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Pakistan Has Gifted 40,000 Tonnes Of Wheat To Afghanistahn

You spread terrorism into Afghanistan in collaboration with Saudis & USA ,
So why cry when you're getting taste of your own medicine !
oh yeah Afghanistan is always oppse us, and we are not spreading terrorism in Afghanistan, they were fighting against Soviets, we will provide arms and ammunition according to there will , Keep blabbering without a base @Torch_v2.0 your post reported for trolling @Torch_v2.0 :blah::blah::blah:
oh yeah Afghanistan is always oppse us, and we are not spreading terrorism in Afghanistan, they were fighting against Soviets, we will provide arms and ammunition according to there will , Keep blabbering without a base @Torch_v2.0 your post reported for trolling @Torch_v2.0 :blah::blah::blah:
Ohhhh Triggerreeeedddddd !!!

What is this then ?

No your a dirty small smelly weak Cu.nt. Your ugly and a coward. Go pester someone else, weasel.
Reported !
You spread terrorism into Afghanistan in collaboration with Saudis & USA ,
So why cry when you're getting taste of your own medicine !
That was decision of dictator , not a decision of people of Pakistan .
Keep feeding milk to snake it will keep bitting you

Pakistan own people or so poor they cant even buy wheat to feed themselves this is crimnal

Wastage of tax payers money
Ohhhh Triggerreeeedddddd !!!

What is this then ?

Reported !

my advise for you is do not talk abut issue without home work

afghanistan have a very long history of civil wars . since last 100 years it was only few years gap between wars always . there were in civil war and instability before pakistan was created .
Afghan Civil War may refer to:

Reforms of Amānullāh Khān and civil war (1929) – when Habibullah Ghazi briefly overthrew the government
War in Afghanistan (1978–present) (sometimes known as "Second Afghan Civil War"):
Saur Revolution (1978) – communist insurrection
Soviet–Afghan War (1979–89) – USSR involvement
Afghan Civil War (1989–92) – collapse of the Communist Najibullah government
Afghan Civil War (1992–96) – lead to the Taliban controlling most of Afghanistan, with the Northern Alliance controlling northern Afghanistan
Afghan Civil War (1996–2001) – Taliban period
War in Afghanistan (2001–14) – ISAF/NATO involvement against the Taliban and al-Qaeda
War in Afghanistan (2015–present) – Afghan operations against Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIL insurgencies, with aid from NATO

sir please answer to me there was peace in afghanistan in 1990s BEFORE taliban ?
there was peace in afghansitan in 1980s before soviet afghan jehad war ?
there w peace in afghanistan before 1970s ? before republic govs communist wars?
there was peace in afghanistan before 1960s before second civil war ?
there was peace in afghanistan befre 1950s? after first civil war ?
there was peace in afghanistan before 1930s after first civil war ?
there was peace in afghanistan before 1920 at amanullah reforms civil war ?
there was peace in afghanistan before 1910s third anglo afghan war ?
before secound anglo afghan war ?1870?
before first anglo afghan war ? 1840s?
so on and on they are fighting like dogs since ages and ages yet blame everything Pakistan . can someone teach them a lesson of history for hell sake ?there history is only war and war battles and battles .
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Just send wheat to thar, are they not Pakistani or namak harami afghans are more important to you guys. They killed our civilians they killed our jawans they killed our PM and still planning to kill more.

And what we do send wheat instead of bombs and tanks. Fk this banana republic.
Just send wheat to thar, are they not Pakistani or namak harami afghans are more important to you guys. They killed our civilians they killed our jawans they killed our PM and still planning to kill more.

And what we do send wheat instead of bombs and tanks. Fk this banana republic.
kuty ko daal dety afghani ko nhi daalni thi
I think it's best if GOP leaves the Afghans to themselves, Pakistan needs to feed its own people first, no matter how generous you are to Afghans they will keep blaming GOP for everything.
Meanwhile Pakistanis in interior Sindh starve to death. Fucking stupid Pakistani elite know how to treat their own people like shit while they suck up-to enemies who will back stab Pakistan any given time.
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