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Pakistan General Elections 2013

What party would you vote for in 2013 Elections.

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If noon league sweep punjab what are their prospects of forming gov without alliances?do you guys think they will get good no. of seats in sindh and KP?what will be the role of fazlu gang and MQM?

can imran be the game spoiler for nawaz so that "abki baari fir zardari " ?

Please answer !
If noon league sweep punjab what are their prospects of forming gov without alliances?do you guys think they will get good no. of seats in sindh and KP?what will be the role of fazlu gang and MQM?

can imran be the game spoiler for nawaz so that "abki baari fir zardari " ?

Please answer !
how do you guys even know these things? do average indians follow our elections very closely?
how do you guys even know these things? do average indians follow our elections very closely?

LOL no......... normal Indians don't even know the name of Pakistani prime minister leave aside polity of pak
Surely, PPPP will win this election. Then 2nd major party will appear in the form of PTI and with Tahir ul qadri party supporters.
PMLN will get few seats not more than 18.

MQM popularity is still increasing. 22-25 seats
Ready, set, elect!: Elections to be held on time, govt assures SC

The government assured the Supreme Court on Monday that the next general elections would be held on time and in a free and fair manner.

Attorney General Irfan Qadir, upon receipt of telephonic instructions from the prime minister, stated that the federal government wants just, timely elections to be held in the country.

In a written order, the court observed: “The federal government is, itself, desirous of holding free and fair elections in accordance with the law and the Constitution. Therefore, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is directed to gear up for the forthcoming elections in accordance with the Constitution.”

The court, as in the case of Workers’ Party Pakistan pronouncement on June 8, 2012, issued various directions to the ECP to make the necessary arrangements that will guarantee elections are conducted in accordance with law and that corrupt practices are guarded against, as held by Article 218(3) of the Constitution.

As the national and provincial assemblies are about to complete their tenure, the counsel for the petitioners submitted an application stating non-implementation of the judgment so far.

ECP submits apt response

A comprehensive report was promptly submitted on Monday by the ECP before a three-judge bench, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, stating that the commission “has made all necessary preparations that are required for conducting a free, fair and transparent election in the country and is ready to hold elections in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the law.”

The report also exhibited a stepwise implementation of the judgment.

The ECP is obliged to ensure that all elections witness a substantial participation of the electorate. Therefore, all necessary steps must be taken to make voting compulsory as early as possible. In the ‘first-past-the-post’ system, the winning candidate does not necessarily receive an absolute majority of all votes cast. As such, this principle violates the principle of majority. Consequently, the ECP may explore ways to introduce a more appropriate system of election to ensure true representation of the people and rule of the majority.

The court will hear election matters from Wednesday onwards.

Ready, set, elect!: Elections to be held on time, govt assures SC – The Express Tribune
Abid Manto says Election Commission not doing its duty

ISLAMABAD: One of the most respected legal minds of the country, Abid Hassan Manto, laments that because of the inaction of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), he had to move an implementation petition in the Supreme Court to enforce the judgement in the Workers Party petition to ensure free and fair elections.

While talking to The News, Manto said that it has become a habit of the administration to keep things as they are instead of rectifying them in the light of judgements passed by the courts and laws made by the parliament.

“Had the ECP implemented the Workers Party judgement then he would not have moved an application for its implementation in the apex court”, he maintained.

He added: “We have written letters to the ECP, sent briefs to it regarding the implementation of the judgement and even met with the officials of the ECP but all in vain. Therefore we have adopted a legal process”.

Minto held that the prime purpose of the Workers Party petition was the benefit of the masses in that election expenses should be strictly controlled and monitored so that the common person could also participate in the election. “We also pressed for making laws for compulsory voting to engage all the people in the electoral process”, Minto said.

He said that it was discussed in the petition that if a candidate fails to get 50 percent of the polled votes yet he is at number one then there should be a run-off election between the two top candidates so that a candidate with a real majority should be declared victorious.

He lamented that unfortunately the ECP has not read the judgement, so how can it get the gist of what has been said in it.

Regarding corrupt practices defined in the People’s Representative Act and Article 62 and 63 of the Constitution, Minto maintained that he considers Article 62 and 63 as the brainchild of Ziaul Haq therefore he has not mentioned these two articles of the Constitution in his petition.

It is worth mentioning that the SC on June 8, 2012 had directed the ECP in the Workers Party petition that in the following words: ‘The Representation of the People Act, 1976 vests in the Election Commission responsibilities and powers to, inter alia, regulate election expenses, provide for offences, penalties and procedures in case of breach of conditions relating thereto, resolve all election disputes, declare the election void, etc. The constitutional requirement to hold elections fairly, freely, honestly, justly and in accordance with the law obligates the Election Commission to exercise all powers vested in it to the best of standards and norms.’

