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Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom

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I had told you guys last month around this time---on my visit to pakistan---the generals had admitted that they had made a ' mistake ' in understanding the issue two years ago---.

That they were in error in not leading the strike force---" bauhut ghalti ho gai---sahnun samajh nahin aiyee "---if I could repeat the words---.

And that is pak military for you---a day late and a dollar short---in making the right tactical call.

That deal could have resulted in a 15---30 billion dollars check a year to take the lead---. This deal---would be like " peanuts " compared to that.

Plus a massive loss of jobs in the GCC and a massive loss of foreign exchange---.

100 Littar wi khayai---tay 100 ganday wi khayai---that is my pak army general command---.
Don't we say: It is never too late..
Don't we say: It is never too late..


Not in WAR---. Napoleone lost because his flank delayed the order to move just by 1 minute---.

Read up history of wars---and you will find 100's of examples where slow progress resulted in total decimation of that force and possibly of that nation as well---.

The term ' never too late " is for our daily life issues "---where the results may not have the Finality of death written over it in case of failure---.
well everyone can interpreter Hadith according to their liking.

"O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Shaam. O Allaah bestow your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Messenger of Allaah, and our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "There (in Najd) will occur earthquakes, trials and tribulations, and from there appears the Horn of Satan."

This should be taken in it own context in time and space:

During the Islamic Prophet Muhammad's era, Muhammad carried out military expeditions in the area. The first was the Nejd Caravan Raid against the Quraysh, which took place in 624. The Meccans led by Safwan ibn Umayyah, who lived on trade, left in summer for Syria for their seasonal trade business. After Muhammad received intelligence about the Caravan's route, Muhammad ordered Zayd ibn Haritha to go after the Caravan, and they successfully raided it and captured 100,000 dirhams worth of booty.

The Invasion of Nejd, happened in Rabi‘ Ath-Thani or Jumada Al-Ula, 4 A.H i.e. in October, 625 AD.

Muhammad led his fighters to Nejd to scare off some tribes he believed had suspicious intentions. Some scholars say the Expedition of Dhat al-Riqa took place in Nejd as part of this invasion.

The most authentic opinion according to "Saifur Rahman al Mubararakpuri", however, is that Dhat Ar-Riqa‘ campaign took place after the fall of Khaibar (and not as part of the Invasion of Nejd). This is supported by the fact that Abu Hurairah and Abu Musa Al-Ash‘ari witnessed the battle. Abu Hurairah embraced Islam only some days before Khaibar, and Abu Musa Al-Ash‘ari came back from Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and joined Muhammad at Khaibar. The rules relating to the prayer of fear which Muhammad observed at Dhat Ar-Riqa‘ campaign, were revealed at the Asfan Invasion and this scholars say, took place after Al-Khandaq (the Battle of the Trench).

The Expedition of Qatan also took place in Nejd. Banu Asad ibn Khuzaymah tribe (not to be confused with the Banu Asad tribe), were the residents of Katan, in the vicinity of Fayd, was a powerful tribe connected with the Quraysh. They resided near the hill of Katan in Nejd. Muhammad, received intelligence reports that they were planning a raid on Medina. So he dispatched a force of 150 men under the leadership of Abu Salama `Abd Allah ibn `Abd al-Asad to make a sudden attack on this tribe.
So let's stay on topic..


Not in WAR---. Napoleone lost because his flank delayed the order to move just by 1 minute---.

Read up history of wars---and you will find 100's of examples where slow progress resulted in total decimation of that force and possibly of that nation as well---.

The term ' never too late " is for our daily life issues "---where the results may not have the Finality of death written over it in case of failure---.
That is true in case of ongoing war but there is no war going on in Saudi Arabia per se..And sending Pakistani troops to Yemen was a big no..
This move can be seen as a deterrent for Houthis not to attack KSA which is a red line for Pakistan and many other Muslim countries..
By the way 3 Pakistani sailors were killed by Houthis when a commercial ship was hit near South Yemen..

LOL....Jana he tha to mana q kia tha.....And what did they get in return now ?100 payaz and 100 joto wali misssal yad arae..They should have negotiated a better deal earlier..
Who knows?
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News source is unreliable.
Let's see however, last time, it was a political pressure that I wouldn't name it here that made us say NO to GCC. Hoping for the best out of it and how about Raheel Sharif (Coalition Force) meeting Gen. Bajwa (Pakistan Army)... 8-)

Indeed, for the peace in region and for Pakistan.
This should be taken in it own context in time and space:

During the Islamic Prophet Muhammad's era, Muhammad carried out military expeditions in the area. The first was the Nejd Caravan Raid against the Quraysh, which took place in 624. The Meccans led by Safwan ibn Umayyah, who lived on trade, left in summer for Syria for their seasonal trade business. After Muhammad received intelligence about the Caravan's route, Muhammad ordered Zayd ibn Haritha to go after the Caravan, and they successfully raided it and captured 100,000 dirhams worth of booty.

The Invasion of Nejd, happened in Rabi‘ Ath-Thani or Jumada Al-Ula, 4 A.H i.e. in October, 625 AD.

Muhammad led his fighters to Nejd to scare off some tribes he believed had suspicious intentions. Some scholars say the Expedition of Dhat al-Riqa took place in Nejd as part of this invasion.

