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Pakistan-Iran-Turkey confederation


Jul 31, 2009
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One of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto shaheed's unrealized dream was a confederation with Iran and Turkey. It got derailed both by the Shia-focussed Iranian Revolution and General Zia's Sunni-focussed Saudi fellowship.

However, such an alliance was, and remains, the key to Pakistan's geopolitical strength. Among the many benefits:
- neutralize Balochistan insurgency instantly.
- isolate Afghanistan, which will force them to abandon Indian tutelage and, eventually, join the confederation
- even the CAR's will want to come on board and join.
- such a huge market will be much more resistant, if not completely immune, to Western sanctions and blackmail.
- Pakistan, Iran and Turkey's technical knowledge, combined with Iran's oil, Kazakhstan's uranium, and the CAR's mineral wealth would make for an economic powerhouse.

The only tricky part will be controlling the Arabs' paranoia about Iran and Turkey. Zulfiqar Bhutto was a Clintonesque master at foreign relations. Do we have anyone who can even shine his shoes, let alone walk in them?
Bhutto was experience politician of international level but lacking in religious knowledge .Bhutto convinced Yahya khan not to invite Sk. Mujeeb who had majority seats ,so he has played role in breaking of Pakistan.

Iran present regime is main hardle in this confederation.

Better idea is restoration of khalafat in all muslim countries then only international comunity will listen our voice.
Bhutto convinced Yahya khan not to invite Sk. Mujeeb who had majority seats ,so he has played role in breaking of Pakistan.

Yes. Bhutto's role in East Pakistan/Bangladesh was unfortunate.

Iran present regime is main hardle in this confederation.

True. We need progress on both sides, and Iranian Ayatollah's are a problem.

Better idea is restoration of khalafat in all muslim countries then only international comunity will listen our voice.

Not going to happen.
The Arabs dictators will never give up their little oil empires.
Nice post Developereo..

The Iranian people and the Turkish people are amongst the most educated/moderate Muslim countries. Pakistan needs to align itself with these more than the lame Wahabi state Saudi Arabia. Infact I would even go far and include Lebanon in the list. If it wasn't for the Ayatollah Iran would have been a very very progressive country. Shariff Univeristy in Iran has some of the most brightest students who easily get into universities here sponsered by research professors. Having worked at the University's International student center you could clearly tell the difference between an Iranian and a Saudi Arabian. One comes on merit the other entirely financially sponsered by the government and doesn't even know how to use google.com
I would even go far and include Lebanon in the list.

Lebanon would be good, not least because it would bring in Arabs and remove any perception of an anti-Arab agenda.

Eventually, I would love to see India and Bangaldesh join the confederation. It would solve the Kashmir problem in a very nice way.
Better idea is restoration of khalafat in all muslim countries then only international comunity will listen our voice.

The only way the Arab countries would join the confederation is after they become democracies.

Ordinary Arab people would be in favor of Islamic unity, but the dictators will never give up their empires.
Better idea is restoration of khalafat in all muslim countries then only international comunity will listen our voice.

That is the main objective but we need a step by step approach a bit like what the EU with just a few nations coming together for economic reasons and later letting other nations join.......pakistan-iran-turkey have taken the first step by trying to get a rail route in place and then allah willing a motorway,once there are being used by the people then we can move on to maybe joining all the steel companies together to form a mega steel company or coal company whatever but something where all three govt have to work together which will lay the groundwork for a political union and then a milatry union.
Yeah mean like Baitullah Mehsud or Osama Bin Ladin?

These are great guns pointing towards the wrong direction and being operated by wrong men. These are extremely motivated and fear free fighters who can turn any army upside down. Assassinating them is not the solution. Council them, make contacts with them and convince them that Pakistan is "QiblatulSani" and not a Kafir State. Our Ulama can do so and we can call Immam-e-Kabbah for reconciliation. They are miss-guided followers but not followers of Kufr. If we can convince them,we can turn them towards our enemies in Afghanistan, in Palestine and elsewhere. Is that not an option?
It is not an option.Absolutely not.Had these munfiqs done anything like this in Khlifat time they would have been butchered.PS: Targetting Cvillians is not exactly anything to be proud off.They're cowards destroying reputation of Islam.
That is the main objective but we need a step by step approach a bit like what the EU with just a few nations coming together for economic reasons and later letting other nations join.......pakistan-iran-turkey have taken the first step by trying to get a rail route in place and then allah willing a motorway,once there are being used by the people then we can move on to maybe joining all the steel companies together to form a mega steel company or coal company whatever but something where all three govt have to work together which will lay the groundwork for a political union and then a milatry union.


