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Pakistan Grapples with the Middle Eastern Fault-Lines as Gen. Raheel Takes Command of the Saudi-Led


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Mar 4, 2017
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Pakistan Grapples with the Middle Eastern Fault-Lines as Gen. Raheel Takes Command of the Saudi-Led “Muslim NATO”
Global Village Space

James M. Dorsey |

With no troops to command and a Riyadh-based skeleton staff, General Raheel Sharif, Pakistan’s recently retired top commander, appeared to slide into a cushy job as commander of a 41-nation, the Saudi-led military alliance created to fight terrorism.

In fact, the general’s new job is everything but straightforward. He has taken on a task that is likely to require diplomatic tap-dancing if he is to succeed in putting flesh on the alliance’s skeleton and ensure that his native Pakistan is not enmeshed in the bitter dispute between Saudi Arabia, one of Pakistan’s closest allies, and Iran, the South Asian state’s neighbor.

Complicating things for General Sharif is the fact that Pakistan is home to the world’s largest Shiite Muslim minority, who account for up to a quarter of its population. Pakistani critics warned that General Sharif’s appointment risked involving Pakistan not only in the Middle East’s seemingly intractable conflicts but also in Sunni-Shiite Muslim sectarian strife.

Read more: Nasser Janjua thinks Raheel Sharif will bring unity among ‘Muslim world’

Muslim Coalition or War Against Yemen?

General Sharif’s appointment of what is officially the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism, dubbed the Muslim world’s NATO, promises to give the group the credibility it needs: a non-Arab commander from one of the world’s most populous Muslim countries who commanded not only one of the Muslim world’s largest militaries but also one that possesses nuclear weapons.

Yet, General Sharif’s problems start with the alliance’s name. The alliance, announced hastily by Saudi Arabia two years ago without prior consultations with all of its alleged members, has yet to adopt a common definition of what constitutes terrorism.

General Sharif’s appointment of what is officially the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism, dubbed the Muslim world’s NATO, promises to give the group the credibility it needs.

Members also have yet to reach agreement on what the alliance’s priorities are: Iran, viewed by Saudi Arabia as the foremost threat, or jihadist groups like the Islamic State and Al Qaeda. Many members, including Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia, are moreover weary of being roped into Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen that has allowed Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to emerge stronger than ever.

Read more: Pakistan has approved Gen. Raheel’s new job: Are we digging a hole for ourselves?

Pakistan’s parliament rejected, in 2015, a Saudi request to contribute troops to the war in Yemen. More recently, on the eve of General Sharif’s appointment, Pakistan agreed to send 10,000 combat troops to the Saudi side of the kingdom’s border with Yemen.

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Pakistan Grapples with the Middle Eastern Fault-Lines as Gen. Raheel Takes Command of the Saudi-Led “Muslim NATO”
Raheel should focus on muslim unity and demand Saudi to invite it and Iraq. Syria has a terrorist regime though that is killing its own people to stay in power so if it doesn't come no problem. But Iran should join the coalition if this isn't a typical takfiri movement.
Iran is now onboard. Rohani visit to Russia confirms that.
Where are the guys, who said we will not send mercenary troupes to Saudi Arabian mercenary war because our democratic parliament said so!!!! LOL.....So, it was just an eye wash and it told the world who actually in power in Pakistan!!!

We need to increase our geo strategic strength, nations connect

Pakistan is growing, our economy is increasing as is our military strength

We won't harm India sitting on our hands becoming part of multi national alliances iis the way forward

Having our military commanders taking charge is important

Its up to us to utilise this to grow Pakistani influence and start harming india
You think Iran is going to join an organisation founded by saudis and headed by a pakistani? You must be badly deluded.

This origination was made by a desperate saudi regime. And pakistan, instead of dealing with the terrorists inside its own borders, is acting like stooges for these Persian gulf arabs.

Like I said, this will have very negative impact on Iran-pakistan relations. Which is good news for India!
If Iran is truly committed to muslim unity it will never seek a relationship with India which is an oppressor in Kashmir. Iran stands for palestine and wants muslim nations to work together.
This is good news for India. This will make Iran's relation with pakistan much more strained and negative.
I think it shows Iran that alot of these pakistanis in leadership roles are basically just stooges for these Persian gulf arabs.

India should play it smart and use this opportunity to heavily boost its relation with Iran, no doubt Iran-pakistan relation will most definitely go further down the drain.

Our relations with Iran are on solid footing and we are growing both our Iranian and GCC clout

India and its isolation attempt are on the sidelines looking like clowns:lol:
This is good news for India. This will make Iran's relation with pakistan much more strained and negative.
I think it shows Iran that alot of these pakistanis in leadership roles are basically just stooges for these Persian gulf arabs.

