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Pakistan Inadvertantly Admits That Its First Strike Capability Is Neutered:--

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Welcome to the forum----it gets exciting at times----but if it was not---who would want to visit the place.

The security of your nukes depends on your conventional strength---. The more conventional strength you have---the more your nuc threat will go into the background---jut like israel---.

The world did not care about your nucs---till you morons started threatening to use them every other day---okay---. Now that you have gotten the attention of all the world focused on you---you guys are getting deeper into the muck.

You guys think that nucs are like toys and you can lob one here and lob one over there and then everything else would be hunky dory---it don't work that way.

And why don't your politicians want to tell you that---because they will be exposed when you would ask them where are the funds to buy the conventional weapons.

Thanks for welcoming me on the forum AND many thanks for calling me a moron in the same post. This is called a warm welcome I suppose.

Pakistan is working on conventional theater as well. The only area where Pakistan is lagging behind is Navy. However, Gawadar port project with China has ensured Chinese naval presence that is really worrisome for India.

I agree with you on the point that we should not create a hype, but this is the fact that these statements have kept away India from attacking Pakistan in the past. You can read scores of books on this subject where moments of breaking an Indo-Pak were discussed in detail and why Indians refrained from attacking us.

India is spending a hell lot of money on buying advanced air defense systems because of us having nuke capable missiles and reassuring them openly that we will not hesitate to use them in case the war prolongs and we are unable to protect our citizens, women and children, from Indian Army's war crimes. Pakistan is working on neutralizing this threat of Indians being capable of neutralizing our missile capabilities. To burst your conspiracy theory, Pakistan is very near in achieving (or have already achieved) multi warhead capable ballistic missiles and this will be disclosed once India signs a multi bullion dollar deal of acquiring advanced air defense system (such as S-400).

So man, just chill. Don't spread negativity. Pakistan Army knows what are the current deficiencies and working on it under whatever the economic capacity we have. Period.

I never had issue with that---sometimes the hemmorhoids hurt real bad---but in the last few days---they have been doing wonderful as well---.

There is a better cure for your cousin---ask him to eat a 4 or 5 dried anjeer / figs daily----make the system do wonderful things.

I never said about pakistani officials quoting about indian ABM's---I am saying that---and I am also saying that the U S will interfere as much as it can to take them out for both the sides that are within the range of its aegis frigate close to the coastline.
Sir again i beg my difference with you, US will never think about committing suicide this way, whenever Pakistan or India go nuclear they will for sure on suicidal mission Na rahy gha bans na bajhi ghi bansury with that type of attitude specially if they tries to take out our missile then few will be sent to Israel and US basis in M.E.
More likely scenario will be like that even they worked on it to take Pakistani Nukes within Pakistan to disable them or at least tries to pressure Pakistan to put switches and codes will be shared with US.
They will never think of committing suicide for India, If they succeeded to take out Pakistani missile, who will stop India to nukes us ?
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You are so blind in your conviction---Allah has left you---there is no God in pakistan anymore---. You really think that Allah would bless such a criminal and pervert society that pakistan is---where the most heinious crimes are committed under the name and umbrella of the religion Islam.
Sir that's your problem.
I have gone through some of your threads and noticed this.
You have developed an element of hatred for Pakistan and Pakistanis because you think the nation and the people and the army have failed and betrayed you.
So now you've resorted to attacking and mudslinging.Deep inside you wish that everything turns good.But untill that happens,you will attack and distance yourself from the green blood and you'll always try hard to not expect anything out of this mess we call Pakistan.
But there are other people on this forum who still want to hold on to optimism.I know this nation is full of double standards,corruption,Riba/interest is consumed here,immorality has prevailed here,injustice and exploitation is thriving etc etc.
That's why I said,this thing we call a country will keep on running as long as Allah wills and as long as He decides not to punish us.I am in no delusion.
:azn:Using anti-air missiles of various ranges, it may still be possible to intercept supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles (although intercepting land-attack missiles remains a Herculean task). France, for instance, has been able to intercept supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles using its Principal Anti-Air Missile System. For it to replicate the feat, India would need an effective command, control, communication, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance system. Even with that, intercepting hypersonic cruise missiles would very likely remain unrealistic. Moreover, missiles with low radar signatures make the job of any air or missile defense system that much more difficult. Any surface-to-air missiles used would need to be highly sophisticated, with high-power large aperture radars, although even that might not be enough to intercept incoming threats. India could hope to defeat air-launched cruise missiles by destroying the aircraft that carry them. However, both Pakistan and China are developing stealth technology that could make it difficult for India to locate and destroy the aircraft before they fire.:coffee:
Deterrence by punishment is a useful option when defense in general may not be sufficiently robust to counter the threat, and nuclear-capable cruise missiles would be as effective in that respect as nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. Indeed, the moment a missile becomes nuclear capable, it has value as deterrence.
In fact, next-generation cruise missiles for India and for other countries are likely not only to be faster, but will also be able to carry non-nuclear warheads that are equally cataclysmic, like directed energy weapons, such as electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons that could disable command, control and communication systems. A high-speed, sophisticated cruise missile carrying such a deadly warhead would surely give an adversary pause.:drag::dirol:

