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Pakistan high commission seeks more security from India after threats

Umair Nawaz

Sep 10, 2012
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Pakistan high commission seeks more security from India after threats
By Web Desk
Published: May 7, 2014
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NEW DELHI: The Pakistan high commission in India has received threats in the form of letters according to official sources. Concerned about potential attacks, the commission brought up the issue with the ministry of external affairs (MEA), reported Times of India on Tuesday .

Pakistan has requested for an increase in security from Indian authorities and has said that it is New Delhi’s responsibility to guarantee security to diplomats and other staff.

They have also demanded that the threatening letters be investigated and that the culprits be identified.

“We provide maximum possible security to all missions and same is the case with Pakistan,” said an Indian government source.

He said the request put forth by the Pakistan high commission has been passed on to the security agencies which have been “sensitised about the threat mails.”

Times of India pointed out that this issue has arisen at a time when Pakistan has “become a part of the campaign rhetoric of both the BJP and Congress.”

Recently, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Khan had said that if Modi became prime minister it would “destabilise regional peace” — a statement that was slammed by both BJP and the Congress.

Nisar had made this statement after Modi said he would bring Dawood Ibrahim back to India.

According to The Express Tribune, the interior minister had said, “Such a statement by a likely prime minister of India is provocative, condemnable and touches the heights of animosity towards Pakistan.”

Two of Modi’s aides had said that if the Hindu nationalist is to become prime minister, India would get tougher in its old rivalry with Pakistan.

Rajiv Dogra, a former Indian ambassador to Pakistan, also has said that he expects a more forceful policy under a BJP government, both because of domestic pressure and an uncertain regional environment as the United States pulls out troops from Afghanistan.

The report is from may 7 and as of 14 may 2014 nothing has happened nor was letter investigated by their intelligence agencies and who would they they have written themselves.

@Zarvan @Talon @Armstrong @F.O.X @Oscar @Aeronaut It seems the letter was written by their intel services themselves.

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The report is from may 7 and as of 14 may 2014 nothing has happened nor was letter investigated by their intelligence agencies and who would they they have written themselves.
@Zarvan @Talon @Armstrong @F.O.X @Oscar @Aeronaut It seems the letter was written by their intel services themselves.

And how exactly did you reach those startling conclusions genius ? Did some sparrow crap that information on your head or did you have a divine vision telling you so ? :D
And how exactly did you reach those startling conclusions genius ? Did some sparrow crap that information on your head or did you have a divine vision telling you so ? :D
why hasnt matter investigated and security provided? However it is true that RAW does such type of low standard tactics to increase fear. The best example is of only 25-30% T72 tanks of yr armored corps having night fighting capabilities in hopes of extracting money. Which was not true in reality.
why hasnt matter investigated and security provided? However it is true that RAW does such type of low standard tactics to increase fear. The best example is of only 25-30% T72 tanks of yr armored corps having night fighting capabilities in hopes of extracting money. Which was not true in reality.

RAW doesn't have the authority to operate within the borders of India and hence wouldn't investigate the matter. This issue is most probably being investigated by the IB. Their investigations will be conducted silently and professionally. The issue of the T72 tanks has nothing to do with the issue of Pakistani diplomats being threatened
RAW doesn't have the authority to operate within the borders of India and hence wouldn't investigate the matter. This issue is most probably being investigated by the IB. Their investigations will be conducted silently and professionally. The issue of the T72 tanks has nothing to do with the issue of Pakistani diplomats being threatened
just trying to make a point here abt the low standard tactics of fear yr intel services do. As for investigation, absolutely nothing has happened nor is the security provided as of may 14.
why hasnt matter investigated and security provided? However it is true that RAW does such type of low standard tactics to increase fear. The best example is of only 25-30% T72 tanks of yr armored corps having night fighting capabilities in hopes of extracting money. Which was not true in reality.

Proof is an alien concept to Pakistanis. Polio is western conspiracy. TTP is Indian conspiracy. Bad Taliban is Afghan conspiracy. Now, some news and you have to use conspiracy theories.

As for providing security, you think, they will disclose online or to public sources what is being done? How do you know matter was not investigated? Have you asked for information from the IPS or MEA? Else, this is just slander and chidya talk.

What does T-72 have to do with this thread? @Oscar @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz trying to de-rail thread with this comment.
Proof is an alien concept to Pakistanis. Polio is western conspiracy. TTP is Indian conspiracy. Bad Taliban is Afghan conspiracy. Now, some news and you have to use conspiracy theories.

As for providing security, you think, they will disclose online or to public sources what is being done? How do you know matter was not investigated? Have you asked for information from the IPS or MEA? Else, this is just slander and chidya talk.

What does T-72 have to do with this thread? @Oscar @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz trying to de-rail thread with this comment.
this is my own thread dumbo.
why hasnt matter investigated and security provided? However it is true that RAW does such type of low standard tactics to increase fear. The best example is of only 25-30% T72 tanks of yr armored corps having night fighting capabilities in hopes of extracting money. Which was not true in reality.

Can you elaborate on this part in bold above.
one of the articles in yr media the journalist was quoting yr senior defence official saying this........@windjammer can help sharing the article or details.

What relevance does T 72 tanks have with security of Pak diplomats ?

In any case investigations if any made on a complaint need not be made public.

Chanakyapuri in New Delhi is the safest place - at par with the South Block .
What relevance does T 72 tanks have with security of Pak diplomats ?

In any case investigations if any made on a complaint need not be made public.

Chanakyapuri in New Delhi is the safest place - at par with the South Block .
i was making a point that they resort to such low standard tactics to increase fear and uncertainty. when was asked how i concluded it was to be done by yr intel services.
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