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Pakistan first, Saudis tell India

Ha ha coming for India this seems a big joke, Indians have never been a good neighbor to Pakistan and that stems from being ruled for a long time, move on and solve the hunger, health issues instead of being angry at what happened a few centuries back. You are free now so get rid of the complex and the thoughts of revenge, Akhand Bharat, ruling the eastern Hemisphere and get real.

If I indulge you for a minute about the 'ruled for a long time' do you forget so were the people of Pakistan, ruled by the same foreign forces? In fact if you take that rationale, besides being 'ruled over', almost 100% current Pakistani population came from 'converted' whereas only 19% of Indian population came out of 'coverted' people.

80% is greater tha 0% even in Pakistan
If I indulge you for a minute about the 'ruled for a long time' do you forget so were the people of Pakistan, ruled by the same foreign forces? In fact if you take that rationale, besides being 'ruled over', almost 100% current Pakistani population came from 'converted' whereas only 19% of Indian population came out of 'coverted' people.

80% is greater tha 0% even in Pakistan
You twist the stats as if it is putty Sir and the facts you tell the World are similar. They are with you because of their needs not because you guys are standing up for the right things.
You twist the stats as if it is putty Sir and the facts you tell the World are similar. They are with you because of their needs not because you guys are standing up for the right things.

what twisting? untwist all you want but you cannot wriggle out of the fact that by your own admitted rationale, 100% of Indiand and Pakistanis have had the same 'ruled over' in the past and since 80% of Indians have not been converted and 100% Pakistanis have been, it stands to reason that Indians have managed to be free while Pakistan has not.

I am only using your own attempted logic. If you don't like the results, then just don't come up with these hare brained arguments!
what story? that was a comment, a true description of how sensationalist media and Pakistani establishment are nothing but drama queens. The media does it to make money, the establishment does it to shield its failures. samja?
Funny thing is that your knowledge is completely based upon what your crappy media feeds you.
what story? that was a comment, a true description of how sensationalist media and Pakistani establishment are nothing but drama queens. The media does it to make money, the establishment does it to shield its failures. samja?
You mean like arresting enemy spy pigeons, or non existent Chinese vetoes over FTFA money laundering claims, or fabricated dragging of Pakistan in front of the APG when the prior fabricated Chinese veto came about, or the disclosure of Dawood Ibrahim's addresses in Pakistan, with some based on non- existent neighborhoods, some belonging to Pakistan's UN Ambassador, and on and on and on .....

Oh, wait, that's India.

Compared to the Indian media the Pakistani media is a paragon of virtue, factual reporting and objectivity.

If I indulge you for a minute about the 'ruled for a long time' do you forget so were the people of Pakistan, ruled by the same foreign forces? In fact if you take that rationale, besides being 'ruled over', almost 100% current Pakistani population came from 'converted' whereas only 19% of Indian population came out of 'coverted' people.

80% is greater tha 0% even in Pakistan
Were human beings created as Hindus? Every race and culture has seen religio-cultural conversion, evolution, conquest and migration over time. Hinduism isn't the result of the 'Big Bang'. Picking one arbitrary point in history to argue conversion is plain dishonest, and you know it.
These types of news are coming only from pakistani media. Nothing from saudia meda or indian media.
That speaks the volume of self chest thumping.
Is there any such article from saudia media or any official press release from saudi minister ?

Wtf are you talking about. You make no sense. Stop fabricating stories.

His point is beyond your cerebrum, so dont stress.
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“During a telephonic conversation held last week between General Sharif and Prince Mohammad, the Saudi Arabian deputy crown prince rejected all the media hype created during the recent visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United Arab Emirates (UAE),” a well-placed source privy to the development told Pakistan Today.

Why will the defence minister of one country directly call the COAS of another to convey the message, if any ?
Who writes these kind of articles, I wonder.
Patting ones own back just went a bit too far.

Does Modi not think before doing these silly things? Just like taking Romantic selfies with UAE princess, he offered a defense pact to Saudia :rofl: :rofl:

Does he realize the Saudi's have TV's in their country and they watch what happens inside India with Muslims, and the Indian BJP-RSS-Shiv Sena, aka, majority of the Hindu public's opinion about Islam....??? And they should do above all....a DEFENSE pact with the Indians. Nice!!! Only Modi can do such stuff :tup:

Saudis and Pakistan will remain tied in a strategic defense agreement. Iran was warned about it during Houthi - Yemen drama. Pakistan refused to join the fight but made clear to Iran that Pakistan wants to maintain good relationships with both, Iran and Saudia. BUT, if Irani support (Houthi's) step on Saudi soil.....Pakistan will be pushed into a war that it doesn't need to. Based on that, Iran backed out the Houthi's from making any advance towards the Saudi border.