Cruise missile defense[edit]
See also: Advanced Air Defence (AAD)
Defending against an attack by a cruise missile on the other hand is similar to tackling low-flying manned aircraft and hence most methods of aircraft defence can be used for a cruise missile defence system.[2]

In order to ward off the threats of nuke-tipped cruise missile attack India has a new missile defence programme which will be focused solely on intercepting cruise missiles. The technological breakthrough has been created with an Advanced Air Defence missile (AAD).[25] DRDO Chief, Dr V K Saraswat stated in an Interview "Our studies have indicated that this [AAD] will be able to handle a cruise missile intercept,"[25]

Furthermore, India is acquiring airborne radars like AWACS to ensure detection of cruise missiles in order to stay on top of the threat.[25]

Barak-8 is a long-range anti-air and anti-missile naval defence system being developed jointly by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India. The Indian Army is considering induction of a variant of Barak 8 missile to meet its requirement for a medium-rangesurface-to-air air defence missile. The naval version of this missile will have the capability to intercept incoming enemy cruise missiles and combat jets targeting its warships at sea.[26] India has a joint venture for this missile with Israel.[27]

On 17 November 2010, in an interview Rafael's Vice President Mr. Lova Drori confirmed that the David's Sling system has been offered to the Indian Armed Forces.[28]

In Oct 2015 it was reported that India's Defense Acquisition Council would acquire 12 Units of S-400 for its defense needs. This deal was to be confirmed before Indian Prime Minister Mr. Modi's scheduled visit to Russia in the last week of December 2015. On 17 December 2015 it was confirmed that the order will be for 5 Units rather than 12 units as originally envisaged. The deal is worth $6 Billion (400 Billion Rupees at the current exchange Rate. The reduction in numbers of S-400 is considered to be adequate for India's defensive needs.[107]
India can also go for this !!!

OK, OP and a few Pakistani members on this thread, you destroy say Mumbai and Delhi. But would you live to see (if you are inside Pakistan) what happened to Pakistan?

BTW, why always thinking of destruction? Can't you think anything constructive? Is Complete destruction of Pakistan is worth of Kashmir/annihilating Hindus?


Conventional means---any strikes on mumbai will have the foreigners ruuning out of the country along with all their money----the deeper and lower pakistan could reach south india---more foreign capital will escape the country.

The destruction of mumbai was just a term---just a couple of strikes on day one and the air port would be full of outgoing passengers along with their cash and belongings if they can carry them.

That is why yemen was very important for pakistan---bases in yemen and the job would have been much much easier.

If the capital and foreigners leave india one time---they are not coming back for a long time.
Anything Pakistani will be shoot down by the amrikans - anything indian well at least some of it will hit Pakistan - that sums up the OP -

So if Pakistan want to survive first thing it has to do is destroy an aegis class US cruiser - who the hell is she shooting down all Pakistani missiles and missing indian ones- Problem Solved -
Interecepting a ballistic missile re entry vehicle travelling at mac 15-20 and able to make changes in tragectory of re entry is pretty much impossible .... no body so far has even borthered tho try it
what if some special ops team cut the tether cable first? -

and why do you think tere won't be someone to safegard it !!!:o::undecided::hitwall:


Operators launch the aerostat from a large circular launch pad containing a mooring fixed or mobile system. The mooring systems contain a large winch with 25,000 feet (7,600 m) of tether cable. Operational availability is generally limited only by the weather (60 percent standard) and routine maintenance downtime. The aerostats are stable in winds below 65 knots (120 km/h). Aerostat and equipment availability averages more than 98 percent system-wide.

