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India is the most important nation in South Asia, due to it's market and economy, not because India earned that respect.

Geopolitics doesn't give a shit about moral stances, or who did what.

You are right. Pakistans image is due to its small market and economy.
I ANGRY! I KILL!!! Excellent bargaining position to adopt.

I angry I kill is your policy for which your Hanuman have to make drama of surgical strike, they even changed definition of surgical strike all together to appease lowest form of lives aka bharati janata.

think about exploitation from Iranians, they have enough mole in Pakistan and India. think about any third party, if you think you are safe, you are living in delusion, we are a false flag away from annihilation.
Yaar I do not understand this. The one who kill and plant bombs and burn people alive and lynch people and blow themselves up in mosques and market places, they ARE very much Muslim.

Just because you do not wish to be associated with them and the bad name they give you and your faith, does not make them non Muslim.

For the world they are Muslim.

Its like me tempted to say those who gang rape women and those who lynch people for what they eat are not Indians.

That's simply not true. They are as Indian as I am, and to the world they are Indian, and sadly the world looks at me with the image of what those turds have been doing. Is it fair? No. Does it happen? Definitely yes.

The cartoons that were posted all day yesterday on these two threads, do you believe the guys posting them made them? No.

They are out there all over the social media and web. Why are they there? What is their purpose? To inflame.

Why do you not see so many cartoons of other Gods or Prophets? Because others do not get as inflamed, or know how to handle it a lot better than you guys. So its not as much fun baiting them, because of the poor returns. Hence no market.

Why so many memes on cows? Because sanghis get majorly baited. Hence its a lot more gratifying baiting them. Hence a market. Hence the memes all over.

Also because no one gives a squar about lesser faiths

Islam is spreading, it has a history of spreading and they cant do anything about it so they attack
Yet islam keeps spreading
Also because no one gives a squar about lesser faiths

Islam is spreading, it has a history of spreading and they cant do anything about it so they attack
Yet islam keeps spreading

To be honest, guys like you are one of the reasons why non Muslims have a very poor opinion of Muslims around the world.

And why you continue to have people poke fun at your faith and what you consider holy.

Its a give and take thing. You'll have to take, if you give. That's how the world works.
Wtf do you know aboutmuslims to label them as such ?
Bunch of uncircumcised terrorist who!are getting killed !!. Where as you have all terrorist minded rlosers at helm.it is no wonder they're making cow card than to actually helpmhe farmers.

Ok, lets play it your way.

Please provide proof that those acts were done by non Muslims.

Each time a Muslim does an act of terror anywhere in the world, please prove and convince the world that he or she was not really a Muslim.

Till you can do that, and convince the world, the world will go by his or her name and past, the country they come from and faith they have been known to follow.

That's what all countries have been doing. That's how you guys have gotten the name you have.
is it iran or pakistan which get routinely raided by the drones
where osama was caught and zawahari is assumed to be hiding
doesnt u guys read the clause of USA AID that every year u will get aid after certification of ur behaviour
even USA generals have gone on records saying HAQQANI NETWORK IS VERITABLE ARM OF THE ISI
Getting droned from very much our own permission. It was a job well done. We managed to kill quite many terrorist. Secondly, did you see osmapic ? If not shut up. Because if anything US would have not only sanctioned us but bombs us back to stone age. Apparently neither happened to much Indian plea and begging.
Rest is typical Indian ranting

Ok, lets play it your way.

Please provide proof that those acts were done by non Muslims.

Each time a Muslim does an act of terror anywhere in the world, please prove and convince the world that he or she was not really a Muslim.

Til you can do that, and convince the world, the world will go by his or her name and past, the country they come from and faith they have been known to follow.

Tell me what do you know f Islam to label them as mulms. Come on go o.
Since you claim theyremuslims, heck you Indian hindu would know something about Islam, right ?
Getting droned from very much our own permission. It was a job well done. We managed to kill quite many terrorist. Secondly, did you see osmapic ? If not shut up. Because if anything US would have not only sanctioned us but bombs us back to stone age. Apparently neither happened to much Indian plea and begging.
Rest is typical Indian ranting

Tell me what do you know f Islam to label them as mulms. Come on go o.
Since you claim theyremuslims, heck you Indian hindu would know something about Islam, right ?
about haqqani network the statement is by mike mullen not rant by india
To be honest, guys like you are one of the reasons why non Muslims have a very poor opinion of Muslims around the world.

And why you continue to have people poke fun at your faith and what you consider holy.

Its a give and take thing. You'll have to take, if you give. That's how the world works.

To be honest you think too much of other people's opinions

Your role in this world is not to please them, change yourself to fit in with their world view.

Otherwise we would be banning meat and worshipping idols just to please you

They are burning up because they cant do anything, its like India and Pakistan you filled with rage, you hate us and want to stop us but you cant do anything because you know of the consequences

Our role should be to live as Muslims and spread our faith to all who welcome it and there are many, should we shed tears for everyone else? Fuk em
Tell me what do you know f Islam to label them as mulms. Come on go o.
Since you claim theyremuslims, heck you Indian hindu would know something about Islam, right ?

See, first of all I am not a Hindu. All Indians are not Hindus, fyi.

Secondly, I do not need to know anything about Islam to know whether someone is a Muslim or not.

Thirdly, please stop going round and round in circles. I am not going to keep repeating myself, till you hear me say what you'd like to hear. My previous post was clear enough. If you do not get it, then leave it there.
about haqqani network the statement is by mike mullen not rant by india
So u agree to other statements that's why not reply. Good obedient boy.

Mike Mullen or not. If there was anything such as that real. Why are not we getting sanctioned like IRAN ??!!?!
To be honest you think too much of other people's opinions

Your role in this world is not to please them, change yourself to fit in with their world view.

Otherwise we would be banning meat and worshipping idols just to please you

They are burning up because they cant do anything, its like India and Pakistan you filled with rage, you hate us and want to stop us but you cant do anything because you know of the consequences

Our role should be to live as Muslims and spread our faith to all who welcome it and there are many, should we shed tears for everyone else? Fuk em

I am not the one getting bent out of shape because someone calls Muslim terrorists .... Muslim. :)
I don't know what Iran is thinking. If she wants to commit the same mistake which the Afghani forces were committing until few months ago then she is more than welcome. She knows that Pakistan is going through tough times and instead of supporting us she is playing blame blame. Seriously how many Muslim countries care about Iran? Here we are trying to save her from isolation and this is how she thanks us. Definitely a friend in need is a friend indeed and we know very well who is on our friend list.
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