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Pakistan Inadvertantly Admits That Its First Strike Capability Is Neutered:--

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@MastanKhan you are really turning the tables now and writing against pakistan all the time ... i wonder if some one would praise you for your efforts ... Pakistan has lost first strike capability ......... i think the thread maker has lost it ... and i smell the language to be that of indian Your propaganda wont succeed as you mentioned you are old so take some break ..
1. Missiles will start flying from day one. Armed with conventional warheads. There are thousands of them. Not all can be tipped with nukes. India will not do anything until a nuke is launched and is either intercepted midway or explodes.

Are you mad, do you know the cost of the Ballastic Missile, and its maintainance. Just one question, how many TEL, does Pakistan imported from N. Korea, and China.

What really is world opinion? There is no such thing is world opinion. It is western opinion termed as world opinion. Does China care about western (or so termed world's) opinion? Look at South China Sea and you will see when it comes to its interests, China doesn't give a damn what West thinks. Strong Pakistan is in China's interest. China will protect its interest.

I always like Pakistan attitute first it is a strategic partner of USA, and the active partner in the US war against terrorism. Pakistan abuse US that it want to destroy Pakistan, but want USA to supply US weapons and AID.
Exactly @MastanKhan did raised few valid points, but don't understand why he is been attacked by his follow country men like this. Mastan Khan always came up with different views and I like his idea of thinking from different angle.
As far as Indian ABM is concerned, its not the matter of its percentage of effectiveness or whether it is been deployed or not, but India do have an active ABM program, and lot of stress of Indian GOI in it will force Pakistan to increase its Ballastic missile capabilities like multi target, multi warhead capable ballastic missile, which will force pakistan to invest more on this. This will put more strain on pakistani economy, in short India will use its economy to put pressure on Pakistan to increase its defence budget and increase the cost of its nuclear sabre ratting.

Mastan bhai one question for you on the theory of the Saudi F-15 and Mirrage 2005, how did you know that Pakistani involvement in Yemen crisis with its 50K troups, will make Saudi send its F-15 and Mirrage on Pakistani soil and even if they are been send can they be used against Indians and on what basis does all this theroy is based-- please clearify this.

To attack Maharastra, Pakistan needs fighter plane that could drop bombs but before that that which can breech SAM, IAF, and INaF cover. And for that range, the fighter plane with 2 drop tanks, how much load could they carry and high probability of high ettiration loss, the cost of one bomb drop will be so high, which I fear is not feasible for PAF. Surface fleet have to face powerful Indian Navy, which will leave Karachi vulnerable, and with Submarine which looks like most effective and appropriate tool with its cruise missiles, could be easily neutralized with ASR capability, which India is increasing. Could you please explain how you are planning to attack such long distance along the sea.


The goal for yemen intervention would be to build up a force of around 150 K troops for the gulf countries---split between emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, saudia etc.

But to start with---you will have to release at least 50 K soldiers from existing strength----that creates an imbalance of power for pakistan.

So---to balance that out---pakistan would seek from saudi arabia and emirates a certain number of aircraft for a certain time period.

This deployment would be based on long term goals---there would be heavy recruitment for the troops in the meantime---the retirement age for the senior officers would be extended as that of the NCO's etc.

So---there would be a hole to fill in pakistan for the 50 K troops that left for the gulf----and plus there would be a need to recruit another 100 K troops for the gulf.

So---till the time that there is a troop build up or pakistan can get fronline strike aircraft from that fund---the aircraft would stay in pakistan to give it some strength.

A 150 K troops deployment in the gul would create an additional jobs of around a 100 K civilians in the gulf---plus around 1 /2 a million plus jobs in pakistan as well.

Pakistanis need to learn that it is not a mercenary army---. We want to create an alliance similar to Nato---.

Wars made the U S rich---it created an industrial base that has been churning put machines for decades now with no end in sight.

The purpose and the ultimate goal of this plan is to ask for peace from a position of strength and for pakistan to understand its position in the nations close to it.
Indian ABM system is an altitude based ABM system ( like US THAAD) while S-400 is primarily designed to counter many threats like Aster-30 which includes Fighters, Cruise missiles and short range BMs at greater distance but not like THAAD or AAD/PDV(India) who are designed to shoot down BMs at altitude of their terminal phase. So S-400 India is buying is not for ABM purpose but rather other purposes.

Sir what all U have said would surely hold its ground but when i go through the S-400 specifications and what all it offers then i had to agree that S-400 is all in one solution to every issue. The Prithvi provides exoatmosphermic defense while the AAD is optimized for endoatmospheric performance. So if we compare it with S-400 then it serves the both quite well but yes if U are aiming at some anti satellite program then its another story. In short S-400 claims that it can intercept as small an object as a football and as big an object as a ballistic missile and can track 36 targets simultaneously (all in safe zone). Well again its your country and U can get what U want. Like for us subsonic Babur is quite enough but for India Brahmos and Nirbhay both are required.
How about some Innovation

Take 20 of these


Add a little Twist


Instant Joy

Bhai Jaan yeh truck/TEL kahan ka hai N.Korea/China
With a rightly equipped pakistani conventional military force---indian army does not stand a chance. There are ways to equip your military right----but you kids are so moronic in your thinking that your brains stop to work if a different approach is suggested.

