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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

[--Leo--];2596027 said:
41+4+18+14 = 77 F-16 That is True

45 MLU
18 Block 52
14 to be delivered
and 18 the guy is talking about that today 18 more are confirmed..though i have nt seen the news.though option of the 18 more is on table this is what i know

45+18+14+18=95 F-16
Pakistan received last LM F-16 Block 52 aircraft from USA

Islamabad, Pakistan - Many Hi-Tech improvements for the famous American falcon

(WAPA) - The fighter aircraft Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 52 (where "Block" means the different modernized models of this famous multi-role fighter literally sold all over the world) is one of the articles USA already have from many time in their catalogue.

The "Block 52" version provide two movable enlargements on both side of the fuselage that are the main aesthetic change of this aircraft, enlargements called CFT (Conformal Fuel Tanks, which greatly improve the flight autonomy), and an "hump" on the backside axis which increase to 850 L the internal structural volume available to avionics.

Obviously there are also many electronic Hi-Tech improvements such as the Northrop Grumman (ex Westinghouse) AN/APG-68 radar and the "Joint" package with all the modules and the helmet integrated display.

Pakistan, instead of all the controversies due to the (strange) Osama Bin Laden capture, received the last of a series of this aircraft bought from America. The agreement was signed in 2006 for the furniture of 18 aircraft (about whose 6 are two-seater).

Between the articles Pakistan purchased from USA there is the entire weapons panoply this aircraft is able to carry with (another demonstration America is really good to separate international politic and economy when it's needed), such as 500 medium-range air-to-air AIM-120C5 AMRAAM missiles, 200 short-range dogfight AIM-9 Sidewinder, 1600 enhanced bombs GBU-12/24 laser guided and 700 armor-piercing bombs BLU-109.

A really great purchase for a Country USA bombed until last summer with its Predator UAV.

Below the video presentation of F-16 Block 52 Lockheed Martin released.


Pakistan received F-16 Block 52 C
February 6, 2012 Air Forces Tech, All, Military Tech No comments

A fleet of four F16 aircrafts provided by the US have officially been introduced into Pakistan Air Force today in a ceremonial at the Shahbaz Airbase. One of them was the latest model of F-16 Block 52.

The three F-16s are part of a batch of 18 aircrafts to be given to the Pakistan Air Force by the end of the year.

The following ceremonial was presided by, Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar, Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, US Air Chief General Schwartz, US ambassador to Pakistan Anne Patterson and other senior civil and military officials.

This imported fleet will indeed strengthen the Pakistan Air Force fleet. The Ambassador Anne Patterson said the US is escalating collaboration with Pakistan in the financial and power segments as well.

The second phase of consignment will add five F-16 Block 52 C fighter jets and would be complete within a period of month and a half.

“The jet fighters were flown from the US to Jacobabad by Pakistan Air Force pilots, who had recently completed training on the new aircraft in the US,” Air Commodore Tariq Qamar Yazdanie told The Express Tribune. Air Marshal Muhammad Hasan, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (Operations), Air Marshal Waseemud Din, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (Administration), along with other senior Pakistan Air Force (PAF) officials, received the jets.

The most recent Fighting Falcons rolling off the Lockheed Martin’s manufacture line in Fort Worth, Texas, are superior Block 50/52 and recently, Block 60 editions. These fabrication series symbolize the largest design change in the F-16 history, offering supplementary fuel and payload ability, new or better avionics and sensors, color cockpit displays with enhanced pilot/vehicle interfaces. Nine countries have already ordered Advanced Block 50/52/60 F-16s, counting the Greece, Israel, UAE, Chile, Pakistan and Poland.

The F-16 Block 52 that arrived Pakistan today also carries the Westinghouse AN/APG-68 V (5) radar, which provides longer range recognition against air targets and superior dependability. The radar has a programmable signal central processing unit that utilizes very high-speed integrated circuit (VHSIC) technology. The next consignment will be definitely beneficial for Pakistan.

Here are exclusive pictures of PAF F-16 block 52 induction ceremonial.

