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Pakistan Foreign Secretary did not submit any dossier on RAW to US: US official

Neither India nor Pakistan presents or share any sort of evidence with other countries. For whatever reasons.

Even though there is ample evidence everywhere, even the indian govt. is not shying away anymore about telling others between the lines how they are supporting terrorists in the neighborhood.

What good is presenting an evidence if it will be denied by the other party anyway.

Pakistan presents evidence, India denies or vice versa.

This game has been going on for a very long time.
Even the Pakistani's know that there is no such dossier... They are just trying delude their people..

Wait for it India, when the time comes all information will be released. It will be done at the time of our choosing.
We have been hearing this since Musharraf era.. When is that "Appropriate time" going to come?
Neither India nor Pakistan presents or share any sort of evidence with other countries. For whatever reasons.

Even though there is ample evidence everywhere, even the indian govt. is not shying away anymore about telling others between the lines how they are supporting terrorists in the neighborhood.

What good is presenting an evidence if it will be denied by the other party anyway.

Pakistan presents evidence, India denies or vice versa.

This game has been going on for a very long time.

no your wrong wehave given many evidences of involvement of pakistan based terrorist sdoing such activities in india which your establishmnet always brushes off as "non state actors/na maloom afraad"

just because your juciarry is incompetent(recent aquittal of terrorists guilty in shooting of malala yousufzai) doesnt means those evidences are false or fabricated and apart from pakistani judicarry all the judicarrries of nations like USA find them good enof to termed as "workable evidence"remmeber dawood gillanni/richard coleman headley case or tassawurr rana case going on in USA ?

now pakistan not only denies those evidence but rather helps criminals like dawood, hafeez and lakhwi roam as free citizens in pakistan and gives them state protection so no indian asset harms them in pakistan one of the the main reason why USA started doing drone strikes in pakistan and carried owt OBL raid withowt telling pakistani esatblishment about it :haha:

so sirji this attitude of pakistani establishment is the main reason why pakistan has become a safe heaven for all the dreaded terrorists and criminals in the world and an avrage pakistani is paying the cost for that but i guess pakistani nations collective hate and obsession towards india has made them so much dillusionned that they cant see the repurcertions of such activities in pakistan
top State Department official told PTI when asked about such media reports.

this TOP State Department official only told PTI but not NYC, Guardian, Washington Post :rofl:
top State Department official told PTI when asked about such media reports.

this TOP State Department official only told PTI but not NYC, Guardian, Washington Post :rofl:
Eat this Joint statement released by US State Department Not even Mentioned India And RA&W Once

Joint Statement Between Pakistan and United States on Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation Issues

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 3, 2015

"The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and Pakistan on the occasion of seventh round of the U.S.-Pakistan Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation Working Group in Washington, DC on June 2, 2015.

Begin Text:

Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller and Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry co-chaired the seventh round of the U.S.-Pakistan Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation (SSS&NP) Working Group in Washington, DC on June 2, 2015. The delegations had a productive exchange of views on issues of mutual importance, including international efforts to enhance nuclear security, peaceful applications of nuclear energy, nonproliferation, export controls, regional stability and security.

The U.S. delegation welcomed Pakistan’s efforts to harmonize its strategic trade controls with those of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and other multilateral export control regimes. Both sides emphasized the desirability of continued outreach to integrate Pakistan into the international nonproliferation regime. Pakistan stressed the need for access to peaceful nuclear technology as a socioeconomic imperative.

The delegations reaffirmed the high importance that both countries attach to preventing the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and their means of delivery to states as well as non-state actors. The United States and Pakistan resolved to work together to achieve the objectives of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1540, and noted that both have consistently supported and implemented relevant UNSC Resolutions.

The Pakistan delegation welcomed the understanding reached between the Islamic Republic of Iran and P5+1 on April 2, underscored the importance of resolving the nuclear issue peacefully, and expressed its earnest hope that the parties concerned will be able to finalize a comprehensive settlement.

The United States underscored its continued efforts to realize the agenda set forth in President Obama’s 2009 Prague speech, including the importance of commencing negotiation of a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) in the Conference on Disarmament (CD), noting its readiness to address all issues raised in the course of negotiations, as allowed for in CD 1299. Pakistan underlined its preference for a broader Fissile Material Treaty (FMT) that addresses the asymmetries in existing stocks and highlighted that Pakistan’s position on FMT will be determined by its national security interests and the objectives of strategic stability in South Asia.

