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Pakistan indecisive on attending democracy summit


Mar 16, 2012
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Pakistani decision-makers are holding extensive consultations on whether to attend the virtual summit on democracy convened by US President Joe Biden this week, as certain issues are making it difficult for Islamabad to make the final call.

Official sources, however, said the decision would be announced soon. The Foreign Office is tight-lipped over the subject, while diplomatic sources have told The Express Tribune that the White House is still waiting for Pakistan’s official response to the invitation.

Biden is hosting the virtual summit on democracy on December 9 and 10 and has invited leaders from over 100 countries that also include Pakistan. From South Asia, only four countries have been invited – India, Pakistan, Nepal and Maldives.

The White House did not send invitations to China and Russia but extended the invitation to Taiwan, something that drew a strong reaction from Beijing.

The exclusion of China from the summit is believed to be one of the reasons delaying Pakistan’s decision, sources familiar with the development said.

However, the sources added, China did not object to Pakistan’s participation in the virtual summit. “There are certain issues that the government of Pakistan is currently looking at,” said a senior official, explaining the reason behind the delay in announcing the decision.

The official did not drop any hint whether Pakistan would attend the summit or not.

It is stated that the White House asked invitees to confirm their participation or otherwise by last weekend. Pakistan was supposed to announce the decision last week but delayed it to give more time for in-house consultations.

Till Monday, according to diplomatic sources, Pakistan had not officially responded to the White House.

The proposals on the table include the level of participation at the democracy summit. Should the prime minister or a minister attend the summit is the question being debated by the decision-makers. This stems from the fact that President Biden has not yet spoken to the prime minister.

The relationship between Pakistan and the US is strained by differences over the Afghan situation. Some of the statements given by the prime minister after the Afghan Taliban takeover were not liked by the White House.

Pakistan is worried that the US, as happened in the past, may abandon the region. Despite its repeated calls for expanding cooperation with the US beyond security and Afghanistan, the US has not yet responded positively to Pakistan’s overtures.

Nevertheless, Islamabad is keen to maintain broad-based ties with Washington and is also trying to dispel the impression that it is completely joining the Chinese camp. It is, therefore, keen to attend the summit.

Another reason that is delaying the final call on the US invitation is reports that the US treasury will impose sanctions against people undermining democracy. Sanctions will also be imposed on those involved in serious human rights violations and corruption.

But a diplomatic source made it clear that non-participation in the summit does not mean that country would be facing any sanctions.

Pakistan shouldn't attend, but as always indecisive and confused.
That is because all your bureaucrats their kids are studying abroad, including judges and the uniformed personnel too\, After retirement that is that is their next destination, Hence, the indecisiveness in making the decision.
Hell our Ex Pm ( kaqan chhor abbasi ) gladly pulled down his pants for security check up in USA, In Pakistan they wall like their Gods but puling their pants down in front of Airport security is acceptable to them
That is because all your bureaucrats their kids are studying abroad, including judges and the uniformed personnel too\, After retirement that is that is their next destination, Hence, the indecisiveness in making the decision.
Hell our Ex Pm ( kaqan chhor abbasi ) gladly pulled down his pants for security check up in USA, In Pakistan they wall like their Gods but puling their pants down in front of Airport security is acceptable to them

Agreed. Imran Khan and PTI are also dithering. Unable to make tough decisions. It will cost them, but it will cost Pakistan an arm and a leg.
Nevertheless, Islamabad is keen to maintain broad-based ties with Washington and is also trying to dispel the impression that it is completely joining the Chinese camp. It is, therefore, keen to attend the summit.

Pakistan should attend for the sake of its own interests. Pakistan needs to maintain a decent relationship with the US to safe guard those interests as best as possible. Not attending could convey the wrong impression. Not making a statement afterwards is also a prudent strategy, just attending as a fellow democracy.

BTW, Isn’t this a virtual summit?
This is simple decision. Pakistan should attend. May participate at ministerial level.
You dont show red cloth to a super power.
Pakistan should attend. Not to make US happy but it would be bad for us if we stay in one camp.
If China has no serious reservations on Pakistan's participation, then Pakistan shall attend. We are under extremely restrained circumstances.
Pakistan should attend. Not to make US happy but it would be bad for us if we stay in one camp.

Pakistan has only one camp. After US defeat in Afghanistan this should be very clear by now.
If China has no serious reservations on Pakistan's participation, then Pakistan shall attend. We are under extremely restrained circumstances.

As if the US is going to ease these conditions. The US is the imposer of these conditions.

What is the Goal of the meeting ?
What benefit it serves Pakistan

It is a farce. The Americans are trying to remain relevant. By excluding China and Russia the Americans are making an obvious statement.
Attend, don't try to make a statement, nobody has your back.

As if anyone will have our back after attending this BS summit.
Its a virtual conference. Any minister can attend if not the PM himself.
Pakistan should attend for the sake of its own interests. Pakistan needs to maintain a decent relationship with the US to safe guard those interests as best as possible. Not attending could convey the wrong impression. Not making a statement afterwards is also a prudent strategy, just attending as a fellow democracy.

BTW, Isn’t this a virtual summit?

Let's not fool ourselves. This is mostly a political stunt by Biden. The US is bitterly divided on Pakistan and Western media is raising questions on Pakistani invitation. Pakistan should know its place. In the post Afghan world Pakistan has to make tough decisions or live like an IMF recipient for an eternity. Pakistan is not India. Pakistan doesn't have the luxury of appeasing all sides. Pakistan must choose one side and remain fully committed to that cause. Choosing both sides won't work because the Americans won't accept that. The fact is that Pakistan has already chosen a side. Pakistan's reluctance to participate speaks volume.
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