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Pakistan has 2 Choices: Secularism or Death

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Nops... Turkey was infiltrated and divided on the basis of religion from day one. It wasn't till they promoted nationalism above religion that they could start to reclaim what they had lost.... Don't read Wiki too much..... They were stabbed in the back by none other than god's favorite from the arid lands....

You mean the Jews! or are you confusing the Arabs with them.

You should learn with whom you speak and project you wiki education on others.
You enjoy it, don't you? :P
Why not! after all ,one of the best entartainer is entertaining us. ;) Don't you think that secularism is used for hiding state's sins against minorities?
Really!!!! Somalia, Ethopia are also among state with no religion,are forgeting them?

We are talking about Secular Governance, not countries ruled by likes Al Sahab (or what ever the name is)

Really!!!! Somalia, Ethopia are also among state with no religion,are forgeting them?

We are talking about Secular Governance, not countries ruled by likes Al Sahab (or what ever the name is)
Why not! after all ,one of the best entartainer is entertaining us. ;) Don't you think that secularism is used for hiding state's sins against minorities?

Let me rephrase what you asked.

Q) Isn''t Islam used to hide the ugliness in YOUR household women that YOU have become accustomed to AT home?

Think before you ask retarded questions... Anymore non-sense and you'll get befitting replies...
We are talking about Secular Governance, not countries ruled by likes Al Sahab (or what ever the name is)
Ow! So our present establishment is involved in any genocide against minorities? Thats wat you are referring too?
Progress and equality for all can be our identity... Quaid and Iqbal were not very pious mooslis, were they? Just our combined distaste for the overbearing hindus won us a lottery....

You enjoy it, don't you? :P

Neither am I! But.... what degree of Peeping-Islam are you in favor of mixing with our daily cup of chai-latte?

Most of my 'mixing' is derived from Iqbal's Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam but suffice it to say 'the mix', 'the limits'...everything should be decided by the People of Pakistan through a Referendum ! If they want a 'Secular Pakistan', 'Taliban Styled Pakistan', 'an Indonesian/Malaysian styled Pakistan' or 'for the present system to continue' - let them decide it so that at the end of the day there is some genuine ownership of the decision. At present all I want is a revamping of the Judicial and Financial System of Pakistan and much greater accountability for all that we do i.e cut-off these politician's and bureaucrat's right and left hands for ripping us off for the past 65 years, hang the Mullahs for sprouting poison, court martial and hang the Generals who stepped in every time and imposed Martial Law and reign in all these Jihadis and their sympathizers ! You do that...I don't care if one were to call it 'Santa Claus's Pakistan'.
Let me rephrase what you asked.

Q) Isn''t Islam used to hide the ugliness in YOUR household women that YOU have become accustomed to AT home?

Think before you ask retarded questions... Anymore non-sense and you'll get befitting replies...
Isn't secularism is just a way to expose your women in secular nations and send your AIDs careers to make hell of another life?
Well ! after observing you Its remind me that suicide bombing trend had been started by a secular nation, and yea! attempting suicides are common in many secular nations. Isn't it?
The only word i can see up there is NASWAR... Never, EVER.....EVER blackmail us on the green nectar of gods... Hail to the divine eternal that created this bliss ..... :drag:

Crap... I don't get it here. Why did you bring it up... Was it just to hurt me?..... Now I feel withdrawal symptoms, all over again!

The Pukhtoon whos opened up a shop in the market near my place has a special box studded with the most articulate metal work that I've ever seen ! That box contains packets of Naswar in all price ranges...! I wonder whats the difference between the one that sells for Rs.10 a pack and the one that sells for Rs.50 especially when they're both the same size. :undecided:
One man gathered an army..... and eliminated all the religious dogs.
Who's that one person in Pakistan who'll eliminate the Mullahs and their fundamentalist hoards?

<!-------- THIS IS UNCENSORED HISTORY - BITE ME! --------->

The Ata-Turk way:
1. Killed ALL... I MEAN ALL of the Islamists. The senior mullahs were sent in numerous, huge cruise ships for performing Hajj and bombed in the middle of Mediterranean - Rest were sent to their beloved god in the middle of sleep, and the remainder hung from lamp-posts! Not a joke!
2. Gathered ALL OF their wives and protesting **tches in the middle of Ulus (Ankara) and ordered the army to convert their burqas to mini skirts with swords... NO JOKES HERE
3. Changed the Arab alphabet in as little as THREE NIGHTS to Latin alphabet. < Not kidding!
4. Burned EVERY BOOK in the country that had arab alphabet in it. < Absolutely true!

And voila we have modern-day Turkiye! :D

<!-------- THIS IS UNCENSORED HISTORY - BITE ME! --------->
Is all this possible in Mullah dominated Pakistan? Try putting the DPC on board ships and sending them to the bottom of the ocean. The fact is that the Pakistan Army is not the Turkish Army!

So let's not conjure up fantasies. The Mullah brigade headed by its chief commander Hafiz Saed and his lieutenants - Generals Beg and Gul - rule the roost in Pakistan. Does the PA have the inclination to bundle these Yahoos, lock them up in NATO containers and dump them into the sea? Nope! As I said, they aren't the Turkish Army which are in a different league altogether! And then most of the terror outfits headed by Mullahs are the PAs 'strategic assets', as Kayani himself mentioned to his American counterpart!

The opium of the masses is religion. And the Mullahs know how to exploit this sentiment to further their own agendas.
We are talking about Secular Governance, not countries ruled by likes Al Sahab (or what ever the name is)

Ma'am how much do you think has the ideology got to do with the operational performance of any system of Governance and at that don't you think that its not the ideological stance but the underlying 'intellectual and moral' degradation that manifests itself in these 'ideological' expressions, is the real thing that needs to be addressed because if it isn't this (religion) then it'll be something else (extreme form of Nationalism, Xenophobia or Cultural Assimilation etc.!) for the unacceptable expressions of all are mere symptoms of the underlying rot, a reaction so to speak, but not the causation per se ?
Who's that one person in Pakistan who'll eliminate the Mullahs and their fundamentalist hoards?

None of your worries. This is an internal matter. Secular or non-secular state-of-affairs of Pakistan, you are not welcome to comment on INTERNAL matters of Pakistan.

The Pukhtoon whos opened up a shop in the market near my place has a special box studded with the most articulate metal work that I've ever seen ! That box contains packets of Naswar in all price ranges...! I wonder whats the difference between the one that sells for Rs.10 a pack and the one that sells for Rs.50 especially when they're both the same size. :undecided:

Yara, it's all about quality and the quantity of tobacco in every ounce of the mighty NISWAAAR :hang2:
Ahhh...so if I were to try it would I be addicted to it the way most are to cigarettes or alcohol ?

I drank like a f**** russian while I was a student (trust me, no sane human can drink that much and survive) and never got addicted to it. However, sadly, leaving NISWAR was like cutting my balls off, or something very close! It literally hurts that bad, I mean the withdrawal :(

Note: Sorry Orion, didn't know - it was auto-defense mechanism that kicked in :D

Orion, more to the point: Think about it, I am a tribal and my view are as such... so, basically anything is possible, isn't it?
Pakistan is created in the name of religion .So to call for making it it secular would be an oxymoron.

Soon it'll soon argued that if Pakistan was secular whats was point of partition since Pakistan could have reminded as part of India which is a secular state .

So neither Pakistan is going join India nor it can be secular state . It was an Islamic state in the past and going to remain so as long as it exists.
Entropy. Besides why do you care mate?

Soon it'll soon argued that if Pakistan was secular whats was point of partition since Pakistan could have reminded as part of India which is a secular state.
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