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Pakistan goes to OIC against India (Babri Masjid Case)

Only good in degrading the whatever image Pakistan has in this world .
Crying and whining about the matters that concerns internal issues of other nations will only humilate Pakistan.
Even though some Indian Muslims generally cant accept some clauses in judgement ,they are already accepted because this is our SC judgement .

OIC , UN ,we dont care .
SC will pass ultimate judgement in India.And Indian must obey that .
This is our private matter .

Its been 70+ years .
Why you guys are still searching for two nation theory and practical?
Pathetic .

Instead you should ask to your leaders .
Who are we to interfere the court judgements in some other nation?
Its a fact since it is not NGOs but Govt officials in Pakistan.
So ask why should we pass comments in private matters of some other nations?
What Indians like you fail to understand is just how much of a slap on the face of Hindustan the very existence of Pakistan actually is.

You relentlessly parrot this hilarious catchphrase like some indoctrination camp mantra: "our internal matter, our internal matter, our internal matter" and yet ironically enough, Pakistan itself was carved out of India's internal matter. Then Pakistan stole part of Kashmir by force of arms, again from India.

Interference in India's so-called "internal matters" is exactly how Pakistan was born.

You must really really despise Jinnah because of his original, cardinal, bar-setting interference in India's internal matters that Hindutva India has never actually recovered from.

Whether you like it or not, Pakistan will continue to dismantle the Hindutva narrative that somehow the only owners or inheritors or guardians or standard bearers of subcontinental destiny are saffron-clad trishul wavers.
What Indians like you fail to understand is just how much of a slap on the face of Hindustan the very existence of Pakistan actually is.

You relentlessly parrot this hilarious catchphrase like some indoctrination camp mantra: "our internal matter, our internal matter, our internal matter" and yet ironically enough, Pakistan itself was carved out of India's internal matter. Then Pakistan stole part of Kashmir by force of arms, again from India.

Interference in India's so-called "internal matters" is exactly how Pakistan was born.

You must really really despise Jinnah because of his original, cardinal, bar-setting interference in India's internal matters that Hindutva India has never actually recovered from.

Whether you like it or not, Pakistan will continue to dismantle the Hindutva narrative that somehow the only owners or inheritors or guardians or standard bearers of subcontinental destiny are saffron-clad trishul wavers.

This poster is particularly fond of "Theory of Internal Matterology" and he can safely be called "Internal Matterologist".:lol:
What Indians like you fail to understand is just how much of a slap on the face of Hindustan the very existence of Pakistan actually is.

You relentlessly parrot this hilarious catchphrase like some indoctrination camp mantra: "our internal matter, our internal matter, our internal matter" and yet ironically enough, Pakistan itself was carved out of India's internal matter. Then Pakistan stole part of Kashmir by force of arms, again from India.

Interference in India's so-called "internal matters" is exactly how Pakistan was born.

You must really really despise Jinnah because of his original, cardinal, bar-setting interference in India's internal matters that Hindutva India has never actually recovered from.

Whether you like it or not, Pakistan will continue to dismantle the Hindutva narrative that somehow the only owners or inheritors or guardians or standard bearers of subcontinental destiny are saffron-clad trishul wavers.

You know what ?
Indians dont even care what you people doing there
We are the newer generations that is governing this nation .Both Modi,Rahul and all other such leaders represent us .

Pakistan partitioned 70 years ago .
And its end there
Now you are just a foreigner .
When you pass comments about us its same like Turkey or Nicarguan passing comments about us .

So how much you try for attention in here ,nothing going to happen.
Newer generations will drive this vibrant democracy .Pakistan and BD are foreign nations like SL or Nepal.

When I said that your are foreigner we South Indians dont know you or your nation.
So mind in your own business
Pakistan and BD are foreign nations like SL or Nepal

India has interfered in the affairs of every foreign country you just mentioned, so spare us the moaning.
The Muslim League was very clear 70 years ago that even after partition, Pakistan would defend the rights and interests of Indian Muslims who were left in India. Pakistan should do more to honor that promise and this is a step in the right direction.
India has interfered in the affairs of every foreign country you just mentioned, so spare us the moaning.
The Muslim League was very clear 70 years ago that even after partition, Pakistan would defend the rights and interests of Indian Muslims who were left in India. Pakistan should do more to honor that promise and this is a step in the right direction.

As you sow so shall reap.
India interferd all these nations when they interfers.
Each of them.
A small correction is Nepal since they have some priveleges.
But all others are just foreigners only.
As you sow so shall reap.

Yes, when Hindu thugs start chimping out and tearing apart buildings, the rest of the world will take note. When the Indian state sides with the Hindu thugs, the rest of the world will take note. What you reap, you will sow.

India interferd all these nations when they interfers.

You can't even spell interfere so I'd prefer you don't start explaining the history of Indian interference. I'm actually kind of interested in what kind of interference lead to India supporting the Mukti Bahini or LTTE or Shanti Bahini.

But all others are just foreigners only.

There're bhakts and Sanghis in the highest echelons of the Indian government feverishly drawing maps showing India annexing the rest of the subcontinent. Maybe they're foreigners to a guy like you but the actual people who rule the country don't feel that way.
Absolutely useless.first kashmir,now babri masjid case,tomorrow something else.useless people running pakistan.what is the end result? nothing.talk without actions is useless.
India has interfered in the affairs of every foreign country you just mentioned, so spare us the moaning.
The Muslim League was very clear 70 years ago that even after partition, Pakistan would defend the rights and interests of Indian Muslims who were left in India. Pakistan should do more to honor that promise and this is a step in the right direction.

