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Pakistan Finalizes S20 Submarine Order from China?


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan Finalizes S20 Submarine Order from China?
Four of eight submarines will be built in Karachi

10 October 2015

By Bilal Khan

On October 7th Rana Tanveer Hussain, the Minister of Defence Production, announced that the major purchase of eight new submarines from China had been finalized, and that four of the new ships would be built by the Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW).

As discussed in one of Quwa’s previous articles, Pakistan had been negotiating with China for new submarines since 2011, when it was originally reported that the Pakistan Navy was in talks with China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co. Ltd (CSOC) for six submarines equipped with air-independent propulsion (S) systems. In April 2015 the Government of Pakistan reportedly announced that it had approved the purchase of eight such submarines, though the cost or type had not been revealed (Defence News). In July 2015 the contract was finalized and handed to the Chinese government for final approval. It seems that Beijing has green-lighted the offer and the deal is now in effect (Dawn News).

This is an important deal for the Pakistan Navy, which has not seen the same amount of attention and investment that the Pakistan Army and Pakistan Air Force enjoy, especially in recent years. Not only will these new submarines restore the deficit left by the retirement of the Daphne SSKs, they will also expand the submarine fleet of the Navy to 11 ships (assuming the two Agosta-70 are retired).

The technical and cost aspects of this deal have not been disclosed, but there are some hints to offer some insight into the submarine type the Pakistan Navy may be procuring. In February 2013 CSOC presented the S20 submarine as its conventional submarine design for export, and it was noted by numerous analysts (such as those of Jane’s) for being identical (at least aesthetically) to the Type-039A/041 Yuan-class diesel-electric submarine (SSK) in service with the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

The Yuan-class SSK is the mainstay of the PLAN’s modern conventional submarine fleet. The Type-039A/041 is equipped with six 533mm tubes for use with anti-submarine warfare (ASW) torpedoes and anti-ship missiles (AShM). But while the Yuan-class SSK has a submerged displacement of 3600 tons, the export focused S20 submarine is lighter at 2300 tons submerged, more in line with contemporary export-oriented submarines from Germany and France. That said, the lighter S20 submarine design retains the Yuan’s six 533mm torpedo tubes, but it does not include the Yuan’s air independent propulsion (AIP) system by default, though the customer has the option of adding it upon request.

AIP technology is very important for navies seeking to use conventional submarines for extended undersea patrols without being easily detected. As I had written in a previous piece on Quwa, AIP technology allows SSKs to operate underwater without snorkeling for much longer periods of time, potentially as long as multiple weeks at a time! In addition, AIP technology helps in keeping the submarine quiet, thus reducing its acoustic signature, a key advantage in subsurface combat where sound is the main method of detection and engagement of submarines. These advantages are more profound in the South Asian maritime theatre where there is close proximity between the two powers. For Pakistan, the amount of time a submarine can remain undetected will matter more than how far it can travel.

Although China has its own AIP technology (using Stirling cycle engine technology), it is not known if Pakistan is opting for Chinese AIP technology or if it is looking to acquire it from a third party. Pakistan’s Agosta-90Bs SSKs use the French MESMA AIP system, which is based on French nuclear propulsion technology, but generates heat using ethanol and oxygen. It is worth noting that it took four years to negotiate this deal, which is a fairly long time if every aspect of this program were single sourced from China. That said, in the absence of actual information, it is not worth discussing this aspect any further.

Another question is whether this deal will enable Pakistan to acquire assured second-strike capability. It is not known if the submarines the Navy is acquiring from China will be able to carry a submarine launch variant of the Babur land attack cruise missile (LACM), though the lack of specifics surrounding this deal could suggest that sensitive technology may be involved. The Pakistan Navy has not been shy in recent years to express its intention to complete Pakistan’s second strike triad, so the intention is definitely there. I summarized the importance of this feat in my piece about the Pakistan Navy.

The ability to launch SLCMs in the form of say the Pakistani Babur land-attack cruise missile (LACM) would enable Pakistan to achieve assured nuclear second-strike capability. “Second-strike” is the ability to respond to an enemy’s successful use of its nuclear weapons on one’s soil, and “assured” second-strike is the absolute ability to do so regardless of the situation on the ground (e.g. if numerous if not all land-based nuclear launch sites and/or warhead-stocks are destroyed). The availability of as many as eight submarines with SLCM capability will allow Pakistan to complete its nuclear-strike triad, i.e. the capacity to deploy nuclear warheads from the surface (land or sea-surface), air (through aircraft) and underwater.

