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Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom

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Always nice to collaborate for regional peace efforts and minimize war by strong presence in GCC.

Great gesture between two brotherly nations

Source of this news is unreliable
Pakistani soldiers were already present in the area, but surprised to see they sent a whole Brigade. This may have to do with Raheel Sharif's new position and maybe our current Army Chief's policies. It's about time we reconnect with our Middle-Eastern alliances, it's also good that we will play an exclusively defensive role.
This has nothing to do with anyone but Pakistan and Peace. There is no Raheel or Bajwa. It is a collective decision. In the past week there were many diplomatic meetings by Pakistani officials and GCC. At the same time between Pakistan and Iran. This move will pave path to peace.

bro news is good, but the source is questionable. I'm not seeing it from major news sources, unless they confirm it can't say much about the troops mission. Pakistan Army will never refuse protection of Hejaz Holy sites to saudis.
Pakistani Naval Ships at Irani port Pakistani Troops at Saudi border. Hello India welcome to the check mate in Diplomacy. Isolation lol. Jissay RAB Rakhay Usay Khon Chakey.

Once again... Boasting at the very first step. Now that you have entered this Shia/Sunni quagmire, let us see how it goes. I bet the result will not be good.
Why now , what has changed suddenly ? Is it because Raheel Sharif has been made CnC or that are plaaning for new push for regional security alliance
Once again... Boasting at the very first step. Now that you have entered this Shia/Sunni quagmire, let us see how it goes. I bet the result will not be good.

dont worry about us. care about yourself.. there is no shia sunni quagmire angle to begin with. just fallacy..

Pakistan is not going to war nor going to attack Yemenies, Pakistani brigade will only guard Saudi eastern border. inside Saudi arabia.
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