As you sow so shall reap.
India interferd all these nations when they interfers.
Each of them.
A small correction is Nepal since they have some priveleges.
But all others are just foreigners only.

Absolutely useless.first kashmir,now babri masjid case,tomorrow something else.useless people running pakistan.what is the end result? nothing.talk without actions is useless.

Actually who are you to talk about Ayodhya or changes that we made in our own Indian Constitution?

Yes, when Hindu thugs start chimping out and tearing apart buildings, the rest of the world will take note. When the Indian state sides with the Hindu thugs, the rest of the world will take note. What you reap, you will sow.

You can't even spell interfere so I'd prefer you don't start explaining the history of Indian interference. I'm actually kind of interested in what kind of interference lead to India supporting the Mukti Bahini or LTTE or Shanti Bahini.

There're bhakts and Sanghis in the highest echelons of the Indian government feverishly drawing maps showing India annexing the rest of the subcontinent. Maybe they're foreigners to a guy like you but the actual people who rule the country don't feel that way.

Rest of the world will take note ,will smile ,will give a shake hand and will go.Like we proved tgat now and again if we want.

Noone asked you to kill those Bengalis and send them to India and makes problem for us.

Anyway those were earlier generations and those generation is already gone.There is a reason that BJP also chose Modi and Congress chose Rahul.
Advani or Singh are earlier one and retired
For newer generations these kind of activities will not happen and if anyone tries to itch us will suffer consequences .

So be it .Like we said before we dont have that historic baggage or burden not anymore
Kill yourself. No one will be sad if you do so. In fact, they will celebrate by raping a girl, like your pathetic indian culture teaches.

Did I already told you?
We dont need your certificate for our culture .

Mind in your own business
What Indians like you fail to understand is just how much of a slap on the face of Hindustan the very existence of Pakistan actually is.

You relentlessly parrot this hilarious catchphrase like some indoctrination camp mantra: "our internal matter, our internal matter, our internal matter" and yet ironically enough, Pakistan itself was carved out of India's internal matter. Then Pakistan stole part of Kashmir by force of arms, again from India.

Interference in India's so-called "internal matters" is exactly how Pakistan was born.

You must really really despise Jinnah because of his original, cardinal, bar-setting interference in India's internal matters that Hindutva India has never actually recovered from.

Whether you like it or not, Pakistan will continue to dismantle the Hindutva narrative that somehow the only owners or inheritors or guardians or standard bearers of subcontinental destiny are saffron-clad trishul wavers.
Not really - it is not a slap in the face of anyone. It was a political demand by a political party in British India which was fulfilled by the British authorities. Nothing to do with the Republic of India.

"Pakistan stole" and here I am quoting you. I doubt your fellow countrymen feel they "stole" it. But they did invade a free nation - Kashmir as Princely State was a free country. Like Sikkim, Nepal etc. I think you would have eventually got it if you had been patient instead of jumping the gun.

India's story is not that of trishul wavers and the RSS. It is known in the world for Buddha, Gandhi Nehru and Yoga. Just like a Donald Trump can't wipe out Lincoln and Roosevelt, Modi can't wipe out India's history. This too shall pass.
As you sow so shall reap.
India interferd all these nations when they interfers.
Each of them.
A small correction is Nepal since they have some priveleges.
But all others are just foreigners only.

Actually who are you to talk about Ayodhya or changes that we made in our own Indian Constitution?

Rest of the world will take note ,will smile ,will give a shake hand and will go.Like we proved tgat now and again if we want.

Noone asked you to kill those Bengalis and send them to India and makes problem for us.

Anyway those were earlier generations and those generation is already gone.There is a reason that BJP also chose Modi and Congress chose Rahul.
Advani or Singh are earlier one and retired
For newer generations these kind of activities will not happen and if anyone tries to itch us will suffer consequences .

So be it .Like we said before we dont have that historic baggage or burden not anymore

For me,building gurudwara and opening Hindu temple is useless.yes it may be your internal matter but Kashmir is not your internal matter and you can't apply indian constitution on Kashmir issue.
For me,building gurudwara and opening Hindu temple is useless.yes it may be your internal matter but Kashmir is not your internal matter and you can't apply indian constitution on Kashmir issue.
Then why Pakistan is making a fuss when parts of Indian constitution is removed? Or making noise over court judgement in India, or NRC, neither of which is Pakistans issue neither it affects Pakistan. But it's an eternal itch that would never stop among Pakistanis to look into what's happening here.
i am enjoying how pakistan meddling internal matters of india :rofl:

Small correction. Effort to middle in India's Internal matter. Pakistan has lost the capability to middle in india's internal matter on diplomatic front.
Then why Pakistan is making a fuss when parts of Indian constitution is removed? Or making noise over court judgement in India, or NRC, neither of which is Pakistans issue neither it affects Pakistan. But it's an eternal itch that would never stop among Pakistanis to look into what's happening here.

Let me clarify things here.there is a concept in Pakistan that indian Muslims think like pakistani but in reality,they love India and very few pakistanis understand this fact.obviously it hurts to see judgement related to a mosque but it's not our matter.practically we can do nothing about that and it's useless to make it a issue but Kashmir is a real problem between two countries and many indians accept this fact.
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