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Pakistan, India amongst top 5 most dangerous countries for women.

DaRk WaVe

Aug 17, 2009
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Pakistan ranks 3rd on list of most dangerous countries for women – The Express Tribune

LONDON: Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan are the world’s most dangerous countries for women due to a barrage of threats ranging from violence and rape to dismal health care and “honour killings”, a Thomson Reuters Foundation expert poll showed on Wednesday.

India and Somalia ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, in the global perceptions survey by Trust Law, the Foundation’s legal news service.

Trust Law asked 213 gender experts from five continents to rank countries by overall perceptions of danger as well as by six risks: health threats, sexual violence, non-sexual violence, cultural or religious factors, lack of access to resources and trafficking.

Following are key facts on each of the five countries, ranked in order of danger.

1. Afghanistan

Beleaguered by insurgency, corruption and dire poverty, Afghanistan ranked as most dangerous to women overall and came out worst in three of the poll’s key risk categories: health,non-sexual violence and economic discrimination.

* Women in Afghanistan have a one in 11 chance of dying in childbirth.

* Some 87% of women are illiterate.

* 70-80% of girls and women face forced marriages.

2. Congo

Still reeling from a 1998-2003 war and accompanying humanitarian disaster that killed 5.4 million, Democratic Republic of Congo ranked second due mainly to staggering levels of sexual violence.

* About 1,150 women are raped every day, or some 420,000 ayear, according to a recent report in the American Journal ofPublic Health.

* The Congolese Women’s Campaign Against Sexual Violence puts the number of rapes at 40 women a day.

* 57 pct of pregnant women are anaemic.

3. Pakistan

Those polled cited cultural, tribal and religious practices harmful to women, including acid attacks, child and forced marriage and punishment or retribution by stoning or other physical abuse.

* More than 1,000 women and girls are victims of “honour killings” every year, according to Pakistan’s Human Rights Commission.

* 90% of women in Pakistan face domestic violence.

4. India

Female foeticide, child marriage and high levels of trafficking and domestic servitude make the world’s largest democracy the fourth most dangerous place for women, the poll showed.

* 100 million people, mostly women and girls, are involved in trafficking in one way or another, according to former Indian Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta.

* Up to 50 million girls are “missing” over the past century due to female infanticide and foeticide.

* 44.5% of girls are married before the age of 18.

5. Somalia

One of the poorest, most violent and lawless countries, Somalia ranked fifth due to a catalogue of dangers including high maternal mortality, rape, female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage.

* 95% of women face FGM, mostly between the ages of 4 and 11.

* Only 9% of women give birth at a health facility.

* Only 7.5% of parliament seats are held by women.
it must be made proportionate for comparison
Nothing surprising about this list :coffee:

All largely impoverish countries with strong backward tradition and old age culture believes.
These useless western trusts doesn't have anything to do other then these ask them to do survey in countries under communist or dictator like ruled countries like Myanmar, North Korea, iran, GCC countries, China... they will scare to death even in mentioning of these countries names. They will find it easy to do some factious survey in poor african countries and democratic countries and just create bad image.
Those western countries they simply close there eyes for human rights abuses, women abuses and violence and just do these surveys on african and asian countries.

Infact 99% of paedophiles are westerns why don't they do a survey on them ....and at the top is the blessed ones abusing children coming to pray ...
on the contrary, i think its just about right. Its sad to see India right behind Pakistan though...........but, i accept...it is the reality.

Have you seen the survey just check it out on Trust law website.. It is a useless survey any one with internet can do it .. no need for a physical survey staying on ground....any one can post and submit .....and you trust these western hypocrites...
I am not sure on the other aspects of on which women are put in harms way in India, but i am sure, killing girl baby in the fetous has increased manyfolds in India, you can see this in the change in the sex ratio.
Other problems like, sexual abuse, non sexual abuse, honor killing and child marriages have reduced drastically due to strict law. Honor killing has capital punishment in India.
PAKISTAN AND INDIA should introduce strict laws against torture on women. . Bangladesh got some benefit from it. .Such as death penalty for Acid throwing. It was so severe in BD , now it has become rare...
the urban pakistan is OK, but the rural pakistan is very bad

it is because prevailing jahalat, jahil traitions, like women should not be educated, the watta satta marriage, and shocking is, in rural pakistan, the men sleep day and night and its the women who fight for living, to feed the charsi husband and the 10-12 children, entire rural pakistan must be educated esp rural punjab and rural sindh
May be, we have to learn from the Honey Bee, The drone bee(male) is just used to mate and they do not do any good work, where as the Queen and Worker bee(female) are responsible for the well being of the honey hive.
Like the above, we should give lot of importance to girl child. we have to make them strong in their mindset to be rational, Years of restriction on women to the Kitchens have made them lose their rationality, This condition should be changed and we should work for it.
it's bad out there but definitely not 3rd, compared to other countries our women are much more safer and advanced. i mean even the u.s. hasn't had a women lead their country (as a president yet) and we had bhutto for 2 terms (unfortunately).

this poll is definitely biased, what happened to rwanda and all the other countries in africa that go far enough to practice forced female circumcision.
June 15, 2011

Female foeticide, infanticide and human trafficking make India the world's 4th most dangerous country for women, with Afghanistan's violence and poverty taking it to the top spot, followed by Congo due to horrific levels of rape, a Thomson Reuters Foundation expert poll said on Wednesday.

