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Pakistan has been offered the Chinese 4th generation J-11 (SU27)

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Honey, Its 128 MRCA and PAKFA is likely to be less than that.

It was quoted as 126. But there is a possibility of it being raised by 74 since the LCA is delayed. It was mentioned by the highest officials.

We are spending $5bil on the PAKFA JV. Defence min Anthony and the air chief told we would be procuring atleast 200 PAKFAs.
I remember that Mig-27s were upgraded just a few years ago and its amazing if they are grounded or phased out. The plans were to retire Mig-23s and old Mig-21s. Then there were some reports of the retirement of Mig-25 but Mig-27 it must be new development.

Hmm, i guess i made a mistake about the Mig-27 then. srry
I mainly meant to complications in flying. the F-16 is said to be one of the easiest to fly while the MKI is not so easy. the maintainance part is for the twin engined aircraft, where F-16 is single engined

the MKI has 9 moving parts->2 ailerons, 1 rudder, 2 TVC nozzles, 2 canards, 2 wing flaps
making it more complex to fly. For eg: TVC equipped EF-2000 with canards. Complex to fly.

My original quote:

Your method of counting the moving parts is very rudimentary. If u start to count like this then many other aircraft may seem more complex like even the F-4 Phantom. In F-4J, the elevators also had leading edge slats. In F-15, even the intakes are variable and are not fixed. The F-16 intake is fixed, therefore its less complex but this less complication means that its not as good as F-15 at different altitudes and flight regimes.

However, in your count, you did not count those 2 elevators that almost every aircraft has.

Reportedly EF-2000 does not use conventional TVC, its nozzles dont move. So thats TVC without much mechanical complication.
I mainly meant to complications in flying. the F-16 is said to be one of the easiest to fly while the MKI is not so easy. the maintainance part is for the twin engined aircraft, where F-16 is single engined

the MKI has 9 moving parts->2 ailerons, 1 rudder, 2 TVC nozzles, 2 canards, 2 wing flaps
making it more complex to fly. For eg: TVC equipped EF-2000 with canards. Complex to fly.

My original quote:


In india, experienced pilots are no longer the criteria for flying the MKIs. the HAWKs have helped a lot, so much so that, any rookie pilot can start of with the MKI, which was not the case 3 years ago. Kudos to the Brits.:toast_sign:
In India a rookie is the pilot while the experieced pilot sits behind, in case of the MKI.

Please dont engage you self in a discussion when you cant even stand to your point or else you will make a fool out of your self and it is starting to look like you are one!
How did that happen???

That happened during a dogfight between soviet/afghan vs PAF and the wingman mistakenly fired his sidewinder at his leader thinking it was a bogi! but just to let you know. we managed to shot down over 10 soviet/afghan fighters with F-16s without a single loss to enemy!

Please dont engage you self in a discussion when you cant even stand to your point or else you will make a fool out of your self and it is starting to look like you are one!

Perhaps he is right in saying that young pilots are assigned to Flanker. I was amazed myself when I saw in the video those young pilots in Flanker squadrons. You just do a search on youtube and u shall find that 2-part video. If u dont find, I shall post it here.

Its not the time that only 40 year old can fly something. Nowadays the youngsters have more knowledge than their seniors had at the same age.(if that youngster has passion for flying)

F-16 is a FBW (fly by wire) aircraft and is more easy to fly than those aircrafts that are without FBW. F-16 is more responsive to commands. You just move the stick a little and it shall start rolling.

Moreover the pilot seat in the F-16 is at such an angle that pilot can tolerate more gs as compared to older aircrafts.
1 got shot down by a wingman and 2 got hit by wild boars on the runway during takeoff while the rest crashed due to technical fault.

Where do you get this crapy info.
1 got shot by his wing man .
1 got hit by wild bore
1 crashed compressor stalled.
4 crashed technical failure.
1 Crash bird hit plane got on fire had to eject.
Perhaps he is right in saying that young pilots are assigned to Flanker. I was amazed myself when I saw in the video those young pilots in Flanker squadrons. You just do a search on youtube and u shall find that 2-part video. If u dont find, I shall post it here.

Its not the time that only 40 year old can fly something. Nowadays the youngsters have more knowledge than their seniors had at the same age.(if that youngster has passion for flying)

F-16 is a FBW (fly by wire) aircraft and is more easy to fly than those aircrafts that are without FBW. F-16 is more responsive to commands. You just move the stick a little and it shall start rolling.

Moreover the pilot seat in the F-16 is at such an angle that pilot can tolerate more gs as compared to older aircrafts.

Even the mirage 2000 is supposed to be easy.

Passion et al, even trainers like Hawk are necessary.:)
These videos have been uploaded in multimedia section since last year. This is the 3rd time a member is uploading it please check the mulitimedia section before you put it on. But still thank you .