But nuclear armaments aside, equipping the submarine fleet with even conventionally-tipped LACM capable of reaching targets at 700km is a significant gain for the Pakistan Navy. LACMs can be difficult to detect. They can potentially be equipped with sub-munition dispensers as well, enabling for area-wide strikes. This is a key capability to have when targeting air fields, shipyards, dockyards, radar/air defence sites and other areas where an adversary’s key assets are spread out. It will be interesting to see if Pakistan opts to (or is able to) develop a long-range LACM capable of reaching targets in excess of 1000km (either based on Babur or a new design).

It should be noted however that a strong submarine fleet is only one component of a strong navy. Despite their advantages, submarines can be susceptible to aerial platforms (such as the P-8I Poseidon in service with the Indian Navy) designed to detect and attack subsurface platforms. With the submarine acquisition effort more or less settled at this point, I hope and expect to see some serious attention paid to the Pakistan Navy’s surface fleet, which is in need of modern multi-mission frigates capable of housing and using surface-to-air missiles (SAM) capable of hitting targets in excess of 30km (ideally 50km+ like the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile).
Pakistan Finalizes S20 Submarine Order from China?
Four of eight submarines will be built in Karachi

10 October 2015

By Bilal Khan

On October 7th Rana Tanveer Hussain, the Minister of Defence Production, announced that the major purchase of eight new submarines from China had been finalized, and that four of the new ships would be built by the Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW).

As discussed in one of Quwa’s previous articles, Pakistan had been negotiating with China for new submarines since 2011, when it was originally reported that the Pakistan Navy was in talks with China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co. Ltd (CSOC) for six submarines equipped with air-independent propulsion (S) systems. In April 2015 the Government of Pakistan reportedly announced that it had approved the purchase of eight such submarines, though the cost or type had not been revealed (Defence News). In July 2015 the contract was finalized and handed to the Chinese government for final approval. It seems that Beijing has green-lighted the offer and the deal is now in effect (Dawn News).

This is an important deal for the Pakistan Navy, which has not seen the same amount of attention and investment that the Pakistan Army and Pakistan Air Force enjoy, especially in recent years. Not only will these new submarines restore the deficit left by the retirement of the Daphne SSKs, they will also expand the submarine fleet of the Navy to 11 ships (assuming the two Agosta-70 are retired).

The technical and cost aspects of this deal have not been disclosed, but there are some hints to offer some insight into the submarine type the Pakistan Navy may be procuring. In February 2013 CSOC presented the S20 submarine as its conventional submarine design for export, and it was noted by numerous analysts (such as those of Jane’s) for being identical (at least aesthetically) to the Type-039A/041 Yuan-class diesel-electric submarine (SSK) in service with the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

The Yuan-class SSK is the mainstay of the PLAN’s modern conventional submarine fleet. The Type-039A/041 is equipped with six 533mm tubes for use with anti-submarine warfare (ASW) torpedoes and anti-ship missiles (AShM). But while the Yuan-class SSK has a submerged displacement of 3600 tons, the export focused S20 submarine is lighter at 2300 tons submerged, more in line with contemporary export-oriented submarines from Germany and France. That said, the lighter S20 submarine design retains the Yuan’s six 533mm torpedo tubes, but it does not include the Yuan’s air independent propulsion (AIP) system by default, though the customer has the option of adding it upon request.

AIP technology is very important for navies seeking to use conventional submarines for extended undersea patrols without being easily detected. As I had written in a previous piece on Quwa, AIP technology allows SSKs to operate underwater without snorkeling for much longer periods of time, potentially as long as multiple weeks at a time! In addition, AIP technology helps in keeping the submarine quiet, thus reducing its acoustic signature, a key advantage in subsurface combat where sound is the main method of detection and engagement of submarines. These advantages are more profound in the South Asian maritime theatre where there is close proximity between the two powers. For Pakistan, the amount of time a submarine can remain undetected will matter more than how far it can travel.

Although China has its own AIP technology (using Stirling cycle engine technology), it is not known if Pakistan is opting for Chinese AIP technology or if it is looking to acquire it from a third party. Pakistan’s Agosta-90Bs SSKs use the French MESMA AIP system, which is based on French nuclear propulsion technology, but generates heat using ethanol and oxygen. It is worth noting that it took four years to negotiate this deal, which is a fairly long time if every aspect of this program were single sourced from China. That said, in the absence of actual information, it is not worth discussing this aspect any further.

Another question is whether this deal will enable Pakistan to acquire assured second-strike capability. It is not known if the submarines the Navy is acquiring from China will be able to carry a submarine launch variant of the Babur land attack cruise missile (LACM), though the lack of specifics surrounding this deal could suggest that sensitive technology may be involved. The Pakistan Navy has not been shy in recent years to express its intention to complete Pakistan’s second strike triad, so the intention is definitely there. I summarized the importance of this feat in my piece about the Pakistan Navy.