And the little stunt Modi pulled in by visiting the UAE....the UAE has no balls, decision making capability or even the power to go against Saudia and Pakistan. Simple is the fact, and the truth ALWAYS hurts!!!
Actually we had a defence pact with Saudi Arabia last year. You should know about these things before you start talking.

Why will the defence minister of one country directly call the COAS of another to convey the message, if any ?

This isn't accurate, you are correct.

Actually we had a defence pact with Saudi Arabia last year. You should know about these things before you start talking.

You can be rest assured when I write something, I review the topic, my understanding and some research obviously. The "Defense Pact" you are referring to, was more of a "MOU" if you know what that means. This was for media purposes only type of a drama the Eastern governments show as "warm bilateral relationships between the two countries" :rofl: :rofl:.

BTW, a "Defense Pact" really means a NATO type of an alliance, if something attacked me, you'll fight with me as allies. Similarly, Pakistan has assured that if there is a threat to Saudi territorial integrity, Pakistan will have to go to war to protect the Saudi's. Here's the best way to describe that "defense pact" you are referring to.

Speaking about the pact, Prince Salman said: “The pact for defense cooperation will allow for shared use and exchange of defense-related information, military training and education, as well as cooperation in areas varying from hydrography and security to logistics.” :enjoy:. Yea, its a defense pact alright!
Does Modi not think before doing these silly things? Just like taking Romantic selfies with UAE princess, he offered a defense pact to Saudia :rofl: :rofl:

Does he realize the Saudi's have TV's in their country and they watch what happens inside India with Muslims, and the Indian BJP-RSS-Shiv Sena, aka, majority of the Hindu public's opinion about Islam....??? And they should do above all....a DEFENSE pact with the Indians. Nice!!! Only Modi can do such stuff :tup:

Saudis and Pakistan will remain tied in a strategic defense agreement. Iran was warned about it during Houthi - Yemen drama. Pakistan refused to join the fight but made clear to Iran that Pakistan wants to maintain good relationships with both, Iran and Saudia. BUT, if Irani support (Houthi's) step on Saudi soil.....Pakistan will be pushed into a war that it doesn't need to. Based on that, Iran backed out the Houthi's from making any advance towards the Saudi border.

And the little stunt Modi pulled in by visiting the UAE....the UAE has no balls, decision making capability or even the power to go against Saudia and Pakistan. Simple is the fact, and the truth ALWAYS hurts!!!

Man, you are very good at weaving stories. You imagine 100's of things in 4-5 paragraphs. You should write scripts for movie industries.

Only if your posts could have more facts rather than story weaving it would be more a value add posts.

BTW, a "Defense Pact" really means a NATO type of an alliance, if something attacked me, you'll fight with me as allies. !

Man, you are very good at weaving stories. You imagine 100's of things in 4-5 paragraphs. You should write scripts for movie industries.

Only if your posts could have more facts rather than story weaving it would be more a value add posts.

I ruined your day, did you have your Tea yet? You just woke up so of course, issues as complex as these, won't make sense to you. The entire India is waking up now, its around 8 AM there, and EVERYONE will check these posts and will have rear burnt and will post their nonsense comments because I wrote a factual post.

The PDF management should give me an award to generate so much traffic :enjoy:

Time to give respect to the flag of an ally
I ruined your day, did you have your Tea yet? You just woke up so of course, issues as complex as these, won't make sense to you. The entire India is waking up now, its around 8 AM there, and EVERYONE will check these posts and will have rear burnt and will post their nonsense comments because I wrote a factual post.

The PDF management should give me an award to generate so much traffic :enjoy:

Yes :yahoo:

By the way, i am yet to see a article by saudi media claiming this. Can you post at least one here, since you claim you do your research well. :cheers:
The number of so called 'problems' that media creates and then 'solves' it for itself is only matched by the number of artificial excuses that Pakistan creates for itself to fail artificially, and then artificially succeed in avoiding such artificial failure.
where is the proof of your argument.....?????
It's time we fill the gap with our Iranian friends aswell... The relations should be what they were back in Shahs era....

We can act as mediators between Saudis and Iranis.
That was Shah's era its Mullah's era now
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