The EU is a more appropriate model to follow than the US because we are talking about existing countries with different languages, histories and religious beliefs.

I would imagine something along the lines of
- significantly increased cultural exchanges and people-to-people contact
- free trade zone
- NATO-style military alliance
- border elimination
- full economic integration with joint currency
- political union (optional?)

I can see Iran going for it. With nuclear-armed Pakistan in a military alliance, Israel can abandon all thoughts of attacking Iranian nuclear sites.
@ Developereo

This confederation or alliance I also am in support of. In fact, I had espoused the very idea on several occasions.

Turkey-Iran-Pakistan alliance would suit all three of us perfectly. Though unfortunately with the despicable short-sighted turn coat pos disgraceful government we have this is unlikely for now, but a realistic possibility in the future as the Pakistani youth becomes more aware and politically active.

There is however, some tension between Turkey and Iran. The Turks are in disagreement with Iran's friendship with their enemy Armenia. Pakistan is a sunni nation and Iran a shia nation, though current Iranian administration does espouse Muslim unity and brotherhood which is good. Though I believe these differences could be resolved when all states form an alliance and reap the great benefits.

There should be military, technological, economic, educational, space, scientific, and other forms of cooperation between these respective Nations.

The three nations can establish a trilateral council that meets regularly and discusses challenges, issues, plans, and ideas each nation wishes to share and/or enact.

This alliance would become the power house of Asia in fact the Eastern World, and knowing China is a great ally of Pakistan they may also wish to apply for observer status and from time to time cooperate with the three nations.

Though one of these consequences (not necessarily bad) is SCO would loose it's influence and significance because now you would have a Muslim confederation that has become the beacon of power and a movement of reviving Muslim strength and superiority, this would be very inviting for Central Asian states. Instead of them being apart of the SCO which focuses mainly on the interest of China and Russia, the Central Asian Turkic states have a strong kinship and brother with Turkey so there is a great potential and cooperation...

Iran and Turkey can contribute a lot to the confederation, education, military, strategic route, technology, oil and more.

Pakistan's stability would increase, economic boost, scientific, education, travel, military, would all benefit. Pakistan could contribute greatly to the confederation, military cooperation, bring in China's support, large population, nuclear technology cooperation, intelligence sharing after all ISI is one of the best, and more.

Hopefully this great plan will be realized.
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ECO Rails: Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul train starts August 14th

Written by moinansari on Aug-4-09 11:15pm
From: rupeenews.com

The dormant ECO has come live with a train running from Islamabad to Istanbul via Zahidan and Tehran. The massive rail expansion program being carried on by the Pakistan Railways will ensure that trains run from Pakistan to Turkey to the West, and from Pakistan to the North in Tajikistan. Imagine hooking up to the Orient Express and then going to Europe–all on a luxury train.

The new Train plans include hooking up Gwader to Iran via Quetta and other routes. China is already planning a train route from X to Gwader which will run parallel to the Karakorum Highway.

Pakistan Railways linked to Trans Railway Network (TARN).Fibre-optic line, oil & gas pipeline rail track linking Karakorum Highway to Gwadar

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Railways would launch Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul international freight train service from August 14 – which shall reach its destination within 15 days.

Speaking to media here on Tuesday, Minister for Railways Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour said that Iran will provide transhipment facilities in Zahedan till a standard gauge line is laid between Zahedan and Mirjaveh. The Minister also told about the successful visit of China, said that with the cooperation of China government six projects would be launched soon for the development of the country.

Pakistan and China would construct these projects including, Hoshab to Rawalpindi, Karachi to Torkham, Torkham to Kabul and Tajikistan, Gawadar to Quetta, Quetta to Iran and Quetta to Peshawar. He said that six-member committee would look after the completion for these projects,three members from China and three from Pakistan, while China has finalized and Pakistan would soon finalize the names of three members.