Wow! That's rich!

The goal for yemen intervention would be to build up a force of around 150 K troops for the gulf countries---split between emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, saudia etc.

But to start with---you will have to release at least 50 K soldiers from existing strength----that creates an imbalance of power for pakistan.

So---to balance that out---pakistan would seek from saudi arabia and emirates a certain number of aircraft for a certain time period.

This deployment would be based on long term goals---there would be heavy recruitment for the troops in the meantime---the retirement age for the senior officers would be extended as that of the NCO's etc.

So---there would be a hole to fill in pakistan for the 50 K troops that left for the gulf----and plus there would be a need to recruit another 100 K troops for the gulf.

So---till the time that there is a troop build up or pakistan can get fronline strike aircraft from that fund---the aircraft would stay in pakistan to give it some strength.

A 150 K troops deployment in the gul would create an additional jobs of around a 100 K civilians in the gulf---plus around 1 /2 a million plus jobs in pakistan as well.

Pakistanis need to learn that it is not a mercenary army---. We want to create an alliance similar to Nato---.

Wars made the U S rich---it created an industrial base that has been churning put machines for decades now with no end in sight.

The purpose and the ultimate goal of this plan is to ask for peace from a position of strength and for pakistan to understand its position in the nations close to it.

Mastan Bhai why you didn't answer the core question-- When did you make such plan/deal with the Saudi Shekh on this strategy, and can you confirm they are ready on that.
It takes a convoluted mind to think of attacking civilian cities - once any city is attacked causing considerable civilian casualties then it's fully downhill from then on..

The whole world will sympathise with the attacked and nothing (even the whole UN) can stop the hit side from bombing the **** out of its adversary...All options open and all guns blazing. ..nukes be damned.

Fantasising of killing civilians is all great and hunky dory...provided if the consequences of it wouldn't be so bizarre.

I am sure PA generals aren't as stupid.


Civilians are not targetted----all major cities have installations of tactical importance---those would be targetted---the foreign citizens and foreign businesses would be running out on their own.
Are you mad

We, Pakistanis are famous for doing unpredictable things, you know!

Just one question, how many TEL, does Pakistan imported from N. Korea, and China.

Not sure if we imported anything. But they do work for sure and will hurt the receiving side, wherever they were built.

I always like Pakistan attitute first it is a strategic partner of USA, and the active partner in the US war against terrorism. Pakistan abuse US that it want to destroy Pakistan, but want USA to supply US weapons and AID.

Wicked evil people, aren't we?
this way we cant even fire a Babur cruise missile?- because it can carry a nuclear warhead-

In case of babur/Krosun KH-55 cruise missile, which adopt a low profile, and is very stealty almost 1.5msquare of RCS, and very low heat signature, it is difficult to locate its launch or early detection like Ballastic missile, which follow high altitute from the long range Ground survellance radar, Aerial AEW EC, Survellance Satellite, but its not impossible to detect those -- Aerostat Radars, Ground 3D Radar, AEW EC etc, and it will took just the Jaguar with its guns to bring it down because it is subsonic flying missile. However I don't think Subsonic Cruise missile like Babur is a good medium for the deployment and making the nuclear strike, due to the fact that they have the tendency to deviate from the path. As far as the Babur is concerned it will depend on the flight profile of the missile, e.g if the babur or Raad is fired to the Delhi, and its path is detected, then will be the decision of the strategic command, to guess whether its a tactical attack or the strategic nuclear attack, and the response for that.

Same is the problem with the NASR-- You people keep sabre ratting of the tactical Nuke with the NASR, but actually it will only lower the nuclear threshold-- and that's why NASR never been inducted yet. Same with the case of the Indian Shaurya Missile, which will remain as the Technology Demonstrator, because of its tragectory which is not like the ballastic missile will lower the Indian nuclear threshold, and the enemy could take the brahmos tactical attack as the Shaurya nuclear attack, and could false trigger the nuclear attack.
Sir what all U have said would surely hold its ground but when i go through the S-400 specifications and what all it offers then i had to agree that S-400 is all in one solution to every issue. The Prithvi provides exoatmosphermic defense while the AAD is optimized for endoatmospheric performance. So if we compare it with S-400 then it serves the both quite well but yes if U are aiming at some anti satellite program then its another story. In short S-400 claims that it can intercept as small an object as a football and as big an object as a ballistic missile and can track 36 targets simultaneously (all in safe zone). Well again its your country and U can get what U want. Like for us subsonic Babur is quite enough but for India Brahmos and Nirbhay both are required.
Yes Its like Batsmen vs All-rounder. While Indian ABM system in two phases are designed to deal with purely BMs( upto 5000 km), S-400 gives an all round security which Indian ABM system lacks and above all provide a 400 km radius security to Cruise missiles, fighters, UAVs etc with limited ABM capability too.
Mastan Bhai why you didn't answer the core question-- When did you make such plan/deal with the Saudi Shekh on this strategy, and can you confirm they are ready on that.


