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Pakistan fears US will again abandon it

Pakistan has a growing fear that the US might abandon it once again after its exit from Afghanistan next year.

Interesting - Pakistan has been working for the last 12 years to ensure the US does not succeed in A'stan on it's own terms, and now it's officials that they fear US will abandon Pakistan (read: Uncle, Show me the money)?
USA has only 1 thing in their mind.... "National Interest"..... If pakistan suits them for it.... Then they would you call you an ally....Till 2014...They need pakistan badly for obvious reasons.... but I am sure the way pakistan work US cannot abandon pakistan..... Afganistan is going to be an issue and US need the support of pakistan....
They will abandon us again. It doesn't need a genius to figure this one out. I am more for better relations with China rather than USA for the following reasons:

1) Nuke deal with India but refused to Pakistan
2) Davis kills 2 Pakistanis and escapes. There is no proof of Afia being a terrorist and still in jail and will be there forever.
3) Fazlullah hiding in Kunar. Faqir Mohammed's (Ex-Bajaur Chief's) bases in Afghanistan.
4) US refusal to condemn India for the Siachen incursion but raising an outcry on the Kargil one which was made by fauji's after the Siachen debacle when they took 1000 miles of our land.
5) USA's offer to sell better quality F16's to India compared to what they sold us.
6) Framing of Pakistani innocents in the name of terrorism-Seen it, researched it.
7) Maltreatment of Pakistanis in airports and hounding of Pakistani political Organizations in north America. Even secular ones. Yes-this is the only thing they are good at.
8) Support for dictators in Pakistani land. 3 major ones had their backing. Zia was the one who Islamicized Pakistan with their blessing in case you did not notice.
9) Presler Amendment. When we were not needed by USA anymore. Cold war over, Afghanistan in ruins but of course the Soviets disgraced as they wanted that is what came. Military and economic cooperation CUT and mark my words IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN-200% chance and I bet on my life when this war on terror is over this will come again. They will harass us even more than they are now.
10) The blame Pakistan suffers on a daily basis. Pakistan is held responsible for every failure. I believe you think we are responsible. Partly I agree, yes. But you do not know about the successes, Ramzi yousuf, Baradar, Khalid Sheikh (top 9/11 terrorist) were all capture by us.
11) Pakistan counting on US support and not getting any in 1971. Weak point? Leave that then. I think it is too. But consider the rest.
12) Add to this the Indian nuclear test smiling Buddha in 74 being ignored by the US while ours in 98 resulting in our military and economy being sanctioned.
13) Add to this the framing of Kashmiri activist Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai in a false case as an ISI agent in another attempt to malign ISI

its all becuse pakistan never learned its lessons and instead of doing hard work and building its economy went ahead to ask favours from the USA and in return USa always used pakistan ...why i think it dosent takes a genius to figure that owt

1. becuse india showed time and again that they can be trusted but when pictures appeared of PAF C 130 on a millitarry airfield of North Korea and Gaddafi sold all the information what he recived from pakistan it damaged your case beyond repair

2.thats becuse pakistanies never took a stand well at least there establishment and the elite

3.so was the OBL in abottabad

4.well becuse USa knows pakistan will tow its line no matter what but same cant be said about india ...Jinke ghar dane unke kamlwe bhi sayane

5. same as above arms sale is the USA biggest industry and they will sell to the best buyer ...its all about money ..nothing personal

6.realli why did people like faisal shehzad have the pakistani links onli well try too aknowledge your mistakes and rectify them than blaming others

7.well pakistanies do all saughts of buisness in west and USA and que owtside its embassies still you know why and why is that when you go to hast nation and live like other citizens pakistanies have a habit of imposing there beleaves on the host nation ...think

8. becuse USa was knows that onli army calls the shots in pakistan so it helped the dictators zia was just a tool of saudia whom USA gave support radical islam came from saudia not USA

9. well your fault again u missused privilages given to you and dint rectify your mistakes when time was there

10. thats because they were not captured but traded as they were of no use to isi and army just to make USA keep the money flowing and dont get too suspecius

11. well USA dint asked pak fauj to rape and murder millions in bangladeshand they did send there 7th fleet against us but we owtsmarted you when russia send its neuklear sub and the usa retreated

12. again ...jinke ghar dane unke ...........

13.ha ha ha ha this one is realli hillarious

bhai in short ..instead of blaming others for mistakes done by you try to take the hard way and rectify your mistakes there are no free lunches in the world and there are no friends or enemies in international relationship dont get too emotional ...Good luck
They will abandon us again. It doesn't need a genius to figure this one out. I am more for better relations with China rather than USA for the following reasons

Man you need to stop cribbing. In world politics, this vs that cannot be taken to such a level.

1) Nuke deal with India but refused to Pakistan

Who asked you to proliferate nuke tech to North Korea and other countries against US interests?

If you had not done that, maybe US would have come to you and refused us.

2) Davis kills 2 Pakistanis and escapes. There is no proof of Afia being a terrorist and still in jail and will be there forever.

Davis escaped because your leaders did not play hardball. It wasn't like Marines stormed a jail and took him fighting Pakistani soldiers. Why blame US? ALL western countries protect their nationals outside their country and especially those who were doing intelligence gathering.

