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Pakistan Has Settled All Scores With India

In my opinion we are yet to settle our scores. I would be happy when Kashmir becomes Pakistan, Khalistan our protectorate, Seven Sister States Independent, West Bengal and parts of Assam merging with BD(East Pakistan), AP and the other Nothern States going to China, Nepal taking Gorkhaland and parts of Uttrakhand, Tamils seeking Independence, Naxals getting their share and finally some autonomous pockets of Muslim States in India under our banner.
A country with no resources in 1947 sustained this long is a miracle. India for long believed that Pakistan is a failed state and will collapse sooner rather than later. Havnt heard them saying that in last 2 decades, perhaps after the nuclear deterrence majority of Indians have accepted the reality. Now they want to keep Pakistan under Indian hegemony. India can only bully Pakistan, a country seven times smaller in population.
Bangladesh was in an even worse situation on its independence. It was referred to as a basket case by the world. It was not been wooed by the so-called world powers for any great game, so did not receive the kind of huge aid packages which Pakistan gets. Still it did so well and hence surpassed Pakistan. Its future is not uncertain. It does not need a miracle to survive now unlike Pakistan.
The only reason and difference was that it decided early on to steer clear of conflicts. Any disputes it had with India or Myanmar, it settled peacefully through negotiations and arbitrations, rather than military fights.

Pakistan placed too much currency on false pride and this has been and will be its downfall.
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In my opinion we are yet to settle our scores. I would be happy when Kashmir becomes Pakistan, Khalistan our protectorate, Seven Sister States Independent, West Bengal and parts of Assam merging with BD(East Pakistan), AP and the other Nothern States going to China, Nepal taking Gorkhaland and parts of Uttrakhand, Tamils seeking Independence, Naxals getting their share and finally some autonomous pockets of Muslim States in India under our banner.
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Only this much? :lol:
Here is an Indian view, since you made the effort to ask for it.

a) India lost the war with China because Indian leadership (at that time) was naive and unprepared for a military confrontation with China. Given that India does not have the same attitude with respect to China, would the result be any different if India were to fight China today? Personally, I think it would be a miracle if India manages to hold its ground against China in an all out war. China is many times more powerful than India now than it was in 1962.
An all-out war between India and China today will only result in a nuclear armaggadon for both countries and infact entire planet. In a limited war, outside of border areas, it will be difficult to sustain the attack and it is easy to dug in for defence. At best, India will lose few square miles of territory. But the damage to trade relations will be immense (China will lose more on that since it exports so much to India). Also, world over countries would become wary of China and will start to pull out of BRI deals.
For foreseeable future, China will only threaten or at best indulge in small skirmishes rather than risk actual war.
Bangladesh was in an even worse situation on its independence. It was referred to as a basket case by the world. It was not been wooed by the so-called world powers for any great game, so did not receive the kind of huge aid packages which Pakistan gets. Still it did so well and hence surpassed Pakistan. Its future is not uncertain. It does not need a miracle to survive now unlike Pakistan.
The only reason and difference was that it decided early on to steer clear of conflicts. Any disputes it had with India or Myanmar, it settled peacefully through negotiations and arbitrations, rather than military fights.

Pakistan placed too much currency on false pride and this has been and will be its downfall.
for how long would you say that
isn't 70-80 years more than enough to make you realize this crap is just crap

all of these fools are dumb as rock, one after another
Looking at the chronology of events you have mentioned and their outcome, I am wondering that if you won every time then what was there to 'settle' the next time? Moreover, since you are the successor state to the Mughal + Turkoman + Persian + Mongol + Afghan + Arab empire, how does dismembering your own empire in 1947 constitute a victory? Sounds more like an abdication.
In my opinion we are yet to settle our scores. I would be happy when Kashmir becomes Pakistan, Khalistan our protectorate, Seven Sister States Independent, West Bengal and parts of Assam merging with BD(East Pakistan), AP and the other Nothern States going to China, Nepal taking Gorkhaland and parts of Uttrakhand, Tamils seeking Independence, Naxals getting their share and finally some autonomous pockets of Muslim States in India under our banner.
And how do you plan to go about achieving this aim?
By providing support to sessionists and rebels in these regions? These days these activities are shunned by most of the countries and in fact called support to terrorism.

Pakistan needs to focus on its own development. This wouldn’t come by wasting its time and money on dismembering neighbouring countries.

Moreover, don’t cry conspiracy if FATF blacklist graces your name. Because the activities you have listed fall precisely in its ambit.
In true honesty the Brits gifted you far more than you deserved, need to take back what belongs to others and us.
With that mindset south asia will go to neither of us. Probably to the birds and fish after nuclear winter.
Pakistan has settled all of its scores with India - Refute me if but the below are facts.


In the first 1947/48 war Pakistan captured over 86,268 sq Km of territory - this is an area larger than the European country of Austria.

Whilst India will argue it controls the Kashmir Valley and the more fertile area, the fact remains that Pakistan's gains in that war gave it a border with China and denied India a border with Afghanistan, not just that the enduring benefit that this territory is providing Pakistan and China in terms of CPEC, not to mention it gained K2 and the majority of the 8000m peaks in the world, therefore the more strategic part of Kashmir was gained by Pakistan.

India failed to use its numerical superiority to win after crossing the international boundary - It was a stalemate but ofcourse given the David and Goliath nature of the battle fighting India to a stalement and denying it victory is a huge achievement. India has failed in every single war to capture Lahore which given it is barely 17 KM from the international border shows the utter failure of Indian forces, I am sure they would like to have captured Lahore to use it as a bargaining power given it is the second largest city of Pakistan.

