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Pakistan-India nuclear exchange possible if Pakistan continues to back mili


Jan 10, 2011
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WASHINGTON: Observing that India and Pakistan have a complex history characterised by "animosity, mistrust, and conflict", a top Pentagon official has warned that there is a potential of a nuclear exchange between them if Islamabad ’continues to support militant groups’ against the neighbouring country.

"Support by elements of Pakistan’s military and intelligence services for violent extremist organisations targeting India has the potential to result in military confrontation that could rapidly escalate to a nuclear exchange," James Miller said in written answers submitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee during a confirmation hearing for the post of Undersecretary of Defence for Policy.

He noted that India and Pakistan have "a long and complex history characterised by animosity, mistrust, and conflict."

Current efforts at dialogue through a renewed comprehensive dialogue have yielded few concrete results on the core security issues, especially regarding the resolution of territorial disputes, Miller said.

However, the efforts have increased people-to-people exchanges and trade relations between the two nations, and have provided each side greater insight into the other’s positions, he said.

"Although progress is slow, the trajectory is positive and offers the promise of increased confidence-building measures," Miller said.

He said India’s actions in South and Central Asia generally align with US goals: increasing economic growth and political stability through strengthened democratic institutions, and developmental assistance to help prevent radicalisation.

Regional stability ultimately depends on cooperation among India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, he asserted.

"Transparency in the India-Afghanistan and Pakistan-Afghanistan bilateral relationships is critical to reduce misunderstanding and mistrust between India and Pakistan," he told the lawmakers.

"The ongoing transition of lead responsibility for security in Afghanistan to Afghan forces, and the strategic partnerships Afghanistan has been negotiating with the United States and other international partners are important steps toward demonstrating long-term commitment of the international community, addressing conditions that create uncertainty, and stabilising the region," Miller said.

ONLINE - International News Network
No chance of nuclear exchange!

JF-17 was a game changer!
Nukes are meant as a deterrent. Actually using them would require a great deal of pressure.

agreed nuclear weapons are no toys neither Pakistan or India would experiment with brinkmanship because the threat of mutually assured destruction is imminent

Einstein put it simply if WW3 is fought with nuclear weapons then WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
I won't be surprised if both india and pakistan forget to mention a few. :unsure:
yeah right as if the pu$$Y Muslim appeasing Khangress party would even try to do such a thing they only talk sht then let the topic die down however if we put someone like Subramian Swamy or Modi in power the terrorist training infrastructure across the border would become our new atomic test sites just my inferences on this matter.

Yea , Yea - old "we'll do this -we'll do that" bullshit , i can't imagine how can you bhartis get that much crap in your head at once.
Don't expect flowers from us in return.

Even bastards like Modi knows that we can turn India into a pile of rubbish within minutes , pet talk on PDF may seem easy - and thats what EXACTLY it will remain forever.
Yea , Yea - old "we'll do this -we'll do that" bullshit , i can't imagine how can you bhartis get that much crap in your head at once.
Don't expect flowers from us in return.

Even bastards like Modi knows that we can turn India into a pile of rubbish within minutes , pet talk on PDF may seem easy - and thats what EXACTLY it will remain forever.

"Bastards" like Modi can actually run a nation and militarily prevent a nation of islamists from attacking us and in case of nuclear war we would be devastated without a doubt but you guys in turn would be completely annihilated. we won't expect flowers from you but expect them from us for those terrorist vermin you sneak into our country you could pass them around for their Janazah.
"Bastards" like Modi can actually run a nation and militarily prevent a nation of islamists from attacking us and in case of nuclear war we would be devastated without a doubt but you guys in turn would be completely annihilated. we won't expect flowers from you but expect them from us for those terrorist vermin you sneak into our country you could pass them around for their Janazah.

Bastards like modi can fool , half baked idiots to vote for him for presenting his far right extremist views. I see Hindus look at him as a savior since he has thousands of Muslim dead bodies on his CV.
Be assured , Modi or ANY Indian leader don't have balls to attack Pakistan or ANYTHING inside our territory. It takes guts with none of you Billion people happen to have.

I would be still here and so would you and everyone else seeing this conversation on PDF would be. I will see when and how modi proves himself stupid enough to attack us. We are already out of our comfort zone , if India picks a fight it would have it.