Pakistan received F-16 Block 52 C | The Techlusion

Man I must be getting senile or these guys are playing mind games with me. For instance i cant make heads or tail out of this piece of news. Now somebody correct me if I am wrong.
A: It seems we have received EDA F16Bl 50/52 with AN APG68 V5 radars.These will require to be upgraded to V9 version for fleet compatibility.
B: Three of these are C and 1 is the new Bl52(Presumably the last of the 18 from the last consignment). If that is the case then what did we receive from US a couple of days ago when the news came out that a Bl.52D and 2B.15 MLUs had arrived?
C: Fourthly, we are going to receive another 5Cs as EDA next month.
D:Then the final issue of another 18 Bl52s remains unresolved. Have we ordered them or not
Could someone please clear the mist from my brain?

Rafale, what does to do with PAF F-16 Block 52?

USAF has floated an RFP for the technology. some one elaborate a litlle bit

There is nothing new in Request For Proposal (RFP) where customers demand an issue to meet their specific requirements and detailed except sensitive security issues(Killer Switch/IFF). It was started since 1970s.

South Korea appears ready to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for a long awaited programme to upgrade its Lockheed Martin/Korea Aerospace Industries F-16C/D fighters.

The RFP specified three main objectives. The aircraft should fully explore the advantages of emerging technologies, reduce the risk and uncertainties involved in full-scale development and production, and provide a variety of technological options to meet future military hardware needs.

as well to India MMRC most advanced latest F-16s RFP. I don't think US giving a free-virus on F-16s systems to Pakistan since US and Pakistan aren't trust worthy friends.

My friend the so called "Killer Switch" technology is not there as yet. Just recently, USAF has floated an RFP for the technology.

As far as IFF is concerned. It is the user who defines the IFF parameters and not the mfg.

And furthermore, anytime a weapon system manufactured by someone else is sold to other than to the country listed in the original End User Certificate, one has to get an NOC from the manufaturing country. It is not the same as selling hammers!

You guys need to wake up and smell the coffee. It seems like in our eagerness to play down the importance of F-16 to the mission capability of PAF, we are comming up with hair brianed schemes and solutions that just do not exists.

BTW, any equipment using GPS as a triangulation method can be reverse triangulated. There is nothing new in that. If the J-10's will carry this than they can also be located by the sattellite it is using for triangulation.

How is that important to Pakistan, it doesn't save our country much lately. US trapped Pakistan in every corners, would F-16s rescue us in many ways?

It is contrary, many Pakistanis hate US bullies and media wars on Pakistan reputation but love F-16sold prides. Did we learn anything anything from US raids? No.

Let me remind you again, when Pakistan received newest F-16s Block 52 completely last year for the first time around January 2011 before US fully attacked Pakistan via Raymond Davis (January to March), OBL raids (May), Mehran Attack (June), ISI v-arms by Mullen (August), 200 terrorists attacks (August-Sept) and NATO attacks on thousand Pakistan soldiers (November).

Some of us already wake up with hot coffee and smell goods, COAS Kiyani and Tom Cruise Rao Suleman has no concerned for Pakistan.
Well the members keep on posting conflicting number of F-16’s currently serving PAF. It is my understanding that PAF has total of 63 F-16 as follows:

31 F-16A/B’
Remaining from the original order of 40.

14 F-16A/B’s
Pakistan ordered 71 (1988, 1988) and only 28 were built and further production was stopped as a result of embargo. The 28 air craft were evenly split between USAF and US Navy. After the attacks on 9/11 the Pakistani government became a major US ally in the war on terror. It was decided to redeliver those aircraft to Pakistan. Until now, only half of them from USAF have been redelivered, with the remainder from US Navy still to follow (US Navy has not yet decided to relinquish those air craft’s).

18 F-16C/D’s

Total F-16 = 63

Out of 45 A/B’s, first two were sent to USA for mid life upgrade and have been delivered to Pakistan recently. Three more were sent to turkey for upgrade and has been delivered to Pakistan and are being tested in Turkey by Pakistani Pilots.
Current Army Chief & Air Chief seem to be very close, i think i have not seen such a relationship in the past.