We lost this war - But we forget that we played a role in the partition of India and divided them first in 1947. The land of Pakistan was carved out of the womb of mother India with the British being an eager midwife. So if any Indian likes to remind us of the 1971 war - we must ofcourse remind them of the partition of 1947.

Infact, the Indian Army, Navy, Airforce itself was partitioned, so if they say 90000 POW, We must remind them of the 140,000 men of the India army that went to Pakistan as a result of the partition of India without a shot fired. Indian army has failed since 1947 to undo its own partition and the partition of its motherland.

India captured some part of the Siachen glacier - but we also control an area of the glacier, More Indians have died on the glazier and will continue to die due to harsh weather, not to mention the cost involved for them to maintain forces, so it has and will continue to be a thorn on the side of Indians.

We settled all nuclear tests in 1998 - One for Smiling Bhudda in 1974 and five for Pokharan - These were the actual words use by Nawaz Sharif in May 1998.

Status Quo Ante Bellum - We did not loose any territory, better we ingress into Indian held areas than wait until they ingress into ours, our nuclear deterrent held.

Standoff - Pakistan nuclear deterrent held, more Indian soldiers died in the mobilisation

A total failure and miss by IAF - They did not need to wait long the response at Rajauri, lost a Mig 21, MI-17, 6 IAF and 1 civillian, and 1 POW.

So, We should be proud of our performance given that India is much larger, we have bloodied them repeatedly and continue to be a massive thorn.

Pakistan has since its inception punched well above its weight - India, USSR, USA etc.

But I ask any Indian reading this, Why is it the only time India fought a country of equal size namely China in 1962 it lost?

What you said is pretty much true but what they teach in Indian schools is quite the opposite.. Thats why they live in denial...
for how long would you say that
isn't 70-80 years more than enough to make you realize this crap is just crap

all of these fools are dumb as rock, one after another
Pakistan is barely surviving. It goes to IMF with begging bowl in hand every few years. It runs to Saudi, UAE, China etc for emergency loans. Is it called surviving with dignity?

india was managed to captured 70℅ of j& k after late join to war... Once, it migrated.

From where you get this figure ? LOL India occupying just 49/50% of IOK, rest 37-38% Pakistan and the remaining 13-14% by China. kis dunya may rahtay ho bhi

India controls 101,338 km2 (39,127 sq mi) of the disputed territory,
Pakistan controls 85,846 km2 (33,145 sq mi),
and the People's Republic of China controls the remaining 37,555 km2 (14,500 sq mi)

kabhe zindage may Kashmir ka naksha dekha hey? kabhe gye ho wahan ? LOL ** jo Indian Govt, books aur bollywood batata hey uspe he chalangay maartay rahtay ho

Pakistan has settled all of its scores with India - Refute me if but the below are facts.


In the first 1947/48 war Pakistan captured over 86,268 sq Km of territory - this is an area larger than the European country of Austria.

Whilst India will argue it controls the Kashmir Valley and the more fertile area, the fact remains that Pakistan's gains in that war gave it a border with China and denied India a border with Afghanistan, not just that the enduring benefit that this territory is providing Pakistan and China in terms of CPEC, not to mention it gained K2 and the majority of the 8000m peaks in the world, therefore the more strategic part of Kashmir was gained by Pakistan.

India failed to use its numerical superiority to win after crossing the international boundary - It was a stalemate but ofcourse given the David and Goliath nature of the battle fighting India to a stalement and denying it victory is a huge achievement. India has failed in every single war to capture Lahore which given it is barely 17 KM from the international border shows the utter failure of Indian forces, I am sure they would like to have captured Lahore to use it as a bargaining power given it is the second largest city of Pakistan.

We lost this war - But we forget that we played a role in the partition of India and divided them first in 1947. The land of Pakistan was carved out of the womb of mother India with the British being an eager midwife. So if any Indian likes to remind us of the 1971 war - we must ofcourse remind them of the partition of 1947.

Infact, the Indian Army, Navy, Airforce itself was partitioned, so if they say 90000 POW, We must remind them of the 140,000 men of the India army that went to Pakistan as a result of the partition of India without a shot fired. Indian army has failed since 1947 to undo its own partition and the partition of its motherland.

India captured some part of the Siachen glacier - but we also control an area of the glacier, More Indians have died on the glazier and will continue to die due to harsh weather, not to mention the cost involved for them to maintain forces, so it has and will continue to be a thorn on the side of Indians.

We settled all nuclear tests in 1998 - One for Smiling Bhudda in 1974 and five for Pokharan - These were the actual words use by Nawaz Sharif in May 1998.

Status Quo Ante Bellum - We did not loose any territory, better we ingress into Indian held areas than wait until they ingress into ours, our nuclear deterrent held.

Standoff - Pakistan nuclear deterrent held, more Indian soldiers died in the mobilisation

A total failure and miss by IAF - They did not need to wait long the response at Rajauri, lost a Mig 21, MI-17, 6 IAF and 1 civillian, and 1 POW.

So, We should be proud of our performance given that India is much larger, we have bloodied them repeatedly and continue to be a massive thorn.

Pakistan has since its inception punched well above its weight - India, USSR, USA etc.

But I ask any Indian reading this, Why is it the only time India fought a country of equal size namely China in 1962 it lost?
Admirable use of mental gymnastics to ameliorate insecurity and a sense of failure. Why take active measures to improve our country when we can best India with such pleasant sentiments?
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