The least known part is that the only beneficiary of such a fight would be the USA.
Bastards like modi can fool , half baked idiots to vote for him for presenting his far right extremist views. I see Hindus look at him as a savior since he has thousands of Muslim dead bodies on his CV.
Be assured , Modi or ANY Indian leader don't have balls to attack Pakistan or ANYTHING inside our territory. It takes guts with none of you Billion people happen to have.

I would be still here and so would you and everyone else seeing this conversation on PDF would be. I will see when and how modi proves himself stupid enough to attack us. We are already out of our comfort zone , if India picks a fight it would have it.

The least known part is that the only beneficiary of such a fight would be the USA.

Please address our leaders with respect. I know Pakistanis usually do not treat their own with respect but these are not Pkaistani leaders we are talking about here.

Also if I were you I would be more careful of inviting India to attack me.

Last time that happened you were left with half your country and about 100,000 POW's.

So if India decides to attack, be afraid, very afraid. :lol:

P.S. - We really aren't afraid of America, we never were their puppets unlike Pakistan.
Please address our leaders with respect. I know Pakistanis usually do not treat their own with respect but these are not Pkaistani leaders we are talking about here.

Respect is earned not given. And i hate modi with a passion , i would rather address my pet doggy with more respect .

Also if I were you I would be more careful of inviting India to attack me.

India is never invited , it attacks because of its sick racist , expansionist/hegemonic strategy.
Last time that happened you were left with half your country and about 100,000 POW's.

Don't give credit to yourself , Pakistan was NOT defeated because of cabbage eating Indians but by our own traitors. It was a blow back of our wrong policies towards E.Pakistan , it was not India that defeated Pakistan , we defeated ourselves.

Besides , we were GREATLY outgunned by the rebels and had no air cover. Today we are possessing a weapon which could effectively be THE END of India itself. So im sure clowns like modi will watch their step and overlook his shoulders all the time.

So if India decides to attack, be afraid, very afraid. :lol:

India CAN decide to attack , but Pakistan will DECIDE , how it ends.

P.S. - We really aren't afraid of America, we never were their puppets unlike Pakistan.

Such thoughts only come to one's mind when the mind is deliberately shut.
Respect is earned not given. And i hate modi with a passion , i would rather address my pet doggy with more respect .

No one is asking for your respect, it's just happens to be one of the forum rules.

I am pretty sure Modi doesnt need your respect, he's too important for that.

India is never invited , it attacks because of its sick racist , expansionist/hegemonic strategy.

Well India was invited by the Bangladeshis on whom genocide was being committed by the brave martial Pakistan Army. Unfortunately they turned out to be sheep when Indian Army showed up :lol:

Accusations on Indians being racist and then...

Don't give credit to yourself , Pakistan was NOT defeated because of cabbage eating Indians but by our own traitors. It was a blow back of our wrong policies towards E.Pakistan , it was not India that defeated Pakistan , we defeated ourselves.

Besides , we were GREATLY outgunned by the rebels and had no air cover. Today we are possessing a weapon which could effectively be THE END of India itself. So im sure clowns like modi will watch their step and overlook his shoulders all the time.

Maybe you need to re-read the definition of Racist here.

And no, please come out of your dreamland, if it comes to that, India has enough land mass to take all of Pakistan nuclear weapons and then some, doesn't hold true for Pakistan though.

India CAN decide to attack , but Pakistan will DECIDE , how it ends.

Never in any of Indo-Pak wars has Pakistan ended in a position of strength to decide the ending.

The prospects look even dimmer now. Pakistan just doesn't have enough strength to stand up to India, bitter, but the truth.

Such thoughts only come to one's mind when the mind is deliberately shut.

Are you sure my mind is the one shut here...do I really need to give those humiliating examples of Pakistans subservience to foreign powers?
Jingoism rots your brain aeronaut don't take it from us "cabbage" eating Indians take it from your own media you are quick to talk about nukes but realize that they are double edged swords you think that we will stand idly and let you nuke us? :rofl: in such a horrible scenario all of South Asia would become a nuclear cesspit your grandchildren and their grandchildren would sht and piss strontium-90 is that what you want?

Pakistan Won't Survive A Nuclear War With India - YouTube
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