The ability to launch SLCMs in the form of say the Pakistani Babur land-attack cruise missile (LACM) would enable Pakistan to achieve assured nuclear second-strike capability. “Second-strike” is the ability to respond to an enemy’s successful use of its nuclear weapons on one’s soil, and “assured” second-strike is the absolute ability to do so regardless of the situation on the ground (e.g. if numerous if not all land-based nuclear launch sites and/or warhead-stocks are destroyed). The availability of as many as eight submarines with SLCM capability will allow Pakistan to complete its nuclear-strike triad, i.e. the capacity to deploy nuclear warheads from the surface (land or sea-surface), air (through aircraft) and underwater.

But nuclear armaments aside, equipping the submarine fleet with even conventionally-tipped LACM capable of reaching targets at 700km is a significant gain for the Pakistan Navy. LACMs can be difficult to detect. They can potentially be equipped with sub-munition dispensers as well, enabling for area-wide strikes. This is a key capability to have when targeting air fields, shipyards, dockyards, radar/air defence sites and other areas where an adversary’s key assets are spread out. It will be interesting to see if Pakistan opts to (or is able to) develop a long-range LACM capable of reaching targets in excess of 1000km (either based on Babur or a new design).

It should be noted however that a strong submarine fleet is only one component of a strong navy. Despite their advantages, submarines can be susceptible to aerial platforms (such as the P-8I Poseidon in service with the Indian Navy) designed to detect and attack subsurface platforms. With the submarine acquisition effort more or less settled at this point, I hope and expect to see some serious attention paid to the Pakistan Navy’s surface fleet, which is in need of modern multi-mission frigates capable of housing and using surface-to-air missiles (SAM) capable of hitting targets in excess of 30km (ideally 50km+ like the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile).
This is a good step however the need for naval air arm especially Air Superiority and naval attack planes is very important to deny the Indian Air Craft Carriers, P8s and destroyers to roam freely in Indian Ocean. Without the capability to launch Cruise missiles these submarines do not fulfil the purpose of Second strike platform which is required.
This is a good step however the need for naval air arm especially Air Superiority and naval attack planes is very important to deny the Indian Air Craft Carriers, P8s and destroyers to roam freely in Indian Ocean. Without the capability to launch Cruise missiles these submarines do not fulfil the purpose of Second strike platform which is required.
What does Pakistan need a second strike capability for when its only nuclear threat comes from a nation with a stated no first use policy?
What does Pakistan need a second strike capability for when its only nuclear threat comes from a nation with a stated no first use policy?
well here is the thing, what if you do strike us first, or a more pratical approach would be.
1) We use NASR or a small Nuje to strike any of your Armoured Regiments or a battalion.
2)You retaliate with a full scale Nuclear strike
3)Here comes the second strike
4)Repeat steps 2 to 3 till total deconstruction
What does Pakistan need a second strike capability for when its only nuclear threat comes from a nation with a stated no first use policy?
Do you know what a second strike capability is? In Pakistan's case, it is protecting our nuclear assets (Missile Silos/TeLs) during Indian retaliation and be able to strike a second time.
What does Pakistan need a second strike capability for when its only nuclear threat comes from a nation with a stated no first use policy?
Second strike capability guarantees misadventure, also India and Pakistan lack trust so there is no harm in ensuring ones safety and keeping in check unfriendly neighbor.
Congratulations to my Pakistani brothers!

This goes without saying but please make sure to be on guard against any sponsored terrorist activity like what happened in the French sub project.

This time they will be far far more desperate......
How does this notion of second strike is concieved by Pakistanis against the past (Kargil) reality where Mr. Nawaz Sharif went running towards Clinton and was made to wait for four hours to meet him? NO NUKES WERE USED...Instead, Pakistan retreated by swallowing its pride.

Conventional wisdom: One who draws his gun from the holster first, survives.

Pakistan only flaunts.
Sorry. All foam, no beer.
How does this notion of second strike is concieved by Pakistanis against the past (Kargil) reality where Mr. Nawaz Sharif went running towards Clinton and was made to wait for four hours to meet him? NO NUKES WERE USED...Instead, Pakistan retreated by swallowing its pride.

Conventional wisdom: One who draws his gun from the holster first, survives.

Pakistan only flaunts.
Sorry. All foam, no beer.
You should have enough courage to show you own flag.
Last Read about these......
2008 stand off.
2001-2 stand off
Talking to a pakistani is just as moronic as talking to a crazy person.
These are the same person who teared your country in half these are the same people in front whom yourartial race Pakistani army dropped their weapons kneeled down in front of them.
This is your capability dude.
You and your whole army hasn't even able to take Kashmir your jugular vein what you just do is cry on international forum like a new born baby. Without any gut so much for being a atomi supa powa.
Grow some spine and do what we did to you. Let's see what you can do. And also see what your martial race army can do.
Just so I am clear, does India have 750 000 (i.e. 1.5x the Pakistan Army) troops concentrated in Kashmir?

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