India should play it smart and use this opportunity to heavily boost its relation with Iran, no doubt Iran-pakistan relation will most definitely go further down the drain.

Yes India should find any support it can because alone (I give Afghanistan zero weight) he doesnt not stand a chance against Pakistan.
"Muslims unity" might exists in the mind of some gullible people but it does not exist in real life.
This organisation was created as desperate attempt by the saudis to try and be as a counter to the Iranian influence. It was clearly aimed at Iran. Not that it matters because it will be as useless.

The only part that will really lose in all this is actually pakistan which will now see its relation with Iran go in the negative department.

If pakistan want to act like stooges for the Persian gulf arabs, you think Iran is going to see you as anything but an enemy?

Before your tears choke you up.

We had not involved ourselves in Yemen because of our close relations with Iran. We discussed with the Iranian this and involving them in the alliance

The opportunity was too good to miss a multi Nation alliance dosent come round every day, we have taken the Iranians onboard and taken charge of the alliance, Saudi will reassured and we increase our influence multi fold

Pakistan already has 150+ nuclear war heads, our economy and military are growing and this multi nation military aliance could grow into something special
Coalition is a good news and I hope Gen Raheel will play a role in bringing Iran and other muslim countries in this coalition. Gen Raheel has already played a role with PM Sharif for bringing Iran and Saudi Arabia close to each other and he will do it again.
Of course it does not. How could India ever hope to compete with hyperpower pakistan.

Pakistan is not a hyper power, never claimed any power status, do not aspire to be one...unlike India.
But you dont see any Irony in this, do you?
A self proclaimed super power wants to make alliances with every country against a weaker economically broken country??
pity i feel for fools
Go play with your toys kid and don't waste my time. Come back when you're at least 16 years old. Maybe then we could have a proper discussion. Maybe.

LOL that is the most commonly used sentence by losers
It seem the only thing you people are good is being deluded.

There is a higher chance of Iran joining NATO than this useless organisation. If you think Iran takes pakistan seriously enough to "be taken onboard" by it then you're more hopeless than I thought. Who is pakistan? pakistan is seen as nothing but stooges for the arabs in the Persian gulf.

Those nuclear warheads have not stopped pakistan becoming almost a terrorist safe heaven and be constantly at war within its own territory.

You did not join the war in yemen because you would been nothing but cannon fodders and sent back home in body bags.

You people first need to learn to secure your own territory before thinking of foreign adventures.

Our territory is secure, our economy is now growing beyond 5%, and we are growing our military and regional clout

Becoming part of this multi national alliance is part of that growth

Those 150 nuclear war heads is more than most nations can dream of, including iran

When I mean the Iranians were taken on board, i mean they were told and they accepted that it was too good a offer to turn down

We will balance our relationship with iran and the GCC accordingly

There is only one country we wish to see wiped off the earth and that is India the rest is just fluff and you need not get your panties in a twist
The only party that will really lose in all this is actually pakistan which will now see its relation with Iran go in the negative department.
The black clad shit heads can jerk off. When they don't respect territorial integrity, when they only think highly of themselves, nthey should be taught a lesson

Well the irnoy here is most iranis that are in US actually act like more patriotic, while ignoring what spiritual mullah says about US. Still living in a country that forces Iran in isolation. Talkmabout honour

Where are the guys, who said we will not send mercenary troupes to Saudi Arabian mercenary war because our democratic parliament said so!!!! LOL.....So, it was just an eye wash and it told the world who actually in power in Pakistan!!!
Sending raheel sharef that too in his personal capacity is a trrop?

Then I wonder what Indian will do in battlefield when they actually see troops

Good to see that one retired man by Indian is considered as troop.
I was under the impression that Pakistan did not buckle under the international pressure put by GCC nations. Quite unfortunate that they have.
It seem the only thing you people are good is being deluded.

There is a higher chance of Iran joining NATO than this useless organisation. If you think Iran takes pakistan seriously enough to "be taken onboard" by it then you're more hopeless than I thought. Who is pakistan? pakistan is seen as nothing but stooges for the arabs in the Persian gulf.

Those nuclear warheads have not stopped pakistan becoming almost a terrorist safe heaven and be constantly at war within its own territory.

You did not join the war in yemen because you would been nothing but cannon fodders and sent back home in body bags.

You people first need to learn to secure your own territory before thinking of foreign adventures.
So says an Indian who couldn't control Kashmir Punjab and Assam and was having bombings every year. till the 90s Pride is making you blind. Every countries situation changes one day and CPEC could be that enabler for Pakistan. I have been to Iran and the people are warm towards us Pakistanis. Indians on the other hand have a hatred for all muslims. Indian lies will not have an effect on Pakistani and other muslim nations relations.
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