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Pakistan has only a month’s worth of water left: Report

just curious How much it rains in pakistan anually?? and what is the ground water table level in major population centers??
It seems that most of pakistan is exclusively dependent on rivers..

Pakistan is semi arid country, so rains won't help much.
I'm sure that the RAW-MOSSAD-CIA-FSB nexus is responsible for the low storage capacity and high usage of consumable water reserves :P

On a serious note, maybe the pakistani members can say, does the current political opposition or GOP have such an agenda on their cards or what is the mainstream pakistani thinktank agencies take on this report ?
zootinali said: ↑
just curious How much it rains in pakistan anually?? and what is the ground water table level in major population centers??
It seems that most of pakistan is exclusively dependent on rivers..
Pakistan is semi arid country, so rains won't help much.

Weather and rains pattern is remarkably different in different parts of our country.
On a related note, we need a comprehensive natural water resources management strategy for our country. For example when there are extreme floods, as we witnessed in river Sindh several years ago, and many more similar floods are expected to follow due to changes in global warming/weather pattern changes, we need to make a very careful strategy that saves population from any kind of hassle, protects property from any damage or keeps it to a minimum, and uses excess water in meaningfully good ways that it could be preserved or possibly channelled into other natural/artificial reservoirs/underground water deposits.

Engineers should based on the above priorities, locate positions along the rivers where they breach the river banks in a controlled manner possibly controlling the level of discharge with the intensity of the floods as opposed to haphazard breaching of the river banks, how much water is distributed through canals, and possibly fed to some reservoirs.

And this water management should start right from the time rivers originate/enter into our country's territory because we mostly do not worry about possibility of channelling water in mountain areas, and care about it when rivers have become behemoths in plain regions of our country.

Seriously if we had done something similar, we would have saved ourselves all damage from previous flood at a cost less than one fifth the cost we had to bear due to damage from the floods.
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water conservation is the mantra then or if they have sufficient energy they could try sea water desalination..

For much of this history the semi-arid plains didn't had much economical worth. British wanted to increase the tax collection, they built a network of canal called Canal colonies supported by Feudalism which converted entire Punjab as most productive region of British India. Water shortage is all because of not building enough dams to store the free water of western rivers they are getting from India.
Thank You!

lol, no need to try to be slow. I guess I have to go slow than.

Again, this is a absurd report. It came only from a single organization. SINGLE! You can't just go make a thread on it like its God's word and that "ohhh, Pakistan has only 30 day storage cap". :lol:

Seeing how much dams Pakistan has and how much Tarbela alone can store. I can assure you. No need to worry.:disagree:
I did not say the report is true.
btw tarbela dam is massive but has rather small resorvoir capacity. (for its size). please compare it with similar sized dam to know what I am talking about.
In any case we are talking about total capacity of all resorvoirs not a single massive one.
Thank You!

lol, no need to try to be slow. I guess I have to go slow than.

Again, this is a absurd report. It came only from a single organization. SINGLE! You can't just go make a thread on it like its God's word and that "ohhh, Pakistan has only 30 day storage cap". :lol:

Seeing how much dams Pakistan has and how much Tarbela alone can store. I can assure you. No need to worry.:disagree:

like Pakistani nation ever worried about any other issue
they were already sleeping and you are singing a beautiful lullaby

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