“The Election Commission is empowered to check not just illegal actions relating to the election (violating the limits set for campaign finance, etc.) or corrupt practices (bribery, etc.), but is also empowered to review all election activities, including Jalsas, Juloos, use of loudspeakers, etc. for their effects on the standards of ‘fairness, justness and honesty’ that elections are expected to meet. The Election Commission is also empowered to take preemptive measures to ensure that the spirit of democracy and ‘fairness, justness and honesty’ of elections is fully observed. The Election Commission is, therefore, directed to take all necessary steps to ensure the same;

“The Election Commission must undertake monitoring of the election expenses from the day the holding of election is notified.

“A candidate must account for all the expenses immediately after the election is over. The Declaration Form should include the following further declarations: -

(i) To meet election expenses,

I have opened account No.xxxx withxxxx (name & branch of a scheduled bank) and deposited therein the amount permissible for election expenses.

(ii) All election expenditure shall be made out of the money already deposited in the aforesaid account.

(iii) No transaction towards the election expenses shall be made through an account other than the above account.

[Copy of bank statement will be annexed with the Return.];

Corrective measures are required to be taken by the Election Commission to ensure that the election disputes are resolved at the earliest.”

Abid Manto says Election Commission not doing its duty - thenews.com.pk

Draft law to change election process ready, says ECP

ISLAMABAD: The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is in the final stages of completing the draft of amendments to the current laws to accommodate the clauses of the Islamabad Long March Declaration, including the 30-day proposal for scrutiny of candidates, a senior official of the commission said on Saturday.

The draft legislation proposes different amendments to the Representation of the People Act 1976 (RPA) to empower the commission to start the process of cleansing candidates.

Sher Afgan, Director General ECP, told The News that 500 returning officers would be appointed across the country for the upcoming general elections and they will be empowered under the proposed legislation to directly write to different investigating agencies, bureaus and government departments for seeking any kind of information about all the candidates who apply to contest the elections. Afgan said all these returning officers would also send these lists to the ECP.

He also confirmed that this would happen for the first time in the country’s history, as in the past the returning officers only made checks when an objection was raised. “After this new legislation, right after the initial list of candidates would be completed, the returning officer concerned, before anyone raises any objection, will send the same list of names along with all undertakings and declarations of taxes, property, etc, to the ECP, as well as all concerned institutions and agencies for verification of taxes, pending cases etc.”

Afgan said the proposal to increase the scrutiny period from seven to 30 days had also been incorporated in the draft.

It is very clear that when these lists will land in the Federal Bureau of Revenue (FBR) along with undertakings of taxes and declarations of assets and properties, the FBR will report back to returning officers whether the undertakings and declarations are true or not. The FBR will confirm to the returning officers any violations of Income Tax Law by these candidates and if it was found that a candidate had not filed his return of income during the last few years, he would be disqualified from contesting the elections.

A recent CIRC report shows that 70 per cent of parliamentarians of the present parliament had violated the Income Tax laws. This also includes more than 60 per cent of MNAs of the PPP and PML-N.

These lists will also be sent to the Higher Education Commission (HEC). The commission will verify the names of the candidates who were members of the National Assembly or any provincial assembly during 2008-2013 term and whose degrees were found fake or “whose degrees could not be verified”. This will create trouble for many candidates.

Those candidates who were members of the National Assembly or any provincial assembly during the term 2008-2013 and were declared to have made any false declaration on account of their dual nationality will also stand disqualified.

Most importantly, those MNAs or MPAs who resigned fearing a court verdict against them and did not file an undertaking with their respective assemblies’ secretariats with regard to their ‘single nationality of Pakistan’ will also be disqualified. When the returning officers will send these lists along with undertakings and declarations to power and gas authorities, the defaulters would be ousted.

Similarly, NAB and the FIA will report any pending cases and evidence available with them against any candidate or any court’s decision against them to the returning officers. Police departments will also do so.

Most of the provisions to scrutinize the candidates are already there simply needing implementation. It is apparent that after the promulgation of new legislation, these sections and clauses of the law will be implemented.

Sher Afgan also told The News that besides many other steps to empower the ECP under the proposed legislation, complaint cells will be established in every district. He said monitors would be appointed on permanent basis in all districts who will report to the ECP about the expenses incurred by the candidates during election campaigns.

Section 12(8) of RPA reads: “(8) The nomination form and accompanying declarations and statements shall be open to inspection by the public, and copies thereof may be made available by the Commission in such manner and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed.” However, it was clear that under the new legislation, whether these lists along with undertakings and statements will also be made available on the website of the commission so that Section 12(8) could be implemented in letter and spirit and general public from any constituency can check these details easily and apprise the ECP of any wrong.