For security and safety reasons, air space around Air Force aerostat sites is restricted for a radius of at least two to three statute miles and an altitude up to 15,000 feet (4,600 m).
Thanks for welcoming me on the forum AND many thanks for calling me a moron in the same post. This is called a warm welcome I suppose.

Pakistan is working on conventional theater as well. The only area where Pakistan is lagging behind is Navy. However, Gawadar port project with China has ensured Chinese naval presence that is really worrisome for India.

I agree with you on the point that we should not create a hype, but this is the fact that these statements have kept away India from attacking Pakistan in the past. You can read scores of books on this subject where moments of breaking an Indo-Pak were discussed in detail and why Indians refrained from attacking us.

India is spending a hell lot of money on buying advanced air defense systems because of us having nuke capable missiles and reassuring them openly that we will not hesitate to use them in case the war prolongs and we are unable to protect our citizens, women and children, from Indian Army's war crimes. Pakistan is working on neutralizing this threat of Indians being capable of neutralizing our missile capabilities. To burst your conspiracy theory, Pakistan is very near in achieving (or have already achieved) multi warhead capable ballistic missiles and this will be disclosed once India signs a multi bullion dollar deal of acquiring advanced air defense system (such as S-400).

So man, just chill. Don't spread negativity. Pakistan Army knows what are the current deficiencies and working on it under whatever the economic capacity we have. Period.


Since 2001---pak army generals have made very bad decisions---that even a novice general should not make.

You are not getting it---and I understand it very well---. When it is hammered into the pakistanis every other day that our nucs are protecting us---it takes a great amount of courage and will power to listen to some other narrative that goes totally against your belief.

I am not a miracle worker---I cannot get it out your head what has been hammered in for the last 30 years----but for some of you with intellect and integrity and understanding and knowledge about military will know and understand what I am saying.

And others will find it hard to swallow what I am saying---because it is very difficult to admit that the idols that you worshipped are not real gods.

Having multiple warheads is fine---but the problem is with your conventional forces---.

I will guarantee you with my life that when the time comes---pakistan may not push the button to launch---because you guys are making too much money----you people are much richer now than 15 years ago---you have luxuries in life that you never imagined---mad men play nuc games---you are not mad men anymore---.

So---when the war happens---you will be thrashed because you did not get the right weapons in a timely manner---the older guard kept getting rich at your expense and stole the money for the weapons and kept you happy by saying---we will break their jaw---we will break their face----what kind of talk is that from adult nations----.

You people need to do some soul searching and find new strategies----. You kids arguing with me is useless----you are not here to convince me otherwise----you are just trying to convince yourself of your follies.

I have already told you guys what your failures are and what the remedy is---you kids can fight with me as much as you want to---it is not going to change my stand---I have done a lots of research on this issue---from now to a thousand of years back regarding war history.

You kids should know that your conventional strength increase is more worrisome to your enemy than your nucs---and you kids have an example in front of your faces----.

Before 2005---whe you weere ready to get the 72 F16----the enemy was talking to you---almost made peace---it was so far ahead that the paf chief analyzed that there would be no conflict with india and it is a waste of money to buy potent fighter for pakistan---that is what the delay was in placing the order in 2003-04.

And when you lost the money for the 72 fighter aircraft in 2005---the indian tune changed right in front of your faces and you kids are arguing with me.

and why do you think tere won't be someone to safegard it !!!:o::undecided::hitwall:

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Operators launch the aerostat from a large circular launch pad containing a mooring fixed or mobile system. The mooring systems contain a large winch with 25,000 feet (7,600 m) of tether cable. Operational availability is generally limited only by the weather (60 percent standard) and routine maintenance downtime. The aerostats are stable in winds below 65 knots (120 km/h). Aerostat and equipment availability averages more than 98 percent system-wide.

For security and safety reasons, air space around Air Force aerostat sites is restricted for a radius of at least two to three statute miles and an altitude up to 15,000 feet (4,600 m).

I said special ops team - so the safeguard was assumed -
Anything Pakistani will be shoot down by the amrikans - anything indian well at least some of it will hit Pakistan - that sums up the OP -

So if Pakistan want to survive first thing it has to do is destroy an aegis class US cruiser - who the hell is she shooting down all Pakistani missiles and missing indian ones- Problem Solved -

It would be because of the geography and not intentional----difficult to catch a missile in a chase---it could be a Ticonderoga class---.
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