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Pakistan, flattening the curve

Average age in Pakistan is 22, with less than 5% above 65. Hence this combined with maybe due to better immune systems (just a guess), more resilience (due to more active lifestyle, less obesity etc) could be some of the important factors.

I dont think our people are the types that follow rules and law, so doubt things like social distancing and masks are being deployed effectively. As you might have truly heard “Pakistan ka Allah hi hafiz hai”
Quite right, lower average age and humid conditions seem to have acted as boons for Pakistan during this pandemic, although with winter and monsoon approaching this might be put to the test.

Your administration has acted to the best of it's ability with the resources you have, that played a major part too. It's not over though, it's a long fight, don't let initial victories spoil the true objective to get rid of this pandemic.

Be safe and take care, it's not over untill the vacine is widely available and even then I fear it will be an ardous process to get people to take it.

Allah ham sab pe hafiz rahe:-)
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