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Pakistan has ICBM Technology Defence Production Minister

Do not answer a total ignorant.

April 26, 2012

"Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres", said the official, "But they will be revealed and tested when there is a need for it. At the moment, Pakistan is silently observing the Eastern Theatre of Operations spearheaded by the US and its increasing presence in Europe, the Pacific Ocean and South Asia. Add to that Indian frolicking and the coming US-Israel drills in the Middle East... and when the time comes, those who should know, will know, Pakistan also has targets beyond India... way beyond India".

Exclusive: Pakistani security official discusses the Shaheen-1A test | Terminal X

Old news saying they are not tested yet, but they exist, or at least their full fledged technology is in Pakistani hands.

ICBM: Pakistan intercontinental missile underway
Headlines Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Technology to cover range of 7,000 Kms, Pakistan, to increase its defensive capabilities, has started preparing intercontinental missile with a range of 7000 kilometres.

According to sources, the intercontinental missile has a range of 7000 kilometres and is capable of hitting its target falling within its range. The missile can contain nuclear as well as traditional warheads. The missile has been termed a significant milestone for the defence of the country and is believed to strengthen the defence. According to sources, the missile would soon be test fired.

India has ICBMs with ranges up to 15 000 kms:


I think the official was bluffing. If Pakistan had these missiles we would have proudly revealed them ages ago.
Pakistan has ICBM, Nuclear submarines, Thermo nuclear bombs and billions of dollars.
Chapter close.
Close the thread now.
It wouldn't be surprising if both India and Pakistan have schematics of larger Ballistic Missiles in laboratory settings then those Ballistic Missiles that both have frequently tested and deployed for combat, information which gets publicity from rumors. However, both countries are still far away from developing a sizable ICBM inventory due to technological challenges and high cost and/or both factors, Pakistan even more-so.

At present, India seems to have a functioning ICBM development program that is visible from its SLV related developments and testing of an Agni V prototype. This makes sense because India have strong economy and decent geo-political leverage to pursue expensive military programs and also regards China as a threat at strategic level that should be effectively countered.

In contrast to India, Pakistan have a struggling economy and inadequate geo-political will and leverage to pursue an ICBM program in current times.

As for the technical challenges involved, their is hell of a difference between "schematic stage" and "active inventory stage" for practical viability of a weapon system. Developing an ICBM is not an easy task, and development and testing of a single prototype doesn't necessarily indicates the potential to field a sizable strategic force of ICBMs anytime soon.

Pakistan cancelled Ghauri-iii IRBM not long ago due to reasons not disclosed (I suspect poor design). Thus far, Pakistan may have figured out a workable prototype of an SLV to launch indigenously developed satellites but this program may not have reached testing phase at 100% confidence level yet. Anything more then a potentially functionable prototype of an IRBM is utter speculation for national consumption or only on the drawing board.
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Living in which imaginary world, haven't you seen IRON DOME performance??? ... they are made to stop 3rd grade rockets which is impossible to stop..... man sometimes you make me laugh.

Its difficult to stop 3rd grade rockets and artillery shells , If any defence system can stop them , means it is best defence system.....

During the 50 days of the conflict where 4,594 rockets and mortars were fired at Israeli targets, Iron Dome systems intercepted 735 projectiles that it determined were threatening, achieving an intercept success rate of 90 percent. Only 70 rockets fired at Israel from Gaza failed to be intercepted. One civilian was killed and three others and nine servicemen were wounded by mortars, but they were not in areas protected by Iron Dome.

I think you missiles must have less projectile height and less distance to travel OR reach more faster then these 3rd grade rockets?

Come when you have something date to prove your imaginary dreams...
Full lie most rockets hit things out of 10 6 used to hit targets
Full lie most rockets hit things out of 10 6 used to hit targets
then why their is no damages and killing Israeli Civilians? more then 4000 + rockets in city? these enough to destroy entire town into roubles....and killing of thousands.... you taking about MBRL"S rockets .....

of ...... i think you haven't read properly..... those who are going to hit building only those were stopped and those who are going to empty fields are allow to goo......

everyone else lies other then you.....
Correct me if wrong, Pakistan is looking keen towards ICBMs of 10,000 Kms or more in good numbers may be in 200+ of them and also looking sharp towards Short and Intermediate range which is from 100-2500 Kms.

:o::o: .....welcome back Nishan .
Living in which imaginary world, haven't you seen IRON DOME performance??? ... they are made to stop 3rd grade rockets which is impossible to stop..... man sometimes you make me laugh.

Its difficult to stop 3rd grade rockets and artillery shells , If any defence system can stop them , means it is best defence system.....

During the 50 days of the conflict where 4,594 rockets and mortars were fired at Israeli targets, Iron Dome systems intercepted 735 projectiles that it determined were threatening, achieving an intercept success rate of 90 percent. Only 70 rockets fired at Israel from Gaza failed to be intercepted. One civilian was killed and three others and nine servicemen were wounded by mortars, but they were not in areas protected by Iron Dome.

I think you missiles must have less projectile height and less distance to travel OR reach more faster then these 3rd grade rockets?

Come when you have something date to prove your imaginary dreams...
How is 735 projectiles make 90% of 4 594 rockets?
How is 735 projectiles make 90% of 4 594 rockets?
haven't you read the full , out of 4594 identified rockets only 735 are worth of destroying , and out of 735 achieved success rate of more then 90%

Out of 735 only 70 rockets failed to intercept.....
I think the official was bluffing. If Pakistan had these missiles we would have proudly revealed them ages ago.
Anything of strategic importance that India has Pakistan has it also. Testing and revealing the mastery of a technology are 2 different things, Pakistan has revealed some 2 stage BMs, adding a 3rd is a matter of need and a few more calculations in the grasp of Pakistani scientists, I will add the means too and the objectives. If Pakistan does not see it fit to test an ICBM, why spend time, resources and energy on it. I think the Pakistani generals made a wise and pragmatic decision based on priorities, since I am convinced that if it was an urgent matter it would have been done, I mean tested. North Korea with a direst economy has done it successfully with less means than Pakistan can afford on even a rainy day.
We dont need an ICBM. We should stop wasting our money.
Considering we're probably one of the most hated countries out there, I think we need it. Bad. But this minister should learn not to show off regardless and shut his mouth.
Most likely scenario is that he doesnt know the difference between an ICBM and Intermediate range missile. Since thats military jargon.
not every one like PAK, if you have doing this , doesn't mean everyone else also doing that or like you
There is no doubt that indian suck israeli or american or russian di**s. one example i personally observed was in dubai. where company directors slapped on indian's face and he was literary honoring him.
There is no doubt that indian suck israeli or american or russian di**s. one example i personally observed was in dubai. where company directors slapped on indian's face and he was literary honoring him.
lol..... what better example of slap on the national Hero i.e. AK Khan and OBL by US to PAK and what PAK doing......
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