Zardari promises most transparent polls in history

KARACHI: President Asif Ali Zardari on Monday resolved to hold the most transparent elections in the country’s history very soon, after foiling all attempts to derail democracy with the help of the masses.

Talking to leaders of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) at Bilawal House, Zardari said the government will complete its constitutional tenure and a schedule for the general election will be in accordance with the Constitution.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah were also present in the meeting.He said the caretaker government will be formed in consultation will all allied and opposition parties, which should fasten its belts as elections are nearing.

He formed a three-member committee, headed by Khurshid Shah, to look over the organisational set-up and devise a future strategy for the PPP in Balochistan.This committee will submit its report to the president within 15 days on the Balochistan situation and the future moves of the PPP.

Sources said options for making a future coalition with other political parties came under discussion during the meeting.Zardari said they are democratic people and believe in the strength and continuity of democracy.

He said it is a positive sign that all political forces have come together for the sustainability of democracy. He advised the PPP leaders to spend maximum time in their areas and stay in touch with the masses.
Zardari promises most transparent polls in history - thenews.com.pk
Why can't I vote?

Imran Khan is going sweep the elections. After the democratic reforms he brought in his party young people in pakistan him
Why can't I vote?

Imran Khan is going sweep the elections. After the democratic reforms he brought in his party young people in pakistan him

Under 18 are not eligible for vote. I think that they should change the minimum age limit from 18 to 15.
Why can't I vote?

Imran Khan is going sweep the elections. After the democratic reforms he brought in his party young people in pakistan him

electoral reforms have not taken place... therefore, right now u cannot vote from usa.
Jehlum - Gujrat area PTI will win. Many of my friends has been visiting home this month and 99% saying they are shocked to see how much support PTI has spesialy in youth.

Another friend of mine was in Lahore after 15 years. He said every where he went every one he talked to in his family said we will vote for Imran Khan. Some of his close family members were high ranking PPP politicans who has quitted PPP and joined PTI.

My father had a visit from Karachi and his son was with him. Last time i was in Karachi they told me we have only 2 choice MQM or ANP. For first time in there life they gona vote and there vote is for Imran Khan. He said election day was as a free day we used to have family parties did not vote since we did not care but this time have regiserted each and every single person who can vote and inshalla we will vote IK.

Same can i tell from my home all youngsters , mothers will vote IK only father maybe will vote PPP or PMLN reason same old stories thana kachari etc etc. But same old tactic they dont say no to either PPP or PML.N since they will make life hell for u after they win election.

Just look at Zardari and Nawaz Sharif.... compare them to worlds leading countries... its insulting to have these morons as our PM or President or even ministers. Time has come to change our future this time IK is best option if he does not do his job find some other but he will since he is honset brave and educated....
Election date within 10 days

