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Pakistan Grapples with the Middle Eastern Fault-Lines as Gen. Raheel Takes Command of the Saudi-Led

Pakistan can tackle Iran...Iranians may act macho inside of poorly equipped Arab nations like Iraq, Syria and Yemen but not beyond that. Iranians should be told that Arabs/Pakistanis respect your interests until they collide with ours. Still, matter can be resolved on table than on battle ground.

The only thing I hate regarding Iran is their hyper egocentric pride, which smoothly transforms into hate towards others.

Persian empire is not anymore, U were conquered by Arabs - the race/nation of which you arrogantly make fun right now...Arabs also need to set aside their pride...If this happens, Pakistan will likely to become bridge b/w them.
I was under the impression that Pakistan did not buckle under the international pressure put by GCC nations. Quite unfortunate that they have.
Buckle by sending a guy who went on his own after getting retirement, in his personal capacity.

Just goes on to show that people domrespect the professionalism and hence they request it.

Sandia is a brotherly nation and it will be helped, jot much of help per say, as the guy Took the job. It is good to see that even when we are fighting against terrosim menace our sacrifices and contributions are being acknowledged. It is no wonder that Qatar too requested our services? Good we still have a clout.
Pakistan can tackle Iran...Iranians may act macho inside of poorly equipped Arab nations like Iraq, Syria and Yemen but not beyond that. Iranians should be told that Arabs/Pakistanis respect your interests until they collide with ours. Still, matter can be resolved on table than on battle ground.

The only thing I hate regarding Iran is their hyper egocentric pride, which smoothly transforms into hate towards others.

Persian empire is not anymore, U were conquered by Arabs - the race/nation of which you arrogantly make fun right now...Arabs also need to set aside their pride...If this happens, Pakistan will likely to become bridge b/w them.
Hazrat Ali RA was a proud Arab who conquered the Persians . Islam was brought in by Arabs to fire worshipping people to make them more civilised. If you ask me to chose between an Arab and Persian, even though they're of more or less the same league. I will choose Arab any day over ego centric Persian and twice on Friday. Arabs might be Bedouins but they certainly know what respect is and how to honour it.
I was under the impression that Pakistan did not buckle under the international pressure put by GCC nations. Quite unfortunate that they have.

It was only a matter of time before Pakistan got involved. This involvement will only grow deeper with time.
Hazrat Ali RA was a proud Arab who conquered the Persians . Islam was brought in by Arabs to fire worshipping people to make them more civilised. If you ask me to chose between an Arab and Persian, even though they're of more or less the same league. I will choose Arab any day over ego centric Persian and twice on Friday. Arabs might be Bedouins but they certainly know what respect is and how to honour it.

Isn't Iran conquered by Hazrat Umer R.A ?
That is true. The dynamics of this region and to which Pakistan belongs, it cannot remain oblivious to it for long.

Remember all the chest beating in the Parliament how the refusal was a measure of Pakistan's sofrainitee. I said the same thing then.

The problem here is going to be when to stop and disentangle.
Let us look at the business end of things...before being drifted into slipstreams of theocracy....

This alliance needs to be formed, equipped, operationalised and managed... financing will be done by SA...but the rest wil be done by whom?

This is a truly historic opportunity for Pak MIC to export some of the goods...from tanks to planes....and everything inbetween.

The good General RS would not just go for a few bucks... heck he could make tons from his book deals and speaking engagements...and not to mention joing a couple DC Think Tanks...

No...the Giant of PA has a plan... let us allow him to do his JOB.

Peace brings prosperity... Peace in the ME is in the strategic interest of Pak State...Pak is strategic stakeholder there, lest some forget.

@Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER friends keep these hatemonger gangalanders at bay, please. Thanks!
Remember all the chest beating in the Parliament how the refusal was a measure of Pakistan's sofrainitee. I said the same thing then.

The problem here is going to be when to stop and disentangle.
Cannot disentangle even when wanted to. We are attached to his region, culturally, religiously, historically and religiously. What remains is to be seen how Pakistan plays it's card In aligning mutual interests
sorry we are not india

only india can be a 'shupa powa' where open defecation is a the norm
But ego centric Iran is totally another story that even all countries of world combined cannot stand upmto it's mighty propaganda
Sending raheel sharef that too in his personal capacity is a trrop?

Then I wonder what Indian will do in battlefield when they actually see troops

Good to see that one retired man by Indian is considered as troop.

I am sure he didn't take tourist visa to go to lead the GCC forces.

He is deputed by your government and naturally, that means it is not personal capacity in any way.

By putting your general in command of a Gulf force, you are clearly taking sides.

This will only get more messier by the day. There's still time; just cancel your binding alliances.

It was only a matter of time before Pakistan got involved. This involvement will only grow deeper with time.

And do you approve of it as a Pakistani national?

Middle East is a quicksand (no pun intended). The more you get involved, the more complex it will get.
And do you approve of it as a Pakistani national?

Middle East is a quicksand (no pun intended). The more you get involved, the more complex it will get.

It is up to Pakistan to decide what serves its national interests the best. The Middle East is a complex place, no doubt.

Cannot disentangle even when wanted to. We are attached to his region, culturally, religiously, historically and religiously. What remains is to be seen how Pakistan plays it's card In aligning mutual interests

Pursuing national interests also comes with risks and compromises.
Only if wishes were horses.... :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

They are feeling the heat of isolation in South Asia so they are looking to grab at anything and everything that gets them some international attention. They are just not looking at long term.

No. It is not about isolation but their perennial identity confusion.

In the heat of religiosity, their former presidents and PMs signed strategic binding agreements with the Arabs. Pakistani politics has always been based on religious ideology which even the Arabs don't care much about any more.

However, today with a totally different landscape of a disunited Arab world and an increasingly stronger Iran, these defence agreements have come to haunt Pakistanis back. Their government cannot turn away from these agreements without facing severe diplomatic consequences which would affect their nation both locally and internationally. When KSA wants their cooperation in defence, even if it is against Iran and its allied forces in Yemen, Pakistani government has no option but to relent to the demands put forth by the Arab forces.

India's international diplomatic success is simply due to the fact that we insist on not entering politically binding military alliances.

After the 1971 Indo-Soviet Alliance, we made sure not to enter any military alliances.

And it has reaped us rich rewards.

He's not a Pakistani. He's a false flagger.

Then you tell me; do you approve of this kind of a binding commitment?

How is this a Muslim NATO when your general would be directing a fight against Muslims who are supported by another Muslim nation, Iran?
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