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Pakistan has proof of foreign hand in Balochistan

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obviously..that freindly gov(taliban) ruined afghanistan for decades...they are ousted by US and as they have invested billions there...they are not gonna leave ..........

Right mate you have had your fun with Omar1984...
care to comment on Irfan Baloch's comments or Post #14?

or those posts not to your taste?
The question isn’t whether India supports and funds BLA and such like, But why would/should it not. Pakistan and India have got a history of love and affection that doesn’t need shedding light upon.

BarahamDagh Bughti openly on multiple occasions admitted that if he gets help of any sort from India, RAW, Israel, US or even ‘Satan’ he would welcome it with open arms. Don’t get me wrong my Indian friends if you are not helping him then you should, and if Govt. Of Pakistan and Army is not taking this guy to task then they should :)

From its many consulates situated in Afghanistan along Pak Afghan border if India is not helping BLA and Bughties, then it’s a expenditure burden that India needs not carry.

I don’t believe in venting rage on India even if it is proved that India is helping insurgencies. Why should India not do this, we 2 countries have been in constant war like state since 1947, 47 till now there are some peaks in confrontation namely 1948, 1965, 1971, weapons drawn throughout 1980s Siachen , 1990s Kargil and always at a standoff.

So the focus of our media analysts and nation is all wrong, baby face it there is No love lost
To hell with morality, Pakistani and Indians and all the countries in the world that are at loggerheads with each other give a damn about morality, truth baby.

If Pakistan needs to be stable and prosperous then we need to deal with our internal and external threats.
If us Pakistanis do not know that Bughti and his dad and grandpapa weren’t taking royalties from Gov of Pakistan in millions and those Royalties were going straight to their pockets, then enjoy this drama have fun.
If you do not know that the baloch insurgents have not massacred Punjabis, Siraikis, Pashtoons, Hazara then go Seattle in Daira Bughti.

Its our Govt fault since a long long time, keeping a close eye on ethinic cleansing that these Baloch so called nationalists have been carrying out, massacre of sub Bughti tribes, they didn’t even give peaceful Baloch people the chance to go in exile to other provinces,

LOL, in one very very nice interview conducted by Talat Hussain with BarahamDagh, Bughti goes like ‘I ask every Baloch to kill at least one Punjabi for Goodness sake’ ... then Talat did a simple math in the super computer of a brain of his and then it dawned on him ‘Crap i am a Punjabi’ lol

i don’t know what else was Talat Hussain (by the way a major analyst, anchor bla bla) expecting from the interview
As if India gives a toss about the human rights and fareplay in Pakistan vice-versa and for that mater any country in the world.

Good to see commonsense prevail. I mean after all its an internal matter of Pakistan and I do wish it can attack the matter at hand without putting India into the equation and blaming it for all of its problems as the root cause.
@free soul:
dude...i appreciate ur way of thinking but u cant just a expect turncoat between the countries in a state of unconditional war since-last 60 yrs..i've never heard of Baluchistan issue before..i came to know about it here on PDF..every one wanna cash the opportunity...Kashmir & khalistan was urs..east Pakistan & Baluchistan is ours..it is as simple as that.
obviously baluchistan is a very much an internal issue of pakistan..u cant just blame it on others..same as our GOI is blaming other for their own failures..even mighty china is scared and accusing others for the insurgency in Tibet..
U cant handle the current situation by suppressing it by force..remember.."fighting for peace is just like Fuking for Virginity".
one thing i assure is that baluchistan is aint going anywhere..it depends how u deal with the insurgency..India's interest is only in keeping pakistan busy in their internal matters like Baluchistan and Karachi civil war..and even if sumthing like liberation happens..it will be a bonus for us.
@NirmalKrish and @rama

thanks guys ... see the whole thread dealt with in matter of 4 odd posts... why burn our hearts on random trolls on such threads...
well i know its fun to engage trolls from time to time... but comon lol its just a time waste..

btw i have my reservations against India on many maters like you guys have on Pakistan... happens... ev one got thier own mind..
hope for the best. stay safe. we will have many arguments in future thats a given :)
thanks again

P.S. "fighting for peace is just like Fuking for Virginity" this was just awsome :p, wish i could have comeup with this :)
@NirmalKrish and @rama

thanks guys ... see the whole thread dealt with in matter of 4 odd posts... why burn our hearts on random trolls on such threads...
well i know its fun to engage trolls from time to time... but comon lol its just a time waste..

btw i have my reservations against India on many maters like you guys have on Pakistan... happens... ev one got thier own mind..
hope for the best. stay safe. we will have many arguments in future thats a given :)
thanks again

P.S. "fighting for peace is just like Fuking for Virginity" this was just awsome :p, wish i could have comeup with this :)

No problems dude, I am just at work @ the moment on a Saturday for the past 8 hours, when its 38 degrees in the Australian summer wanted to go swimming in the beach with my friends, but as usual I am bored off my a$$ stuck at work, am a network engineer awaiting a firewall change checkpoint IDS is giving me the shits. Yeah we can only wish for peace I do hope more Pakistani members have a commonsense approach like you. Will do take-care peace out.
There are 5 steps to the Balochistan solution:

1. Kick the indians out of Afghanistan. Do anything you can to kick the indians out(You can't rather you guys are now cornered in you own game), even if it means sending ISI agents into Afghanistan to the job(You already doing that but still we are coming like never ending wave with lot of goodies to offer Afgan people and govt ). indians have a huge role in supporting BLA/BNP terrorists in Balochistan province(Show us proof).

