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Pakistan has right to retaliate Nato strikes, says Musharraf


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Pakistan has right to retaliate Nato strikes, says Musharraf


ISLAMABAD: President Pervez Musharraf has reiterated Pakistan's firm resolve to fight extremism and terrorism by saying that it is in the interest of Pakistan to contain this menace.

Talking to Dr Harlan Ullman, a leading US foreign policy analyst who called on him here in the President house on Saturday, the president highlighted the government's multi-pronged strategy combining security, political and development measures, and the need to follow it aggressively.

During the meeting the president made it clear that Pakistan had right to retaliate NATO aggression. Views were exchanged on Pakistan-US relations and the regional situation, according to a press released issued by Foreign Ministry here on Saturday. Musharraf underlined the importance of a strong relationship between the two countries.

Dr Ullman said a close relationship was in the interest of Pakistan and US as well as regional peace and stability. Dr Ullman is senior advisor to US think-tanks, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Atlantic Council, and author of several books.

Foreign hand behind FATA anarchy: Pakistan has found evidences with regard to involvement of foreign hands in creating anarchy in Hangu, Swat and different areas of FATA. Pakistan has also decided to raise the issue before Afghan and Indian governments.

The NWFP government has already provided evidences to the Interior Ministry regarding involvement of foreign countries in creating anarchy and chaos in FATA, Hangu and Swat, said sources in the ministry on Saturday.

According to a report received by the government from intelligence agencies, Indian consulates in Afghanistan were creating anarchy in the tribal areas of the country. Different groups who are running separation movement in Balochistan were also given financial assistances, the sources maintained.

A joint investigation team has been constituted to investigate the two arrested commanders of Al Qaeda.

During the operation in Hangu, 34 people of banned organisations were also detained for their alleged involvement in spreading sectarian clashes in Hangu and different others areas.

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Well, this all was already known but no one including our President never raised a voice about it. It's high time now that these things should be brought at the forefront. There's no denying the fact that Indian and other agencies have been involved in all this FATA and Balochistan episode. The number of indian consulates are one of the evidences. Some one should ask them neither the indians resembles the afghans in color or creed nor they share the same religion, moreover none within india understands what a phukhtun or afghan says, so whats the big deal to have so much to spend there. I know what they would says as usual (india 'trying' to be the policeman here): we are building roads, school and working for the welfare of the afghans, as if afghans are providing india with Su-30s and submarines (not to mention the poppy)
If Pakistan has the right then why did it did nothing when US killed 11 soldiers with precision strike? I think that words are for the public but in reality we have to remember that Mushy himself wrote the book telling that either he had to listen or expect to be bombed to the stone ages...

I am against terrorism but we should try to differentiate between poor people that defending their nation and foreigners that are using it to fight against US... It is the question who realy is the terrorist. The ones that raise their voice and Kalashnikovs or those that see few people gathered ad a wedding party and decide to eliminate them... I do never hear about those facts but only about kiled terrorists...
oooo really does he has a courage to do counter attact or retaliate Amercian Attack.....lolz... i don't think so. How can an amercian servent do so..:crazy:
I would've fired upon the naval ships when our boys were killed on June 10th.


It's more of the "garajtay hain barastay nahi" concept. People who CAN do it, would do it. There is no need to explain it to America why its our right to fire upon you while you're killing us.
Dr Harlan Ullman

The man who developed "shock and awe" - it is a particularly point message in that it was relayed to Dr. ullman
I would've fired upon the naval ships when our boys were killed on June 10th.


It's more of the "garajtay hain barastay nahi" concept. People who CAN do it, would do it. There is no need to explain it to America why its our right to fire upon you while you're killing us.

My friend,

We should look how he Israeli behave when it comes to opponents. They even take active hostile attacks just to be sure. They go through entire Gaza killing opponents even if they have " treaty"... Here we have our government offering souls for othermans war. Let them fight it on Afghanistan side and if near the border then kabush... If we act like this then we can expect many more killed serving for what? Their own nation? I doubt that.
The question arises, can we fight a full fledge fight with the NATO and USA forces in Afganistan, when you also have Indian & Russian espionage missions there waiting to destabilize Pakistan? Also, when there is little trouble in few areas of NWFP & few areas of Balochistan? And, Baramdagh Bughti has openly said that "he will accept neighbours’ help"

Barahamdagh says he will accept neighbours’ help Barahamdagh says he will accept neighbours’ help

Common sense says 'we can't afford opening a pandora's box' and we can't win against the USA & NATO forces.

Now, with the international plans to BALKANIZE Pakistan .... some countries may want pakistan to commit suicide by RETALIATING.

That is the only reason WHY our leadership does not retaliate - it's NOT becuz Musharraf is a servant of USA. Musharraf has 'common sense' and being a commando he can foresee the consequences!

But, it also does not mean that our leaders occassionally do not give verbal threats to them. Verbal threats to withdraw from WoT should be used as psychological tactic on USA & NATO forces.

These well-trained & groomed commandos know how to play about in psychological war-fare ! We should NOT under-estimate them.