About the BBC reporting about IAF,A fighter pilot from IAF made copies of what they are doing and what not about IAF, Copies were sent to BBC and PAF AHQ. Since than IAF has been looking and asking that who sent out the report.
The BBC guy wount tell and they will never ask us, I saw the report who ever sent it he was very careful there wasn't a single name in it. So this means BBC didn't know as well. The the document were so Authentic that BBC published it. We told there embassodor and gave him a copy of it. I figure he sent it to BBC and PAF just to embarrse IAF.
Where do you get this crapy info.
1 got shot by his wing man .
1 got hit by wild bore
1 crashed compressor stalled.
4 crashed technical failure.
1 Crash bird hit plane got on fire had to eject.

thank you for the info but ouch.. was that harsh comment necessary?;)
About the BBC reporting about IAF,A fighter pilot from IAF made copies of what they are doing and what not about IAF, Copies were sent to BBC and PAF AHQ. Since than IAF has been looking and asking that who sent out the report.
The BBC guy wount tell and they will never ask us, I saw the report who ever sent it he was very careful there wasn't a single name in it. So this means BBC didn't know as well. The the document were so Authentic that BBC published it. We told there embassodor and gave him a copy of it. I figure he sent it to BBC and PAF just to embarrse IAF.

Hmm..... do u even know how the indian govt functions.
we have something called RTI - right to information act.
if u consider this embarassing, this is just the tip of the iceberg. this was not a classified info, it is known to all that the mig-21s are old, which form half our fleet. 21, 23 and 25 being phased out is a serious thing and the schools and colleges know about it.

Everybody in india, atleast students looking for a career in the military knew that pilots are out of fighter planes. it was a hot topic of discussion way back in 2004 when i graduated high school. 12th std.

Some of our career councellers told us the IAF is promising but there is going to be a massive phase out of fighters with no immediate replacements. Three students who wanted to be in the IAF opted out. Only one got into the army. the other 3 actually made a wise choice. 1 is in the navy and the other in the merchant navy. the last guy took up a civilian course. all are into engineering.

the airline industry was crying about lack of pilots and were requesting the IAF to release pilots for commercial aviation. Airforce HQ only let retired pilots into commercial indutry cause they had no say of the matter. the younger pilots were sitting without any immediate hope of flying. so, the airlines started hiring foreign pilots in large numbers.

we need the MRCA, LCA, MCA, PAKFA pretty soon.

looks to me ur info was flawed or it was just to embarass the IAF in britain. info that was already available in india but not in britain.

These videos have been uploaded in multimedia section since last year. This is the 3rd time a member is uploading it please check the mulitimedia section before you put it on. But still thank you .

will be careful:agree:
Hmm..... do u even know how the indian govt functions.
we have something called RTI - right to information act.
if u consider this embarassing, this is just the tip of the iceberg. this was not a classified info, it is known to all that the mig-21s are old, which form half our fleet. 21, 23 and 25 being phased out is a serious thing and the schools and colleges know about it.

Everybody in india, atleast students looking for a career in the military knew that pilots are out of fighter planes. it was a hot topic of discussion way back in 2004 when i graduated high school. 12th std.

Some of our career councellers told us the IAF is promising but there is going to be a massive phase out of fighters with no immediate replacements. Three students who wanted to be in the IAF opted out. Only one got into the army. the other 3 actually made a wise choice. 1 is in the navy and the other in the merchant navy. the last guy took up a civilian course. all are into engineering.

the airline industry was crying about lack of pilots and were requesting the IAF to release pilots for commercial aviation. Airforce HQ only let retired pilots into commercial indutry cause they had no say of the matter. the younger pilots were sitting without any immediate hope of flying. so, the airlines started hiring foreign pilots in large numbers.

we need the MRCA, LCA, MCA, PAKFA pretty soon.

looks to me ur info was flawed or it was just to embarass the IAF in britain. info that was already available in india but not in britain.

will be careful:agree:

Wow you obviously don't know how military organisations work..........
members are not even allowed to voice their opinions on anything to the press. it is always dealt with by press officers etc. And you claim it was well known. Why would a military force allow its operational levels be open to scrutiny?
Wow you obviously don't know how military organisations work..........
members are not even allowed to voice their opinions on anything to the press. it is always dealt with by press officers etc. And you claim it was well known. Why would a military force allow its operational levels be open to scrutiny?

Dude....isnt it obvious. atleast 300 mig-21s. too old and need upgrades. Bis and Bison upgrade program mooted. MRCA was thought of in 1998 and the govt released a press release. why??
All this was in the news back in 1998. especially after the 1998 tests.

But what made it unimportant is the govt thought LCA would be operational and inducted from 2006. Once the LCA was delayed, and a lot of the old migs started crashing............................everybody knew IAF was in trouble.
the Su deal in 1998 was the only hope.

Once 2002 came, and it was confirmed that even the MKis will be delayed. So, the services was no longer a craze especially when FII investment started big time.

the media in india is powerful dude. Living under Mush has been painful for pak to know there is something called a media.

did u know that the CAG:Comptroller Auditor General of india started auditing all the defence related companies and international deals like maniacs to curb corruption. Even a missing rupee was reported in the media.
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