LAHORE - The longstanding national anxiety over the election date would be over soon as the government coalition partners have given their word to Minhajul Quran chief to announce precise date for upcoming polls and dissolution of the assemblies within seven to ten days.A government team led by Makhdoom Amin Fahim held first round of talks with Dr Tahirul Qadri at Minhaj headquarters Sunday to streamline the four-point Islamabad Long March Declaration regarding conduct of elections and the related matters.The government also reiterated its commitment that elections would be held within 90 days of the dissolution of assembles. However, the most significant outcome of negotiations was government’s commitment to give a precise date for elections and dissolution of assemblies.Moreover, the government agreed to give legal cover to the proposed electoral reforms before the next meeting, whose date would be fixed on January 31.The govt side also conceded to Qadri’s demand that his organisation would also be made part of the consultation process for selection of caretaker chief ministers, apart from that of the caretaker prime minister as already agreed upon between the two sides. But the deadlock over dissolution of the Election Commission persisted as Dr Qadri insisted the appointment of four provincial election commissioners was unconstitutional. However he reiterated his confidence in the impartiality of Chief Election Commissioner Fakhruddin G Ibrahim.The absence of Law Minister Farooq H Naek also irked Dr Qadri, but he didn’t press this point after the law minister talked to him on telephone.At the parleys, Qadri came up with a new demand that all discretionary funds of the prime minister and the development funds being given to the parliamentarians should be freezed forthwith and instead diverted to the people through provision of 50 per cent subsidy on electricity, gas and six essential commodities like rice, wheat flour, pulses, ghee, tea and milk.Dr Qadri in his media talk argued that use of development funds by ruling parties’ candidates was against the principle of providing level playing field to the contesting candidates. In this context, the Minhaj chief also made a mention of laptop scheme of Punjab government and the BISP being executed by the federal government.When a questioner pointed out that this point was not part of Islamabad Declaration, Qadri replied that the demand has been made in the light of article 218 of the constitution which the government had already agreed to implement in letter and spirit.Dr Qadri threatened that if the demand regarding freezing of development funds was not met, his party reserved the right to take any course, both legal and that of making recourse to the public to agitate the issue. He asserted Supreme Court decision on use of official resources to influence the polls must be implemented.Another point of discord was Dr Qadri’s insistence on making the ECP powerful enough to take pre-emptive measures in anticipation of any unjust practices that could affect the transparency of the electoral process. He also refereed to Peoples Representation Act, 1976 which provides for holding free and fair elections.Asked why he did not press on his earlier demand regarding guarantees from the army and the judiciary to ensure implementation of his reforms agenda, Qadri said after acceptance of his demands by the government and the subsequent signatures on the agreement by all the coalition partners, there was no point in sticking to that. “It is no more an issue; it ceased to exist on the day the decoration was signed,” he affirmed.Federal Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira told media representatives after the meeting that appointment of caretaker prime minister and the chief ministers would be undertaken as per the constitutional process [in consultation with the Opposition], but the government on its side would also consult Dr Qadri.On dissolution of ECP, Kaira said that a seven-member team comprising renowned legal experts was constituted as per the agreement to advise the government which has recommended that the commission cannot be dissolved under the constitution. “Also, the government cannot revert the decision of the parliamentary committee as it would be against the constitution”, he explained.In a lighter vein though, Kaira hoped that Dr Qadri would agitate this issue on some forum rather than staging ‘Dhrana’. He assured that government would implement articles 62 and 63 along with the provisions of Peoples Representation Act for conduct of transparent and fair elections. The Supreme Court decision, in this regard, would also be applicable on the government and other stakeholders, he said.On Dr Qadri’s demands that ECP should be empowered to take pre-emptive actions and freezing of development funds, the minister said that parliament could not be stopped from performing its functions. “It is customary and legal all over the world that governments continue their ongoing development schemes till completion of their tenures,” he substantiated his point, adding that ECP had no legal authority to take pre-emptive actions before putting in place of the caretaker setup.Regarding Dr Qadri’s demand of providing level playing field to all candidates, he said that for the first time in country’s history, the present government had also provided develop funds to opposition members. Besides, the federal government had no control over discretionary funds and development schemes were being executed under the provincial and district governments, he added.But having said this, Kaira made a commitment that all development funds would be stopped at start of the election process.He also told reporters that it has been agreed between the two sides that they would oppose tooth and nail any attempt to delay the elections during the process of scrutiny of candidates’ credentials.Replying to a question, he said that government wanted to hold elections to national and provincial assemblies on the same day and they hope a consensus would be achieved over it.To a question about simultaneous dissolution of national and provincial assemblies, Kaira said that government will talk to Nawaz Sharif in this regard. He said the government didn’t attach any importance to Ch Nisar’s statement that key to assemblies dissolution lies with PML-N.

Election date within 10 days | The Nation
Geo Pakistan
Malik smells terror wave in Karachi
Malik smells terror wave in Karachi - geo.tv
January 28, 2013 - Updated 1553 PKT

ISLAMABAD: There is a possibility of a massive wave of terrorism to hit Karachi from the first week of February, however, Taliban are not involved in it, warned Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Monday.

Speaking to media here, Rehman Malik directed Sindh government and intelligence agencies to utilize all their potential to avert the imminent threat of terrorism in the financial hub.

He said a foreign hand and some banned outfits are involved in Karachi violence, but not the Taliban.

Malik said, soon, he would convene a high-level meeting of LEAs and intelligence agencies to chalk out a comprehensive strategy on Karachi situation.

Rabbani sees conspiracy to set up ‘unconstitutional’ caretaker govt
DAWN.COM | 9 hours ago 0


Senior leader of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Senator Raza Rabbani.—File Photo

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Senator Raza Rabbani alleged on Monday that a conspiracy was being hatched to set up an unconstitutional caretaker government for the next two to three years.

He added that any steps taken to dissolve the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) would also be against the constitution.

Speaking to reporters in Islamabad, Rabbani said that there was no other way to remove any member of the election commission other than through the process detailed in the Constitution of Pakistan. He said that non-democratic forces wished to derail and delay the election process. He reiterated that efforts were being made to install an unconstitutional setup for two to three years.

Answering a question, the senior PPP leader said that efforts were being made to create conditions similar to the 1977 general elections, and that a ‘sword of Damocles’ was ‘hanging over democracy’. Rabbani urged all democratic forces to unite against the ‘non-democratic forces’.

The senior politician’s comments come as the country gears up for general elections, with assemblies expected to be dissolved mid-March for the election process to being and a democratic government set to finish its five-year tenure for the first time in Pakistan’s history.

BUMPY RIDE AHEAD!;):agree::lol::wave:
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