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Pakistan has got its act together in narrative warfare with its DGISPR: Indian cybersecurity

Brother mine,

On 27thFeb we made keema of GanguTerrorists in SialkotSector but remain quiet about it... to not escalte things.

If you recall Chief was there on the forward posts...

Now GanguTerroristArmy has strengthened its positions ... so situation is tense...

If Chief visits this sector soon then we all know what is going to happen.

War is stupid... only stupid want war.... but Ganguz are desparate this time... unlike in Feb which was for eleciton victory... now it is to divert attention from the burings within...

I would rather put my money on IAF and IN rathen than IA bcz Pak's Land forces are the strongest of all 3 forces followed by Air Force and then Navy

On 27thFeb we made keema of GanguTerrorists in SialkotSector but remain quiet about it... to not escalte things.
Yes Situation at Sialkot was really bad. True
require at least 10 years to reach the level of ISPR.
maximum 3 years .... their huge media industry is already in place with all the requisite capabilities all they have to do is to integrate and utilize those already existing infrastructure and capabilities under one command ....

In addition to this keep in mind the rise of Neo-Nazi tendencies in India; If new organization somehow successfully manage to integrate these elements in the new infrastructure they can further shorten the time period ..... believe me they will do this as religious practice
:disagree::disagree::disagree: there is no news on Chawainda that situation is critical, overall on LOC/Northern Punjab border have worst situations currently

sabir Shakir just reported some activities noted by Pakistan in chawainda in his vlog relating it tp PM's meeting with generals today in oath-taking ceremony of CJP.

maximum 3 years .... their huge media industry is already in place with all the requisite capabilities all they have to do is to integrate and utilize those already existing infrastructure and capabilities under one command ....

In addition to this keep in mind the rise of Neo-Nazi tendencies in India; If new organization somehow successfully manage to integrate these elements in the new infrastructure they can further shorten the time period ..... believe me they will do this as religious practice

I disagree with you. You can't develop such kind of PR in even 10 years... They have Bollywood for 70 years, they're way too advance in making videos and movies. Even they have developed and launched many Army kinds of movies but one ISPR song or presentation kicked out!

You need to understand one thing. When you're using original soldiers, they move like a soldier, when you're manipulating with HEROS and HEROINS you can't get the desired results. The way they move the way they speak... way too different.

ISPR is an ESTABLISHED Military PR authority. India already has one but its DEAD! I forget the name of that many times Major Gaurav Ch***arya given the reference of that in his BS videos.
You need to understand one thing. When you're using original soldiers, they move like a soldier, when you're manipulating with HEROS and HEROINS you can't get the desired results. The way they move the way they speak... way too different.
bhai you are considering a single aspect of ISPR I am commenting about the whole Information warfare, singing and dancing is not all that important here, I am talking about Shaping, Controlling and Promoting the Narrative within and abroad.

They have well established decades old presence in western media, they have various regional media organizations who feed news to some of the big names of regional media outlets both in print and electronic media, they have number of 'private think tanks' they have well established linkages with international universities in IR, Political Science and Journalism. These are the few I know and named here and these are the areas where their strength lies.

What they lack is just a Central Nerve Center for propaganda warfare, this is where their weakness lies If they manage to create that nerve center all that organization would be required to do is to properly manage and utilize already existing strengths for Military Purpose, as of now we faced their well crafted propaganda campaign ONLY at cultural and political fronts and they successfully manage to cover most of grounds in these domains, it is us who have to catch up in these domains.

In term of Business Management I will summarize my post as : We need to have Forward Integration, but they need Backward Integration
@Foxtrot Delta @atya is there an unusual buildup near LOC?
im not at LOC i live in the city. there was very unsual sights from the morning till noon around 1 PM. but as i said follow DGISPR . they have the right and complete picture of what is happening. all i can say is im proud to be Pakistani same country man as these heroes.

unusual yes!
Pakistan has got its act together in narrative warfare with its DGISPR: Indian cybersecurity
The country's cybersecurity chief Saturday stressed the need for a unified public relations command for the three wings of the armed forces to ensure an upper hand in the narrative warfare with Pakistan, which, he opined, has "got its act together" through its Director General Inter Services Public Relations.

Press Trust of India

  • New Delhi
  • December 21, 2019
  • UPDATED: December 21, 2019 17:44 IST

(Representative Image)

The country's cybersecurity chief Saturday stressed the need for a unified public relations command for the three wings of the armed forces to ensure an upper hand in the narrative warfare with Pakistan, which, he opined, has "got its act together" through its Director General Inter Services Public Relations (DG-ISPR).

National Cyber Security Coordinator Lieutenant General Rajesh Pant (retd) said the three wings of the armed forces have their own public relations officers and "they are going in different ways".

"When are we going to have our own equivalent of the DGISPR because the (Indian armed forces) services have their own PRs and they are going in different ways. Somebody at the national level now has to look at the narrative warfare and how to implement it in various domains," he said.

Talking about the Director General Inter Services Public Relations (DGISPR), which serves as the spokesperson for the Pakistan Armed Forces, Pant said the neighbouring country got its act together in narrative warfare through the agency.

"What we are finding from the other side - from the western border - that since the time they have created the DGISPR, they have got their act together," he said here at a seminar on the topic of 'Securing the Future Battlespace: Information and Space Warfare'.

According to official Twitter handle @OfficialDGISPR, Major General Asif Ghafoor is serving the post since December 2016.

Lt Gen (Retd) Rajesh Pant added, "When they (DGISPR) conduct narrative warfare, let's say in the case of Kashmir, the message they send to Europe is that human rights are being infringed."

While when they engage with Islamic nations they tell them that Islam is under threat, noted Pant, adding, "What they told southeast Asia is that there is a regional instability," said Pant.

"So, they seem to have got their act together," he concluded.

It is important to clarify what the three services of Indian armed forces imply and mean by 'information warfare', he said.

"They should come out with the definition because now they are using the terms - as you are aware - like 'narrative warfare'," he said.

It will be a very tough task to match ISPR.

Hope the Indian wing can do 50% of what ISPR does.
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