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Pakistan F16's @ USAF Test Pilot school


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom
F-16B Block 15, on the recieving line at AMARC.

These aircraft were destined for export to the Pakistani Air Force, but were impounded since Pakistan would not sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. The acft sat for some time at AMARC with minimal preservation. After it became apparant that this issue was at an impasse, the acft got the full preservation.

This acft eventually went to the 510 TW at Edwards AFB for use in the USAF Test Pilot school.




we need them back

the initial plan was of total 111 F-16 if i am not wrong
Just a simple reminder why we diversified our military procurement.
I am not in favor of more F 16's.. Pakistan must keep considering China as major Arms supplier.We must equip ourselves with a couple of blocks of JF 17's, J10's and Chinese Fifth Gen. Stealth Fighters J-31 and a few J-20, and co-productions as per future requirements with China.No more American Inventory! I hope I am right!
I am not in favor of more F 16's.. Pakistan must keep considering China as major Arms supplier.We must equip ourselves with a couple of blocks of JF 17's, J10's and Chinese Fifth Gen. Stealth Fighters J-31 and a few J-20, and co-productions as per future requirements with China.No more American Inventory! I hope I am right!

1st of all we dont have the money and 2nd why every time u guys just jump to stealth the major role of stealth is in offence not in the defence and 1st of all we need to change our old fleet of crafts change it with a better craft such as jf 17 when its all done only then we can jump to other options cz thn we wll have the money 2 spare
1st of all we dont have the money and 2nd why every time u guys just jump to stealth the major role of stealth is in offence not in the defence and 1st of all we need to change our old fleet of crafts change it with a better craft such as jf 17 when its all done only then we can jump to other options cz thn we wll have the money 2 spare

A very logical post. I have commented on this before as well. For vaious reasons__ 20yrs of experience on the platofrm being a major one: addition of more F16s woud regenerate the PAF quicker than any other platform. Even JFT induction remeins slow for the reason that we cant get our manpower ready quick enough to stand up newer squadrons. And it is not just the squadrons themselves, it is the mechanical side of it, Ie maintenance and storage of replacement partsetc which becomes a hassle when you induct newer platforms. Imagine the hassle of setting up appropriate facilities of 2 new platforms. No matter how much commonality you have it would remain a headache. On the other hand it is easier with the f16s as we have all the infrastructure set up already and can just induct the platforms to good effect. We have a redundancy in the maintenance department of upto 40 to 50 planes which is what we need to maintain credible deterrance with our neighbours. Even with the threat of sanctions with MLUed platofrms we have so many parts available on the black market that we would be able to maintain our fleet with minimum losses. As this in itself makes sanctions unworkable the threat itself migh reduce. The availability of alternates makes PAF idewally suited to negotiate from a situation of weakness, as the prize remains influence in the region rather than anything else. So it probably suits both parites to acquire excess f16s from the market and MLU them and use them. This would be the most economical solution to PAFs problems and conserved resources now could be put to much better use in buying matured 5th generation or late 4th generation tech from our friends.
I am not in favor of more F 16's.. Pakistan must keep considering China as major Arms supplier.We must equip ourselves with a couple of blocks of JF 17's, J10's and Chinese Fifth Gen. Stealth Fighters J-31 and a few J-20, and co-productions as per future requirements with China.No more American Inventory! I hope I am right!

birds in hand are better than many birds in the bush! - get my point!
A beautiful replacement for our Mirages indeed. They can easily raise or replace another squadron. Perhaps the Mianwali F-7Ps or the mirages. They are in very bad shape and these F-16s is a terrafic choice.

BTW I guess these are older pictures. As for now they are in service with NSAWC at Fallon. And if iam correct then they would definitely be needing the Falcon Star upgrade.
well i kinda feel the same that it would be better for PAF to try to acquire F-16S give it a MLU instead of just acquiring a few J-10s

they should instead focus on a joint venture on a fifth gen AC with china and focus on jf-17 as the backbone
I am against any kind of American equipment... har din ****** honay sa behtar hey banda new infrastructure lagalay Chinese Hardware ka rather thn using Pakistan's enemy hardware "USA"
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