They came asking last year---they asked again. Then they were mad at us and told us that we knew that their ground forces were not that good and the failures that they had and same with the air force strike capabilities---even though they have very advanced machines---.

Same thing with emirates----they got upset openly---.

The problem with the saudis and the emiratis is that they do not have anyone on the pakistani talk shows to counter for them---tell their side of the story---make up a plan like I have done---put it on a large board show it to the public and sell the public on the idea----.

This idea needed salesmanship---basically the saudis and emiratis needed a car salesman for this job who is well versed in weapons systems and tactical issues to appeal to the public---.

It is all about marketing and the GCC failed badly---twice---.

And the worst thing that the pakistanis did was say a direct NO----. Sales 101---you never say no---you just put an impossible number on the table and let the other party say no.

A random number---just like 25 billion dollars to start and 10 billion dollars a year.

Pakistani military already knows what the expenses would be---who better than them---.

If the GCC said no---well at least you offered the services---but if they had said yes---pakistan's economic vows had been resolved---.

There is no VISION at the general command----Indira Gandhi was right when she stated----something like---they don't have ballz---go ahead and attack---don't worry---pakistani generals will no do anything---.

I wrote to the ISPR and told them the generals were Khassi---they will hang me when I go to pakistan the next time.

And you know what---when you talk to them---all pakistanis claim to be the sons and daughters of Mohammad Bin Qasim and Babur and Ghauri---and Ghaznavi and Tariq Bin Ziyyad---and this cowardice in yemen shows who they really are----at least not from the warrior blood that they claimed to own.

@MastanKhan you are really turning the tables now and writing against pakistan all the time ... i wonder if some one would praise you for your efforts ... Pakistan has lost first strike capability ......... i think the thread maker has lost it ... and i smell the language to be that of indian Your propaganda wont succeed as you mentioned you are old so take some break ..


My child---it is so sad to see such shallow thinking from the children of my motherland that they cannot differentiate between a friend and a foe---.

They came asking last year---they asked again. Then they were mad at us and told us that we knew that their ground forces were not that good and the failures that they had and same with the air force strike capabilities---even though they have very advanced machines---.

Same thing with emirates----they got upset openly---.

The problem with the saudis and the emiratis is that they do not have anyone on the pakistani talk shows to counter for them---tell their side of the story---make up a plan like I have done---put it on a large board show it to the public and sell the public on the idea----.

This idea needed salesmanship---basically the saudis and emiratis needed a car salesman for this job who is well versed in weapons systems and tactical issues to appeal to the public---.

It is all about marketing and the GCC failed badly---twice---.

And the worst thing that the pakistanis did was say a direct NO----. Sales 101---you never say no---you just put an impossible number on the table and let the other party say no.

A random number---just like 25 billion dollars to start and 10 billion dollars a year.

Pakistani military already knows what the expenses would be---who better than them---.

If the GCC said no---well at least you offered the services---but if they had said yes---pakistan's economic vows had been resolved---.

There is no VISION at the general command----Indira Gandhi was right when she stated----something like---they don't have ballz---go ahead and attack---don't worry---pakistani generals will no do anything---.

I wrote to the ISPR and told them the generals were Khassi---they will hang me when I go to pakistan the next time.

And you know what---when you talk to them---all pakistanis claim to be the sons and daughters of Mohammad Bin Qasim and Babur and Ghauri---and Ghaznavi and Tariq Bin Ziyyad---and this cowardice in yemen shows who they really are----at least not from the warrior blood that they claimed to own.

Mastan Khan Deploying the troops in the foreign land and to fight the other war is not a sane idea.
When making such strategic move, each and every options and its implication have to be judged and weigh.

1. What is the immediate threat to the Pakistan from India ?
2. What would Pakistan Gain by doing such adventurous mission ?
3. Why thinking that Saudi is pakistan brothers and yemen/iran are enemy state ? In reality each country should only think of its own citizen first, and others later.
4. Focus should be on the economical progress, not the NATO or any Arab alliance, because Saudi's have lot of money, they can bomb the yemen from the Air, but they don't have the guts to go on the ground to face, them because they think that their life are superior, so like it or not they want a mercenary force.
We, Pakistanis are famous for doing unpredictable things, you know!

Not sure if we imported anything. But they do work for sure and will hurt the receiving side, wherever they were built.

Wicked evil people, aren't we?
basically the saudis and emiratis needed a car salesman for this job who is well versed in weapons systems and tactical issues to appeal to the public---.

Now that's just mean self promotion, sir jee!
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