He said out of total 6,506 kilometres Islamabad-Istanbul rail track, the train service would cover about 1,900 km of the distance in Pakistan, 2,570 km in Iran and 2,036 km in Turkey. The minister said the planned train service will be operated as pilot project of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in line with agreement signed by the three countries in March this year.

The service would be of great advantage to the business community of Pakistan,Turkey and Iran because earlier the containers used to be sent to Karachi by ship and after unloading them here used to be sent forward to respective destinations in the country either by road or rail and this was costing them quite high.

The mission of the Pakistan Railways is pretty lofty.

Pakistan Railway forms the life line of the country by catering to its needs for large scale movement of freight as well as passenger traffic. It not only contributes to its economic growth but also promotes national integration.

The PR is now taking orders for freight traffic to Istanbul

Freight Booking Begins

Meanwhile, a report from Lahore says that Pakistan Railways has started booking consignments for its international container train to be inaugurated on august 14 which would run from Islamabad to Turkey via Tehran. The train being run under Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO), will consist of 20 containers with the capacity around 750 tons.

Chief Marketing Manager Freight Pakistan Railways Imtiaz Hussain Rizvi talking to a local news agency here Tuesday said, “We have contacts with the traders and hopefully freight for the train would be secured by August 10.”

However, he said, in case cargo is not obtained as per full capacity of the container train till August 10, booking would continue upto August 14. He said, “We hope that traders from Lahore, Faisalabad and Islamabad would prefer to send their consignments by train as it would take 15 days to reach Turkey against Ship which takes about a month.”

Regarding tariff, he said, for the first train which is demonstrative one Pakistan Railways has accepted the same tariff which is being charged in Turkey and Iran. “However, after running the first train, we would review it,” he said. Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul freight train from August-14, ‘Pakistan Times’ Business & Commerce Desk

Pakistan Railways provides an important mode of Transportation in the farthest corners of the country and brings them closer for Business, sight seeing, pilgrimage and education. It has been a great integrating force and forms the life line of the country by catering to its needs for large scale movement of people and freight.

The possibility of Karachi as a sea port was first noticed in the mid of 19th century and Sir Henry Edward Frere who was appointed Commissioner of Sind after its annexation with Bombay in 1847 sought permission from Lord Dalhousie to begin survey of sea port. He also initiated the survey for Railway line in 1858 . It was proposed that a railway line from Karachi City to Kotri, steam navigation up the Indus /Chenab upto Multan and from there an other railway to Lahore and beyond be constructed.

It was on 13th May,1861 that first railway line was opened for public traffic between Karachi City and Kotri, the distance of 105 miles. The line between Karachi City and Keamari was opened on 16.6.1889.By 1897 the line from Keamari to Kotri was doubled.

The railway line from Peshawar to Karachi closely follows Alexander’s line of march through the Hindu Kush to the sea. Different sections on existing main line from Peshawar to Lahore and Multan and branch lines were constructed in the last quarter of 19th century and early years of 20th century.

The 4 sections i.e.Scinde railways, Indian Flotilla company Punjab railway and Delhi railways working in a single company were later on amalgamated into Scinde, Punjab & Delhi railways company and was purchased by the Secretary of State for India in 1885 and in January, 1886 it was named North Western State Railways which was later on renamed as North Western Railways.

At the time of partition, North Western Railway’s 1847 route mile was transferred to India leaving route miles 5048 to Pakistan. In 1954 The railway line was extended to Mardan and Charsada section and in 1956 Jacababad-Kashmore 2’-6’’ line was converted into broad gauge. Kot Adu-Kashmore line was constructed between 1969 to 1973 providing an alternate route from Karachi to up country.
ECO Rails: Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul train starts August 14th

When i look at the map, it clearly shows me. this is to link south asia (especially pakistan) to Europe. But major problem is would be the illegal migration from pakistan to iran, and iran to turkey and turkey to italy to reach europe. Which still interpol (& regional law makers) are not able to do it. Any ways, i am expecting more progress. in muslim countries to achieve some Islamic union like Europi Union.

Not going to happen.
The Arabs dictators will never give up their little oil empires.

1st thing 1st, we need to start with small khilafat territory even from pakistan, then others will join it automatically (could have separate government but one khalifah). when other countries would be shown their interests.

Like europe did, UK (which is now main centre of christians) was against it, but in the end UK also joined this union, for larger interests of the country. What i think US will never let us to do it..
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