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Pakistan faces no threat from India?

Those who cannot wrap their minds around this fact (and other similar facts) need to see a psychiatrist. Regrettably, that would probably include a significant fraction of Pakistan's population.

Regrettably, it is obvious who needs to see a shrink for hate counseling.

Chill off for a month and try not to flame and post derogatory comments here when you return

This is not your toilet bowl forum.
A day earlier, Zardari gained important support when Army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said the “immediate internal threat” of the Taliban militancy was greater than any “external threat” — a code for India. Diplomats took comfort that Zardari appeared to speak for the most important power brokers in Pakistan.
Military to go after former proxy forces: Zardari

Important words from Gen. Kiyani, but nothing unexpected. Most of us who have followed the PA and the statements and views of the top brass know that they view the Taliban as the overriding immediate threat. That does not mean they do not view India as a threat, that could possibly become the overriding immediate threat in the future, just that for now they realize what the priority should be.
Pakistani troops have to stay in our eastern borders. As the founder of our nation, Quaid-e-Azam, said Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and he is absolutely right. Without the Indus River that naturally flows from Kashmir into Pakistan, our people and our country would become the poorest nation on earth..and India is planning to cut off that river so their dreams for Pakistan can come true.

However i think this was indias official stance before 26/11
http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=184612(India says no compensation for blocking water)
India will not block Chenab water: MK Naraynan
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

These are three contradictory articles. Which one is true? I think its convinent for you to believe the first article and the last two articles for us. May be the truth lies somewhere in between.
India’s varied threat to Pakistan
India has discovered after forty-two years a new tool to hurt Pakistan decisively. And that is scrapping the Indus Water treaty to deny the waters of the Indus System to Pakistan, make the crops fail and cause widespread famine in a land of one hundred and forty million people of whom thirty million are undernourished. India says it can scrap the treaty and then it says it won’t. The treaty signed under the auspices of the World Bank President Eugene Black is coming to be more like a Sword of Damocles hanging over us despite Indian assurances.

India realizes it is running grave political risks in trying to undo Pakistan. If Pakistan is undone, the hundred and forty million Muslims of Pakistan will join together with one hundred and forty million Muslims of India. Together they will be almost four hundred million of Pakistan or over one third of the population of the two countries put together. A minority that large cannot be held down by the eight hundred million Hindus of India who may like to treat them more like the manner the Hindus of Gujarat treat their Muslims.

In an election with the Hindu majority divided as between the Congress and the Hindu extremist BJP and its more vicious factions. The Muslims may have the swing vote and that is not what the Hindus would like and the Hindus cannot eliminate them. Such considerations barred India from absorbing Bangladesh with its preponderant Muslim population into India after the break-up of Pakistan in 1971.

This is really not good, everything is pitted against Hindus VS Muslims. But i would like to inform you, indias policy decisions are formulated by members of all community. Even though we have large hindu population our policies are not made by hindus, but including hindus.
Whenever the religion is brought to identify Indian Democracy, i think the quality of the article comes down. The above article is just a way to fuel the already distorted the truth and perception about India among the ordinary Pakistani people who are not aware of the real India.
And the article is based on the convenient logic and hear say rather than factual research.
India or Indians in general have no ambition of capturing pakistan or bangladesh.we are just protecting ourselves.You will be shocked to learn the reality what Indians underwent for many many years under the "heroes".so ,We don't want anyone's territory.Neither we war mongers.But ,Cannot Allow India open to the brainwashed guests to destroy.

So what r u doing in Kashmir since 1947.
Dont u know Kashmir was under the terrority of Pakistan, declared by United Nation.
For those who have not read them, Ejaz Haider explores the Eastern Front arguments quite well in this series of articles:


I read the article, however indias deployment of troops are justifed by the kargil incrusion and the "freedom fighter" inifiltrations from across the border.

However yes for pakistan too, india is a threat, but i believe, only if there is a serious attack inside india, which is found to have links to pakistan. But i think india would not take action unilaterly and would be influenced by the world opinion. But yes the attack have to that drastic for india to be taking a unilateral offensive.

So as a policy i don't think pakistan faces any threat from india, but there can be exceptions when it faces terrorist attacks from across the border.
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Pakistan has nothing to fear, we must believe on ourselves and develop a fearless foreign policy. Protect our interests, identify friends and bothers and move in the right direction. No one is a threat for Pakistan bcoz we are capable to defeat everyone.

We can do this only, when we have sincere politicians.....
So what r u doing in Kashmir since 1947.
Dont u know Kashmir was under the terrority of Pakistan, declared by United Nation.

can you please provide more information about it, a link or two would be appreciated.
Nope, they are there to make sure no more Kasabs are comming to india for SIGHT SEEING. :agree:

OK so the 90% of your fixed air bases having the Su-30 and the Mirage 2000's are there to stop the likes of Kasab?

I think I have lost my sudden urge to argue with 'head in the clouds' here! :lol:
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People should also realise that the Pakistan armies also need to contain the militants on eastern border else it will again raise the tensions between the two countries

And I dont think without the Pakistan troops in eastern border it would have been possible for decrease in the militant threats in the India Pakistan border
OK so the 90% of your fixed air bases having the Su-30 and the Mirage 2000's are there to stop the likes of Kasab?

I think I have lost my sudden urge to argue with 'head in the clouds' here! :lol:

Last thing we need is a Kasab on Boeing 757 cruising towards NewDelhi.

Last thing we need is a Kasab on Boeing 757 cruising towards NewDelhi.


Given that your entire Navy and Coast Guard was unable to stop a fishing boat from carrying Kasab over, the effectiveness of the IAF in preventing something similar is doubtful.


Now stop with the inane posts and comments - the question raised was a serious one and your nonsensical one liners have only served to hijack the discussion.
People should also realise that the Pakistan armies also need to contain the militants on eastern border else it will again raise the tensions between the two countries

And I dont think without the Pakistan troops in eastern border it would have been possible for decrease in the militant threats in the India Pakistan border

Which Millitants on the eastren front are you Talking about. The PA is fighting the real Hardcore millitants in the west. Till those millitants are defeated non of the tropps can be dispatched for any other ops.
The PA on to the eastren Front is dedicated to counter any Indian agression. This is there sole mission from the last 60 years . They cannot be made available for any other ops .
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