May ALLAH save Pakistan and PAK Army! :pakistan:
This Indian involvement is all along, why in the hell has this issue not been raised. What the hell are we waiting for? We need to give indians a taste of their own medicine, should give ISI a free hand and lets see how far can Indians really go with this. As far as that bastard is concerned in afghanistan, we need to put it straight to the US, you better stop him or we will.
The question arises, can we fight a full fledge fight with the NATO and USA forces in Afganistan, when you also have Indian & Russian espionage missions there waiting to destabilize Pakistan? Also, when there is little trouble in few areas of NWFP & few areas of Balochistan? And, Baramdagh Bughti has openly said that "he will accept neighbours’ help"

Barahamdagh says he will accept neighbours’ help Barahamdagh says he will accept neighbours’ help

Common sense says 'we can't afford opening a pandora's box' and we can't win against the USA & NATO forces.

Now, with the international plans to BALKANIZE Pakistan .... some countries may want pakistan to commit suicide by RETALIATING.

That is the only reason WHY our leadership does not retaliate - it's NOT becuz Musharraf is a servant of USA. Musharraf has 'common sense' and being a commando he can foresee the consequences!

But, it also does not mean that our leaders occassionally do not give verbal threats to them. Verbal threats to withdraw from WoT should be used as psychological tactic on USA & NATO forces.

These well-trained & groomed commandos know how to play about in psychological war-fare ! We should NOT under-estimate them.

May ALLAH save Pakistan and PAK Army! :pakistan:

Well said but we can take this Barahamdagh bastard out, like we took out his daddy:sniper:
We should look how he Israeli behave when it comes to opponents. They even take active hostile attacks just to be sure. They go through entire Gaza killing opponents even if they have " treaty"... Here we have our government offering souls for othermans war. Let them fight it on Afghanistan side and if near the border then kabush... If we act like this then we can expect many more killed serving for what? Their own nation? I doubt that.

Do you really think that the USA will allow any force of the world to fight & destabilize Israel ??

Do you remember the 1967 Arab War? Which was fought between Israel and Arab neighbors Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria also contributed troops and arms to the Arab forces. The world favored Israel over Arabs.

Do you remember "USS Liberty" ? The US knew that Israel was bombarding its naval ship and yet did not retaliate?

Do you know why most of the Europe CANNOT debate on the Holocaust? Its considered a crime in most of the EU countries? This is the influence of Israel (a secret super power in making)...

We are not Israel ! Don't compare ourselves to Israel ... they run the foreign policy of the USA.

We are NOT offering our souls for someone else's war. Our troops are ONLY patrolling on our side of the border:
1-Trying to stop infiltration,
2-Trying to stop espionage missions of India & Russia,
3-Trying to stop refugee migration,
4-Trying to stop weapon & ammunition smuggling into Balochistan,
5-Trying to stop foreigners (uzbeks, tajiks, arabs, afghans, chechans, etc) making a safe haven in our mountains,
6-Trying to control extremist elements in our NWFP areas,
7-Tryng to stop militants from using our soil to launch attacks against NATO & USA forces in Afghanistan, etc

Well said but we can take this Barahamdagh bastard out, like we took out his daddy:sniper:

I wish the same for every traitor :sniper:

But the SOLD OUT media raises hue & cry against our Armed Forces to sympathize with traitors.

Look at how Shahid Masood is appeasing Musharraf now that he's been made the MD PTV. We all remember how anti-musharraf this appeaser was in 'meray mutabik'. These views & news archors have no moral standing! They are pure blackmailers!

2ghAXpfOtlg[/media] - Musharraf and Shahid Masood Freindship

A friend of mines Zeeshan rightly said: "To me it seems like musharraf is sending him a clear message: I am going to smoke you SOB"

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I would've fired upon the naval ships when our boys were killed on June 10th.


It's more of the "garajtay hain barastay nahi" concept. People who CAN do it, would do it. There is no need to explain it to America why its our right to fire upon you while you're killing us.

Even then Asim it is more appreciating that he said so and this time after our forces retaliated NATO recently, its a good omen that Musharraf said so.
My friend,

We should look how he Israeli behave when it comes to opponents. They even take active hostile attacks just to be sure. They go through entire Gaza killing opponents even if they have " treaty"... Here we have our government offering souls for othermans war. Let them fight it on Afghanistan side and if near the border then kabush... If we act like this then we can expect many more killed serving for what? Their own nation? I doubt that.

There's a difference in the position of the two nations, Pakistan and Israel.
No one will raise a voice against Israel, no matter what.
However, even if Pakistan does nothing, it is accused of something.
Look at the diffrences.
I believe NATO is irrelevant in the present scenario. IT neither has the resources not the manpower to enter the tribal areas. Its the US we should be looking at. We like all other countries should retaliate whenever US violates our border. A firm policy should be formed and implemented. I know we have a policy regarding violations but don't use it against US. Once US knows it will face military response then perhaps it will concentrate on Aghanistan and try to address its own failures. Presently they have a scapegoat and blame every thing on Pakistan.

Our PM is in US, wait and see what he says. Frankly I have started having doubts about his abilities however these are early days.
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