The most authentic opinion according to "Saifur Rahman al Mubararakpuri", however, is that Dhat Ar-Riqa‘ campaign took place after the fall of Khaibar (and not as part of the Invasion of Nejd). This is supported by the fact that Abu Hurairah and Abu Musa Al-Ash‘ari witnessed the battle. Abu Hurairah embraced Islam only some days before Khaibar, and Abu Musa Al-Ash‘ari came back from Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and joined Muhammad at Khaibar. The rules relating to the prayer of fear which Muhammad observed at Dhat Ar-Riqa‘ campaign, were revealed at the Asfan Invasion and this scholars say, took place after Al-Khandaq (the Battle of the Trench).

The Expedition of Qatan also took place in Nejd. Banu Asad ibn Khuzaymah tribe (not to be confused with the Banu Asad tribe), were the residents of Katan, in the vicinity of Fayd, was a powerful tribe connected with the Quraysh. They resided near the hill of Katan in Nejd. Muhammad, received intelligence reports that they were planning a raid on Medina. So he dispatched a force of 150 men under the leadership of Abu Salama `Abd Allah ibn `Abd al-Asad to make a sudden attack on this tribe.
So let's stay on topic..

as i said you can interpret as you like. end of off topic. :-)

I had told you guys last month around this time---on my visit to pakistan---the generals had admitted that they had made a ' mistake ' in understanding the issue two years ago---.

That they were in error in not leading the strike force---" bauhut ghalti ho gai---samajh nahin aiyee "---if I could repeat the words---.

And that is pak military for you---a day late and a dollar short---in making the right tactical call.

That deal could have resulted in a 15---30 billion dollars check a year to take the lead---. This deal---would be like " peanuts " compared to that.

Plus a massive loss of jobs in the GCC and a massive loss of foreign exchange---.

100 Littar wi khayai---tay 100 ganday wi khayai---that is my pak army general command---.
I hope they cashier the general you spoke to. In 2015, we literally did not have the troops to spare. Especially not for what the Saudis were asking ("please fight and win our war for us"). In Spring 2015 Zarb-e-Azb was in full swing as was Khaybar-I & later II . Every combat brigade was committed to the ops; they were using Air Defense units in the Infantry Role. They had basically told the guys on the Eastern Border that if India invaded, they were to use nukes on the first say

Now the heavy troops commitments are over and troops available to us. Moreover, the Saudi effort has gone to hell in a handbasket; they have come cap in hand to us to pull their fat out of the fire.
ME is of strategic interest to Pak State.

The peace and stability there has direct bearing on Pak Affairs...not angling the religious factor here.

Pak is South West Asian Regional Power...armed to teeth. It is about time that Pak State actively fosters the ME Security Architecture wherein Pak plays a central role.

Even Pak's own national security is tied there.

If ture, this news, then a wise move.

Now it would require the combined efforst of Gen. Rtd. Sharif and current bossman Bajwa... to work as tag team and keep these secterian from each other's throats.

Tall order, but together these two can pull it off.

I guess there is going to be a lot of air travel from Pak High Command and Pak Political Class in the coming time.

Act wisely but move when you must.

All the very best to Pak Armed Forces in SA!
This is either a cunning step from the Saudis to post Pakistanis in front of the Houthis (put them under pressure in the name of protecting Islam) and then take Yemen down from behind, or a genuine step towards peace.

I very much doubt the latter, because Americans and Saudis want Houthis gone at any cost. That's what the events so far point to. Absolutely no respect for human life.

Iran will call the bluff. In my opinion, Pak Army will be called back soon. It's too hot.
Or they'll be asked to move away from the border to safety, still "protecting Islamic sites".
Unless they really do want escalation.
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A dangerous move to risk ones own soldiers for others war.

Please keep your Baniya logic to yourself.

"We are doing it for Muslim Brother Countries" "Do you even understand what it means?
There is no one "others"
Please keep your Baniya logic to yourself.

"We are doing it for Muslim Brother Countries" "Do you even understand what it means?
There is no one "others"

I feel that the Yemeni borders are in need of much help. A strong Pak Army presence there might even end the war.
Muslim lives saved.
Purely economic decision, after reduction in US money.
The question is what will be its impact,
1. Pakistan becomes a strongest country in the region militarily, by earning money and new weapons for usage of its armed forces.
2. Or Pakistan gets involved too deeply and a situation develops like Iraq, Syria or afghanistan in the game of powers for the control of Pakistani Armed forces.
Why don't NS get green cards for all Pakistani expatriates living in the Kingdom in return of our Army's service?

We expatriates have to pay around $2,000.00 per year for residence permit renewal and from the mid of this year we have to pay an additional $400.00 per dependant under a single expatriate as tax for residence permit renewal.

On top of that we have to pay an extra $60.00 per person for exit re-entry visa just to leave the kingdom and come back later?!
Why don't NS get green cards for all Pakistani expatriates living in the Kingdom in return of our Army's service?

We expatriates have to pay around $2,000.00 per year for residence permit renewal and from the mid of this year we have to pay an additional $400.00 per dependant under a single expatriate as tax for residence permit renewal.

On top of that we have to pay an extra $60.00 per person for exit re-entry visa just to leave the kingdom and come back later?!
LOL are you serious in demands..:cheesy:...You are expat like all others expat ...so no differnece
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