2. Bring a pro-pakistan government in neighboring Afghanistan just like in 1990's(Good Talibans) .

3. Put restrictions on liberal free secularist zionist media(Zionist again).

4. Kill all BLA/BNP terrorists. I don't care how many people cry about human rights violations. Turkish army show zero tolerance to Kurdish separatists, Iranian army show zero tolerance to the terrorists in their Sistan-Baluchistan province. Sri Lankan army showed zero tolerance to Tamil Tigers(UN called them genocide). Chinese army shows zero tolerance to Tibetan(Monks) and Uighur separatists(Not separatist,but frustrated bunch of peoples just like Naxals in India but in later they deviate from their original plan) . Indian army has been killing Kashmiris and Sikhs for decades, most of Kashmir and Indian state of Punjab is still occupied by India.(Terrorist)

And those comparing Balochistan to East Pakistan need a reality check. This is why I'm no longer supporting Imran Khan. East Pakistan at 1971 had more population than entire 4 provinces of Pakistan combined, and it was surrounded by India on all 4 corners far away from Pakistan. Imran Khan and the rest of you Baloch terrorist sympathizers are naive. Too many intelligence agencies have their eye on Balochistan Province. Let Pakistan Army and ISI do whatever they want in Balochistan Province. Pakistan army and ISI are hardcore Pakistani nationalists and will risk their lives to save each inch of Pakistan. If we didn't compromise on a small strip of land of Azad Kashmir what on earth makes you think Pakistan army will compromise on the largest province of Pakistan, Balochistan. And Pakistan Army and ISI is much more professional and stronger than 1971(No comments-As Chest thumping doesn't work if we look at the current Pakistan condition , it's actually worst than 71) .

5. Eliminate the enemy while its weak, kill all the enemies of Pakistan.(Above posts actually says to harbor terrorist so forget about eliminating,you are back to square one )

Pakistan Zindabad !!!!!
Answer lies in your own post .........................
its in the South-Asian mindset i think- taking eye off the ball, it would late swing or just would just be a off cutter and takes the off stump Cart wheeling to the keeper.
what i mean to say is south Asians -which obviously I am myself- have got a habit of being whiners, Foreign Hand , where is the prooooof?.. or here is the proof.... as if the world or themselves give a toss about it.
I think this thread has served its purpose...calls for a closure :) Ta
Memberss, just leave this old and typical crap. We always blame others for our own incompetences. If we are so sure with our assumptions then why not we file case in UNSC against countries involved in destabilizing Balochistan/Pakistan?
Why not we took this matter into our parliament in proper way to decrease our level of relations or take decisions for counter measures with these countries?

We know this story from a long time from our establishment and MOI but question here;

Remember 2008 Mumbai case; how they motivated their case in UNSC because they supposed that such attacks are state terrorism and directly threat to national security and sovereignty. Now come to our case of Balochistan, destabilization efforts of 2nd or third party in another sovereign state also a act of state terrorism and critical problem to national security, why not we have to make strong case against countries on which we have doubt?


Hard to accept.
And the fact is Pakistan had strategic depth in the 1990's. It wont be too long that Pakistan regains that strategic depth. U.S. will not be in Afghanistan forever.
Dude! Do you even know what this so called 'Strategic Depth' is all about? It's such a corny concept that it's worthless even talking about it! :azn: Stop bandying about stuff that you know squat about!
Don lives in denial and try to hide your act there…And don look more foreign hand otherwise time is very near that place will become foreign to you.
But Pakistan would like to wait for some "right time."

Now that makes complete sense! :lol:
Pakistan did 1948 and 1965...and India did 1971
Pakisatan did Kargil....India made Pakistan to help US in was on terror
Pakistan did Khalistan ...May be India is doing Baloochistan
India gave evidence to pakistan for Mumbai and Pakistan threw it in dust bin......you give us for Baloochistan and India will throw it in dust bin.

Moral of the Story is .......you know
Slap on the face

Sir you have linked this video before as well... you are quite adamant to get an answer right...

In your own linked video following happens. #

Your FM says India not involved in Balochistan..... so and so
Shah Mehmood Qureshi says... Kind of Indian FM to say that meaning A: therefore India is not interested in destabilization of Pakistan – Balochistan, B: If B Bughti is a national of Pakistan – which he is –then the Indian passport issued to him will be cancelled.

So in this video..

Indian media doesn’t show your FM saying that a Pakistani Passport holder is not in a possession of an Indian Passport....
like wise it doesnt show Pakistan FM sayin we are providing the proof or have done so..
bla bla bla as if it maters.

its not a slap on the face of anybody but yours sir.

first of all, you are not showing the whole press conf and its a news peice whith separate remarks of Both FMs.

And yea by all means be a troll

my last post in this ever repeating thread .
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