If this was in Russia, maybe US would abandon Davis but because they knew that they could ask your lenient leaders, they succeeded.

3) Fazlullah hiding in Kunar. Faqir Mohammed's (Ex-Bajaur Chief's) bases in Afghanistan.

What is stopping SSG units in conducting covert commando strike against this guy? Get some of your pathan recruits of SSG to go in as civilians. No one would tell them apart.

The simple reason that didn't happen is because your leaders (like ours) have no will.

4) US refusal to condemn India for the Siachen incursion but raising an outcry on the Kargil one which was made by fauji's after the Siachen debacle when they took 1000 miles of our land.

What incursion?

We simply ensured what's ours, remains ours.

And BTW at that time you were US favourite.

5) USA's offer to sell better quality F16's to India compared to what they sold us.

The MMRCA contract had some of the most stringent requirements (if you ignore the crippling bureaucracy of the Indian system); Block 52 upgrades would have failed in the first round itself, which is why US offered something only a step away from a 5th gen jet. It still didn't get them the contract.

6) Framing of Pakistani innocents in the name of terrorism-Seen it, researched it.

Apart from online sources, do you know how they were innocent? The thing is while we all can assume they were innocent, obviously there is a lot of opacity in this. I won't say all those US caught were terrorists, but what is actually happening we don't even know.

7) Maltreatment of Pakistanis in airports and hounding of Pakistani political Organizations in north America. Even secular ones. Yes-this is the only thing they are good at.

For 4 decades they entertained every whim of you, allowed thousands and thousands of Pakistanis to settle in their countries without any problems, allowed you lot to integrate there peacefully. But it was YOU LOT who ruined your own image after going overboard with Taliban, AQ and the types.

If you collude with their enemies repetitively and their intelligence has their evidence, what makes you think that you'd be not seen as a potential threat? After Abottabad and Fazal Shehzad incident, do you really leave any room for them to believe you? What is the guarantee that the guy next onboard a flight might now blow himself or plant an explosive and cause damage on the US soil?

Unlike secoolar regime here in India, Americans take the safety and security of their country and their citizens very, very seriously. Which is why they have adopted a shoot-first-ask-later policy.

The actions of Pakistani community and national polity as a whole is the main reason why you fell from being their spoilt elder son of Asia to a perceived threat of USA.

Why blame Americans?

8) Support for dictators in Pakistani land. 3 major ones had their backing. Zia was the one who Islamicized Pakistan with their blessing in case you did not notice.

That's funny. The country is yours, the leaders are yours; you can burn and destroy public property because of some director who made a film on your prophet, but you cannot topple a US-puppet with the same anger!?

Even Iran kicked out their US-puppet. Then what caused you to fail?

9) Presler Amendment. When we were not needed by USA anymore. Cold war over, Afghanistan in ruins but of course the Soviets disgraced as they wanted that is what came.

Who asked you to participate in a war that destroyed half of your neighbourhood?

Your leaders could have said no. US was not threatening to nuke you. Even if you had participated you could have simply been a non-combatant participant providing medical supplies or infrastructure to the US rather than going full blown with radicalization and thus devolution of your then modern society.

Agar tumse koi kooein mein koodne ko kahega to kya tum kood jaoge?

Military and economic cooperation CUT and mark my words IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN-200% chance and I bet on my life when this war on terror is over this will come again. They will harass us even more than they are now.

After OBL episode, what else should you expect from a pissed off, debt-ridden USA?

10) The blame Pakistan suffers on a daily basis. Pakistan is held responsible for every failure. I believe you think we are responsible. Partly I agree, yes. But you do not know about the successes, Ramzi yousuf, Baradar, Khalid Sheikh (top 9/11 terrorist) were all capture by us.

Then why doesn't your leadership highlight the success?

Also, they are concerned about ISI's autonomous operations which make them function different from what your politicians plan. Not only that, they are persistently supportive of a regime hostile to US interests and have several cases where they have almost come to blows with US forces.

No donor country will accept compromise in counter-terror operations.

11) Pakistan counting on US support and not getting any in 1971. Weak point? Leave that then. I think it is too. But consider the rest.

It was US administration that stopped Indira from capturing a hell load of your bordering cities. So US did play its diplomatic channels and help you. Plus with the Soviet nuke subs patrolling BOB, US didn't want to embroil in a wider conflict with another superpower.

12) Add to this the Indian nuclear test smiling Buddha in 74 being ignored by the US while ours in 98 resulting in our military and economy being sanctioned.

Wrong information. The whole Nuclear Suppliers' Group was founded after we tested nukes in 74. It was designed to stop and weaken us but it failed. We were also restricted after 1998 tests.

13) Add to this the framing of Kashmiri activist Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai in a false case as an ISI agent in another attempt to malign ISI

Well ISI is on the wrong side of what US feels "friendly" means. What else do you expect?
You guys who say USA please leave abandon us ARE putting brave face on things

IF USA leaves you ( or when)


no more $1.5 billion Grant aid
no more USA hardware for military
no more political support in UN
more CLOUT with india
no spares F16 in war especially with USA ally india
NO FDI by USA multinationals.

Who abandons the ''Asian tiger''?

Watch out , as Tigers are being poached very often . :D

Tiger :P really ??????

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