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Pakistan is a fake country,will re-unite with India -Says Justice Katju

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Different ethnicities identify themselves as people of Bharatavarsha/Bharat for thousands of years while the Pakistan was coined in 1930s. There is always a difference, one is a historical country, other was coined in 1930s and created on Muslim identity to unify people from East and West of the Indus and East Bengal under the Pakistani identity in 1947. ;)
So you are saying every one was Bharati before, then all of a sudden a lightening struck which yielded different ethnic identities in single night!! Lol nice one man....
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Arabs called themselves arabs for thousands of years and still do but have different countries

why should I care about Arabs when I am not an Arab.

So you are saying every one was Bharati before, then all of a sudden a lightening struck which yielded different ethnic identities in single night!! Lol nice one man....

they existed together among the people of Bharat. Why you getting surprised. Do you know British means English, Scots and Welsh.
why should I care about Arabs when I am not an Arab.

they existed together among the people of Bharat. Why you getting surprised. Do you know British means English, Scots and Welsh.
Ask Scottish people about how they feel when they are labeled british by others.
fine, you ask them.
If some empire from place which is now india, has ruled us for few years doesn't means we becomes baharatis. Just take a look at british ,Turks and Arabs which came here in this region and they ruled this region for long time so does that means we become british, arabians or Turks?
If some empire from place which is now india, has ruled us for few years doesn't means we becomes baharatis. Just take a look at british ,Turks and Arabs which came here in this region and they ruled this region for long time so does that means we become british, arabians or Turks?

Yes, we are not baharatis, I never heard of such term. We are people of Bharat from thousands of years.
Pakistanis should not worry, we common people of India will oppose any such reunification with tooth and nail. Take this Katju guy's statement with a pinch of salt, treat it as joke.
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Arabs called themselves arabs for thousands of years and still do but have different countries
And the area is called Indian sub-continent...so...It has an ocean called Indian Ocean..so..whats your point!...the Ocean close to Pakistan is called Arabian Sea....we have two seas(Indian and Bay of Bengal)..check the map...!
This region was hindustan/bharat/india and this region had different ethnicities if we are to believe your theory of this whole region being one country then why not make the whole of middle east aka arabia one country and europe another?

Vasco de Gama was actually looking for Pakistan when he bumped into India :lol:
I think you didnt get my point ie india is just a region or you can call it a continent (sub continent) just like arabia is a region so is india had the british not come there wouldnt have been no country called india

How are you so sure what would have been the fate of India had the British not come ? There wouldn't be a Pakistan in the first place and that is for sure had it not been for the British.
How are you so sure what would have been the fate of India had the British not come ? There wouldn't be a Pakistan in the first place and that is for sure had it not been for the British.
I agree no pakistan but at the same time no india as well rather a cluster of different states/nations
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