And this is a good thing, the Air Chief should be close to Naval chief too, since Air force is gonna give air cover to naval assets also.

A good relation should exist between all the chief and mutual officer exchanges should have as it reduces inter service jealously / differences.

This is your impression from images above but i see that Kiyani is there to see the ITEM which is forcing him to exercise restrain.

I guess, US has pitched some more F-16 and ACM is doing its bidding, which is subjected to general Kyiani's further restrain.

IMO... Pakistan will be better off by rejecting this carrot.

The BLK 52 rules----it is a force multiplier----we already have a base and infra structure for this air craft--so as many we can lay our hand upon---it will benefit us in the long run.

I believe that the paks need to be grateful to the u s---suddenly we have an edge in air to air combat in BVR---. The game has suddenly changed and you people have not even noticed. Now---the aim 120 rules the skies---where it is needed----the playing field is being levelled again people, or possibly slighty tilted in our favour once we get the whole stock of F16's upgrades and the blk 52.

You got to be thankful----regardless of our differences with uncle sam---he has delivered one more time---so stop this u s bashing for awhile----. Thank you.

The su 30 just can't come barging any more----come on guys wake up---.

Now if we would have picked up the grippen or the rafale in 2003---that would be a different story----at this stage----there is no subtitute for the blk 52. Your pilots are already proficient in this aircraft---so why shift gears---. You are slowly getting close to the adversary---so why start buliding from scratch----.

There are no kill switches in the F16's against the IAF----rest assured---no american would want its top notch air craft shot down by a russian or a french air craft----if such is the case---then any one of the technicians or assemblers in the u s would speaj out against it----.

American weapons systems don't play second fiddle to no kill switch----. Their presence would be the equivalent of death blow to the u s defence industry---.

Please remember---the defence industry is based on trust---you trust the equipment will work for you when you need it---10---20--30 years down the road.
The vertical rivets line on the CFT, next to the Danger Triangle.......or is that sand?
Pakistan receives six F-16s from Turkey & USA

By: Greg Waldron Singapore
1 hours ago

Source: http://www.flightglobal.com/images/a...ernational.png

Pakistan has received its last Lockheed Martin F-16D Block 52 aircraft and two upgraded F-16 Block 15s from the USA, while Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has delivered three upgraded Pakistan air force F-16s in Ankara.

The Block 52 example (below) was the last aircraft in an 18-aircraft deal signed in 2006 for 12 F-16C single-seat fighters, and six F-16D two-seaters, the air force said in a statement.

The two F-16 Block F-15 aircraft were among four aircraft sent to the USA for a mid-life upgrade, it added. The remaining pair will return from the USA later this year.

The three aircraft arrived together at the Pakistan air force's Shahbaz (Jacobabad) airbase, where a small ceremony was held.

According to Pakistan media reports, there was some concern that the 18th Block 52 would never arrive. It was originally scheduled to arrive last year, but this was delayed owing to the tensions resulting from the US special forces raid in Pakistan last March that resulted in the death of Osama Bin Laden.

Separately, TAI announced that it has delivered the first three Pakistan air force F-16s that to receive a mid-life upgrade in Turkey. The aircraft were presented to Pakistani officials in Ankara and have yet to depart for Pakistan.

In 2009, TAI was selected to provide a mid-life upgrade for 41 F-16A/B Block 15 aircraft under Pakistan's "Peace Drive II" programme. The company upgrades the aircraft, performs flight tests and will train a total of 72 Pakistan air force technicians. Work under the deal is expected to conclude by September 2014, the company said.

Pakistan's 18 F-16 Block 52s are powered by Pratt & Whitney F100-229 engines, with other systems understood to include Northrop Grumman's mechanically scanned APG-68(V)9 radar and ITT's ALQ-211(V)9 advanced integrated defensive electronic warfare suite.

A proposed weapons package outlined by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency in 2006 included 500 Raytheon AIM-120C5 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles and 200 short-range AIM-9M-8/9 Sidewinders, plus 500 Boeing joint direct attack munitions, 1,600 enhanced GBU-12/24 laser-guided bombs and 700 BLU-109 penetrator bombs.
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