Pakistan and Somalia ranked third and fifth, respectively, in the global survey of perceptions of threats ranging from domestic abuse and economic discrimination to female foeticide, genital mutilation and acid attacks.

"Ongoing conflict, NATO airstrikes and cultural practices combined make Afghanistan a very dangerous place for women," said Antonella Notari, head of Women Change Makers, a group that supports women social entrepreneurs around the world. "In addition, women who do attempt to speak out or take on public roles that challenge ingrained gender stereotypes of what's acceptable for women to do or not, such as working as policewomen or news broadcasters, are often intimidated or killed."

The poll by TrustLaw (TrustLaw - A Thomson Reuters Foundation Service - TrustLaw), a legal news service run by Thomson Reuters Foundation, marked the launch of its new TrustLaw Women section, a global hub of news and information on women's legal rights. TrustLaw asked 213 gender experts from five continents to rank countries by overall perceptions of danger as well as by six risks.

The risks were health threats, sexual violence, non-sexual violence, cultural or religious factors, lack of access to resources and trafficking.

Some experts said the poll showed that subtle dangers such as discrimination that don't grab headlines are sometimes just as significant risks for women as bombs, bullets, stonings and systematic rape in conflict zones. "I think you have to look at all the dangers to women, all the risks women and girls face," said Elisabeth Roesch, who works on gender-based violence for the International Rescue Committee in Washington.

"If a woman can't access healthcare because her healthcare isn't prioritised, that can be a very dangerous situation as well."

Litany of perils

Afghanistan emerged as the most dangerous country for women overall and worst in three of the six risk categories: health, non-sexual violence and lack of access to economic resources. Respondents cited sky-high maternal mortality rates, limited access to doctors and a near total lack of economic rights.

Afghan women have a one in 11 chance of dying in childbirth, according to UNICEF.

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), still reeling from a 1998-2003 war and accompanying humanitarian disaster that killed 5.4 million people, came second mainly due to staggering levels of sexual violence in the lawless east. More than 400,000 women are raped in the country each year, according to a recent study by US researchers.

The United Nations has called Congo the rape capital of the world. "Statistics from DRC are very revealing on this: ongoing war, use of rape as a weapon, recruitment of females as soldiers who are also used as sex slaves," said Clementina Cantoni, a Pakistan-based aid worker with ECHO, the European Commission's humanitarian aid department.

"The fact that the government is corrupt and that female rights are very low on the agenda means that there is little or no recourse to justice." Rights activists say militia groups and soldiers target all ages, including girls as young as three and elderly women. They are gang-raped, raped with bayonets and have guns shot into their vaginas.

Pakistan ranked third largely on the basis of cultural, tribal and religious practices harmful to women. These include acid attacks, child and forced marriage and punishment or retribution by stoning or other physical abuse. "Pakistan has some of the highest rates of dowry murder, so-called honour killings and early marriage," said Divya Bajpai, reproductive health advisor at the International HIV/AIDS Alliance.

Some 1,000 women and girls die in honour killings annually, according to Pakistan's Human Rights Commission.


India ranked fourth primarily due to female foeticide, infanticide and human trafficking. In 2009, India's then home secretary Madhukar Gupta estimated that 100 million people, mostly women and girls, were involved in trafficking in India that year.

"The practice is common but lucrative so it goes untouched by government and police," said Cristi Hegranes, founder of the Global Press institute, which trains women in developing countries to be journalists.

India's Central Bureau of Investigation estimated that in 2009 about 90% of trafficking took place within the country and that there were some 3 million prostitutes, of which about 40% were children.

In addition to sex slavery, other forms of trafficking include forced labour and forced marriage, according to a US State Department report on trafficking in 2010. The report also found slow progress in criminal prosecutions of traffickers.

Up to 50 million girls are thought to be "missing" over the past century due to female infanticide and foeticide, the UN Population Fund says. Some experts said the world's largest democracy was relatively forthcoming about describing its problems, possibly casting it in a darker light than if other countries were equally transparent about trafficking.

Somalia ranked fifth due to a catalogue of dangers including high maternal mortality, rape and female genital mutilation, along with limited access to education, healthcare and economic resources.

"I'm completely surprised because I thought Somalia would be first on the list, not fifth," Somali women's minister Maryan Qasim told TrustLaw. "The most dangerous thing a woman in Somalia can do is to become pregnant. When a woman becomes pregnant her life is 50-50 because there is no antenatal care at all. There are no hospitals, no healthcare, no nothing."

"Add to that the rape cases that happen on a daily basis, the female genital mutilation that is being done to every single girl in Somalia. Add to that the famine and the drought. Add to that the fighting (which means) you can die any minute, any day."

Poll respondents included aid professionals, academics, health workers, policymakers, journalists and development specialists.

India 4th most dangerous country in the world for women - Hindustan Times
Female foeticide in india ?
what about figures of unmarried-abortions in westen countries , doesn't that a foeticide as well but it only reffered as abortion ?
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