Both sides noted the high priority that arms control has for the international community. The United States outlined its nuclear stockpile reductions, explained its efforts to seek congressional approval to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), and reaffirmed its commitment not to conduct further nuclear test explosions. Pakistan noted its continued support for CTBT-related resolutions in the United Nations General Assembly, and its consistent stance that it will not be the first in its region to resume nuclear testing.

Both sides recognized their shared interest in strategic stability in the region. The United States welcomed Prime Minister Sharif’s 2014 statement to the United Nations General Assembly in which he noted that, to promote stability, Pakistan is prepared to explore new confidence building measures. Reaffirming that statement of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan reiterated its longstanding proposal of pursuing nuclear restraint, conventional equilibrium and conflict resolution in South Asia. Pakistan also reiterated its commitment to Credible Minimum Deterrence and to pursue measures in the region aimed at building confidence and lessening the risk of armed conflict. The United States and Pakistan emphasized the importance of meaningful dialogue and progress in this area and expressed the hope for lasting peace in South Asia and the resolution of outstanding territorial and other disputes through peaceful means.

The delegations discussed international efforts aimed at improving nuclear security with a central role of IAEA including through the high level focus by the Nuclear Security Summit process and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism. In this context, both countries expressed their desire to see the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit result in a strengthened nuclear security architecture. Accordingly, both countries aspired to ratify the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material in accordance with national laws and procedures. The United States expressed full confidence in Pakistan’s indigenous efforts to strengthen nuclear security, and welcomed Pakistan’s efforts to strengthen export controls and border security including through ongoing efforts for installation of radiation portal monitors at border crossings, as well as Pakistan’s hosting of IAEA training activities at its Nuclear Security Center of Excellence.

Both delegations took note of the entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty. The delegations discussed issues related to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and would continue such consultations.

The delegations reaffirmed that the Working Group remains an invaluable forum for discussing issues of critical mutual importance and stated that they looked forward to future sessions.

The SSS&NP is a working group under the auspices of the U.S.–Pakistan Strategic Dialogue."

End Text

Joint Statement Between Pakistan and United States on Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation Issues
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Pakistan presents evidence, India denies or vice versa.
When did Pakistan present evidence for India's involvement in terrorism??

BBC: What lies behind Pakistani charges of Indian 'terrorism'
By M Ilyas Khan : BBC News, Islamabad

Baloch separatists have been waging a bitter war against the Pakistani army for years (image from 2006)
The accusation levelled at India's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) came in a statement issued by the army's media wing. There was no mention of any specific incident, but privately military officials have been blaming India for involvement in a separatist insurgency in Pakistan's south-western province of Balochistan.

Many say it is probably the first time a Pakistani authority outside political or diplomatic spheres has publicly named an Indian institution in this manner.

They see this assertiveness as a sign of the Pakistani army's growing willingness to be seen to be dictating the country's foreign and national security policies.

It comes as the army tries to face the triple threat of the Pakistani Taliban, Baloch insurgents and a complicated mix of urban crime, ethnic, linguistic, religious, sectarian and political rivalries in the country's biggest city, Karachi.

It also indicates a toughening of Pakistan's position against India at a time when the Pakistani army is emerging as one of the chief guarantors of peace in Afghanistan, in partnership with China.

Any failure to deliver on this score is likely to weaken Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, an apparent ally of Pakistan, and strengthen pro-India forces in Kabul.

Conversely, any arm-twisting by the military to force the Afghan Taliban to the dialogue table may antagonise them and thereby deprive Islamabad of a proxy to check the spread of Indian influence in Afghanistan.


Abdul Qadeer Baloch campaigns for the families of those who have disappeared in conflicts
Pakistan has long accused India of fuelling insurgency in Balochistan. Officials say Indian spies are operating through a network of Indian missions dotting southern and eastern Afghanistan, where most Baloch insurgents are also based.

The military believes India also has involvement in Karachi, Pakistan's largest and most volatile city. This suggestion comes from a recent claim by a senior police officer - believed to be the mouthpiece of the military - that RAW helped a Karachi-based party.

Observers say the Pakistani army has been soft-pedalling in the fight against the Afghan Taliban as well as anti-India militant groups based in Pakistan, but it has come down hard on Baloch insurgents and political activists.

Over the years, hundreds of Baloch activists have gone missing, most of them turning up dead on the streets or across the vast wilderness of the province. Locals blame all these disappearances and killings on the army and its surrogate groups, a charge the army denies.

