Today no nation can claim to be a hyperpower. There might be different super powers though, but they would need strong and many a good allies to project their power worldwide.
I can say Pakistan is China's only ally in the world.
Spot on! But how is Pakistan important to China except using it as a proxy to protect its Southern underbelly and as 'strategic depth' against India?

Let's see what this so called 'higher than the mountains' friendship is all about.....

Sino-Pak trade - a paltry $11 billion even after decades of 'friendship'. (In contrast Sino Indian trade stands at $70 billion slated to reach $100 billion by 2015!)

China has consistently refused to bail out Pakistan which had to instead run to the Western dominated IMF for loans to tide over its precarious balance of payments situation!

China yet to release the promised $200 million for Pakistan's flood victims though several years have passed.

Lip service and nothing else during the 1965 and 1971 wars and Pakistan's Kargil fiasco.

Non interference and a neutral stance on Kashmir.

Beijing is not interested in replacing the US as financier or guarantor of Pakistan’s security. In fact, the threat of Uighur terrorism has become a stumbling block in the partnership. Despite Pakistan’s optimism, China is not going to prop up the regime if doing so comes at the cost of its own domestic stability in Xinjiang and beyond.

Chinese FDI in Pakistan between 2005 and 2011 totaled $1.83 billion, the bulk of which went to telecommunication projects. This is an insignificant sum when compared to the $250 billion that Beijing has invested worldwide since 2005.

With the new world order taking shape, China and India together are now part of the global value chains where a military conflict between the two is highly remote, thus further reducing Pakistan’s utility to the Chinese defence strategy vis a vis India.

Pakistan’s long-term relations with China, however, may need a serious rethink even at the official levels because other than the mutual distrust of India, not much is common between the Chinese and Pakistani peoples.

In the absence of a common language, music, or cuisine, it is hard to see why Pakistanis and Chinese would see each other as bosom buddies. There exists a formal relationship between the two States, which may not be confused with steadfast friendship between the two peoples.

As Ahmad Faraz once wrote: Not everyone who shakes your hand is a friend.
Give me a break ! Do you somehow believe that repeating and clinging on the same bull **** will somehow make it true ? :D Nothing that sort happened ...

Relax. It is not the end of the world...

Just because it was not in the mainstream media, does not mean there was no support from China. Why do you think you government cried about the development of the KKH? :) or about the presence of peaceful Chinese engineers from CNLC: China National Logging Corp in Kashmir?

China is committed to a long term engagement with Pakistan, which is different from the US intervention in Pakistan, comparing the two is like comparing apples to oranges.

If you would like a good overview of the Pak/China Relationship, you should read up on articles by Professor Zhou Rong, bureau chief of daily Juang Ming, Islamabad.

I agree you. China is clearly an ally of Pakistan and engages with it at multiple levels. All I saying is that China will always put its national and international interests above any romantic notion of friendship that many Pakistanis harbor.
Well they are the only ally we have left.

Pakistan has many allies but China is the only one with highest visibility in terms of investment in Pakistan. Unfortunately, the incompetence of our leaders have sent our allies on back foot so they aren't currently visible.

:pakistan: :china:
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