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Pakistan Has Gifted 40,000 Tonnes Of Wheat To Afghanistahn

my advise for you is do not talk abut issue without home work

afghanistan have a very long history of civil wars . since last 100 years it was only few years gap between wars always . there were in civil war and instability before pakistan was created .
Afghan Civil War may refer to:

Reforms of Amānullāh Khān and civil war (1929) – when Habibullah Ghazi briefly overthrew the government
War in Afghanistan (1978–present) (sometimes known as "Second Afghan Civil War"):
Saur Revolution (1978) – communist insurrection
Soviet–Afghan War (1979–89) – USSR involvement
Afghan Civil War (1989–92) – collapse of the Communist Najibullah government
Afghan Civil War (1992–96) – lead to the Taliban controlling most of Afghanistan, with the Northern Alliance controlling northern Afghanistan
Afghan Civil War (1996–2001) – Taliban period
War in Afghanistan (2001–14) – ISAF/NATO involvement against the Taliban and al-Qaeda
War in Afghanistan (2015–present) – Afghan operations against Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIL insurgencies, with aid from NATO

sir please answer to me there was peace in afghanistan in 1990s BEFORE taliban ?
there was peace in afghansitan in 1980s before soviet afghan jehad war ?
there w peace in afghanistan before 1970s ? before republic govs communist wars?
there was peace in afghanistan before 1960s before second civil war ?
there was peace in afghanistan befre 1950s? after first civil war ?
there was peace in afghanistan before 1930s after first civil war ?
there was peace in afghanistan before 1920 at amanullah reforms civil war ?
there was peace in afghanistan before 1910s third anglo afghan war ?
before secound anglo afghan war ?1870?
before first anglo afghan war ? 1840s?
so on and on they are fighting like dogs since ages and ages yet blame everything Pakistan . can someone teach them a lesson of history for hell sake ?there history is only war and war battles and battles .

counter it . when was peace after fall of durrani empire ????

Pakistan has been for various reasons been supporting insurgency & Militants in Afghanistan Since 1982. Thats a simple flat fact.

When all Other external factors ( Saudi and Americans stopped asking them intervene ) stopped , They kept cultivating the Taliban in hopes having parts of Afghanistan as a territory ( dependency ).
Pakistan has been for various reasons been supporting insurgency & Militants in Afghanistan Since 1982. Thats a simple flat fact.

They came here asking for weapons to fight the Russians...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Then Hekmetyar and Massood fought each other and bombed Kabul...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Taliban took control, Taliban were Afghans, supported by a large Afghan population...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Americans bombed them...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Afghans kill each other...Must be Pakistan's fault coz coz coz they supported Hykmetyar and Talibanz.

Afghans take selfies with Taliban...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Russians bomb them ....Must be Pakistan's fault.
Americans bomb them...Must be Pakistan's fault.
They bomb each other...Must be Pakistan's fault.
Their refugees suffer...Pakistan's responsible.
Pakistan has been for various reasons been supporting insurgency & Militants in Afghanistan Since 1982. Thats a simple flat fact.
guilt complex
  1. an obsession with the idea of having done wrong.

They came here asking for weapons to fight the Russians...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Then Hekmetyar and Massood fought each other and bombed Kabul...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Taliban took control, Taliban were Afghans, supported by a large Afghan population...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Americans bombed them...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Afghans kill each other...Must be Pakistan's fault coz coz coz they supported Hykmetyar and Talibanz.

Afghans take selfies with Taliban...Must be Pakistan's fault.

Russians bomb them ....Must be Pakistan's fault.
Americans bomb them...Must be Pakistan's fault.
They bomb each other...Must be Pakistan's fault.
Their refugees suffer...Pakistan's responsible.

guilt complex
  1. an obsession with the idea of having done wrong.

"inferiority complex" , superiority complex" and this new one guilt complex", No where in the world except in Pakistan and India are these words used. These are words used sometime in the distant past to describe psychology. In modern psychology ( of which Pakistan has none ) these are non existent . Name calling is not a way to have a discussion.So please don't use them in a discussion with me.

The best way to help people which is recognized over the world and widely practiced ( altho not a 100% ) , is when 2 parties go to a conflict , is to stop providing them with weapons since when they run out of weapons the human suffering of war will end. This why when war is declared anywhere, you will see countries rushing to place embargoes on arms sales to both parties. I'm not saying you have to agree with it, but that's what is usually done . Even if it means that what you consider a friendly people, if they don't have weapons and they have to surrender the civilian cost in life will be greatly reduced.

Afghans may have come, but the correct response should have been we are placing a arms embargo on you. let the soviets win ? maybe ? its a hrd decision to make but the correct one.
This why when war is declared anywhere, you will see countries rushing to place embargoes on arms sales to both parties
When did it happen:lol:
Did that happen during 8 years of Iran Iraq war? Or in 1971 when USSR signed defense treaty with India? Or during the Vietnam war?

The rest of the world is sooooo civilized they embargo others when they go to war .....but we are sooooo evil.

Many groups(not countries) have been in the past and in the present are supplied by the "civilized world" of yours. Current example is the situation in Syria.
Afghans may have come, but the correct response should have been we are placing a arms embargo on you. let the soviets win ? maybe ? its a hrd decision to make but the correct one.
You say it's a hard decision...then you say we should have embargoed them. Realpolitik is not for the faint of the heart. @Desert Fox
When did it happen:lol:
Did that happen during 8 years of Iran Iraq war? Or in 1971 when USSR signed defense treaty with India? Or during the Vietnam war?

The rest of the world is sooooo civilized they embargo others when they go to war .....but we are sooooo evil.
Many groups(not countries) have been in the past and in the present are supplied by the "civilized world" of yours. Current example is the situation in Syria.
You say it's a hard decision...then you say we should have embargoed them. Realpolitik is not for the faint of the heart. @Desert Fox


Iran Iraq war is a complex example. But yes its an example of the failure, the result we know.

US didnt have relation with either country at the time of war initiation. it had close ties with ( treaty )allies of Iraq tho. Its mostly the Arab countries which directed the direction of what happened in that war.

RealPolitik is "not for the Faint of heart" , you mean realpolitik actual requires long term insight. I indeed long term insight had been used , Afghanistan wouldn't have had the millions of casualties it has had. It would have had maybe a few more years under Babrak Karmel. that was the choice. But Hind sight is 20/20. Question is you learn from it to adapt realpolicy.
Afghans are not trustworthy. From the core of their hearts they detest Pakistan. Pakistan should consider them as an open enemy.

Afghans are not trustworthy. From the core of their hearts they detest Pakistan. Pakistan should consider them as an open enemy.
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