More recently, however, it has moved more openly to curb movement and debate by Baloch rights activists.

In March, authorities at Karachi airport stopped three Baloch activists from proceeding to New York to participate in a seminar on human rights violations in Balochistan and Sindh province.

One of them was Mama Qadeer, a 70-year-old Baloch rights activist who shot to fame when he walked 3,000km (1,860 miles) from Quetta to Islamabad last year to protest over killings in Balochistan.

In April, two men introducing themselves as ISI operatives handed a written "order" to the management of Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), asking it to cancel a talk which featured Mama Qadeer.


The murder of Sabeen Mehmud provoked outrage from civil society
While LUMS gave in, on 25 April a similar talk went ahead at The Second Floor (T2F), a tea house-cum-book store in Karachi, despite what some activists claim were "warnings" not to hold the event.

Within an hour, the moderator of that talk and head of T2F, Sabeen Mehmud, 40, was shot dead by unknown gunmen while driving home in her car.

The incident sparked protests across the country, with civil society groups and several newspaper columnists accusing the ISI directly or more subtly for the murder.

The pressure grew so much that the army had to issue a separate statement condemning Ms Mehmud's murder, apparently to distance itself from the incident.

Many believe the army's latest statement about RAW may be equally meant to deflect this wave of public criticism.
So 35000+ agents & USD 300 M later, Pak cannot provide any evidence. This is why the world only laughs at you guys, including your dear buddy China. :rofl:

Come to think of it, was' there some comedy about some Chinese report. Ask them to present that. :coffee:
Eat this Joint statement released by US State Department Not even Mentioned India And RA&W Once

Joint Statement Between Pakistan and United States on Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation Issues

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 3, 2015

"The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and Pakistan on the occasion of seventh round of the U.S.-Pakistan Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation Working Group in Washington, DC on June 2, 2015.

Begin Text:

Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller and Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry co-chaired the seventh round of the U.S.-Pakistan Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation (SSS&NP) Working Group in Washington, DC on June 2, 2015. The delegations had a productive exchange of views on issues of mutual importance, including international efforts to enhance nuclear security, peaceful applications of nuclear energy, nonproliferation, export controls, regional stability and security.

The U.S. delegation welcomed Pakistan’s efforts to harmonize its strategic trade controls with those of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and other multilateral export control regimes. Both sides emphasized the desirability of continued outreach to integrate Pakistan into the international nonproliferation regime. Pakistan stressed the need for access to peaceful nuclear technology as a socioeconomic imperative.

The delegations reaffirmed the high importance that both countries attach to preventing the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and their means of delivery to states as well as non-state actors. The United States and Pakistan resolved to work together to achieve the objectives of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1540, and noted that both have consistently supported and implemented relevant UNSC Resolutions.

The Pakistan delegation welcomed the understanding reached between the Islamic Republic of Iran and P5+1 on April 2, underscored the importance of resolving the nuclear issue peacefully, and expressed its earnest hope that the parties concerned will be able to finalize a comprehensive settlement.

The United States underscored its continued efforts to realize the agenda set forth in President Obama’s 2009 Prague speech, including the importance of commencing negotiation of a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) in the Conference on Disarmament (CD), noting its readiness to address all issues raised in the course of negotiations, as allowed for in CD 1299. Pakistan underlined its preference for a broader Fissile Material Treaty (FMT) that addresses the asymmetries in existing stocks and highlighted that Pakistan’s position on FMT will be determined by its national security interests and the objectives of strategic stability in South Asia.

Both sides noted the high priority that arms control has for the international community. The United States outlined its nuclear stockpile reductions, explained its efforts to seek congressional approval to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), and reaffirmed its commitment not to conduct further nuclear test explosions. Pakistan noted its continued support for CTBT-related resolutions in the United Nations General Assembly, and its consistent stance that it will not be the first in its region to resume nuclear testing.

Both sides recognized their shared interest in strategic stability in the region. The United States welcomed Prime Minister Sharif’s 2014 statement to the United Nations General Assembly in which he noted that, to promote stability, Pakistan is prepared to explore new confidence building measures. Reaffirming that statement of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan reiterated its longstanding proposal of pursuing nuclear restraint, conventional equilibrium and conflict resolution in South Asia. Pakistan also reiterated its commitment to Credible Minimum Deterrence and to pursue measures in the region aimed at building confidence and lessening the risk of armed conflict. The United States and Pakistan emphasized the importance of meaningful dialogue and progress in this area and expressed the hope for lasting peace in South Asia and the resolution of outstanding territorial and other disputes through peaceful means.

The delegations discussed international efforts aimed at improving nuclear security with a central role of IAEA including through the high level focus by the Nuclear Security Summit process and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism. In this context, both countries expressed their desire to see the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit result in a strengthened nuclear security architecture. Accordingly, both countries aspired to ratify the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material in accordance with national laws and procedures. The United States expressed full confidence in Pakistan’s indigenous efforts to strengthen nuclear security, and welcomed Pakistan’s efforts to strengthen export controls and border security including through ongoing efforts for installation of radiation portal monitors at border crossings, as well as Pakistan’s hosting of IAEA training activities at its Nuclear Security Center of Excellence.

Both delegations took note of the entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty. The delegations discussed issues related to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and would continue such consultations.

The delegations reaffirmed that the Working Group remains an invaluable forum for discussing issues of critical mutual importance and stated that they looked forward to future sessions.

The SSS&NP is a working group under the auspices of the U.S.–Pakistan Strategic Dialogue."

End Text

Joint Statement Between Pakistan and United States on Security, Strategic Stability, and Nonproliferation Issues

LOL @ your linking news.... NP news and charges about RAW both are completely out of the way BIG LOL... man provide NYC, Washington, Guardian news source not kutab ila asshole news paper like Economic times... Times of India LOL etc etc n etc

Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama's new defence secretary said India was using assistance to Afghanistan as a "second front" in its long-running conflict with Pakistan.

Chuck Hagel's speech about India’s meddling in Pakistan came hours before the Senate Tuesday approved his nomination for Defense secretary.

Terming as "outlandish and bizarre" the statement of Chuck Hagel, the new US Defence Secretary, that India has financed problems for Pakistan in Afghanistan
Wait for it India, when the time comes all information will be released. It will be done at the time of our choosing.

It's just a couple of links to youtube videos, what's the need for a dossier...an email or sms would suffice.
LOL @ your linking news.... NP news and charges about RAW both are completely out of the way BIG LOL... man provide NYC, Washington, Guardian news source not kutab ila asshole news paper like Economic times... Times of India LOL etc etc n etc

Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama's new defence secretary said India was using assistance to Afghanistan as a "second front" in its long-running conflict with Pakistan.

Chuck Hagel's speech about India’s meddling in Pakistan came hours before the Senate Tuesday approved his nomination for Defense secretary.

Terming as "outlandish and bizarre" the statement of Chuck Hagel, the new US Defence Secretary, that India has financed problems for Pakistan in Afghanistan

Chuck Hagel was not the defence secretary when he made those comments .

SO it has zero validity .
LOL @ your linking news.... NP news and charges about RAW both are completely out of the way BIG LOL... man provide NYC, Washington, Guardian news source not kutab ila asshole news paper like Economic times... Times of India LOL etc etc n etc

Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama's new defence secretary said India was using assistance to Afghanistan as a "second front" in its long-running conflict with Pakistan.

Chuck Hagel's speech about India’s meddling in Pakistan came hours before the Senate Tuesday approved his nomination for Defense secretary.

Terming as "outlandish and bizarre" the statement of Chuck Hagel, the new US Defence Secretary, that India has financed problems for Pakistan in Afghanistan

As was pointed out, that very general statement was made in 2011, when Chuck Hagel held no office whatsoever, let alone that of the Secretary of Defense. Statements from individuals not in office have no real relevance anywhere.
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As has pointed out, that very general statement was made in 2011, when Chuck Hagel held no office whatsoever, let alone that of the Secretary of Defense. Statements from individuals not in office have no real relevance anywhere.
On the contrary...Parvez Musharraf(Ex. President of Pakistan) claims every day that Pakistan is creating troubles for India ...and Pakistan is feeding terrorist organizations targeting India is conveniently ignored by the same bunch of Pakistani Buffoons.
As has pointed out, that very general statement was made in 2011, when Chuck Hagel held no office whatsoever, let alone that of the Secretary of Defense. Statements from individuals not in office have no real relevance anywhere.

Chuck Hagel was not the defence secretary when he made those comments .

SO it has zero validity .

LOL he is not internet warrior like u kid... no body in the world unlike india make asshole as a defence ministry... there is massive check n balance while appoint such top level post. He got briefing from the pentagon or military establishment before get on to the seat about the involvement of India not ABCD or EFGH lol
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