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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

would need to be block 72s as the block 50/52 line has been closed for a few years now. they are no longer for sale new.
May be 2nd hand Block-50s/52s can easily be bought from other countries along with Block-15s/20s/25s from its operators.
Pakistan needs money more desperately then the US. They can just print the dollars
How many F-16A/Bs (15/20/25) are available in US Aircraft boneyards?
Block-50/52: http://www.f-16.net/f-16_versions_article9.html
F-16 A/B: http://www.f-16.net/f-16_versions_article3.html
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Lockheed Unveils Miniaturized IRST For F-16 Block 70/72s

November 17, 2020

Lockheed Martin on Nov. 17 unveiled a miniaturized infrared search and track (IRST) sensor with an embedded processor for the F-16 Block 70/72 series.


The Legion-Embedded System (ES) pod has been ordered by an undisclosed F-16 Block 70/72 customer and is available for delivery to new operators starting in 2023, said Jim Ni, Lockheed’s IRST21 program manager.

The first deliveries of a newly built F-16 Block 70 are scheduled in 2021 to the Royal Bahraini Air Force. Taiwan, Slovakia, and Bulgaria also have scheduled F-16 Block 70 deliveries, while Morocco has ordered F-16 Block 72s.

The Legion-ES repackages the long-wave sensor developed for the Legion pod and IRST21. The computer processor is integrated into the F-16’s forward equipment bay.

As a result, the 300-lb., 77-in.-long Legion-ES pod on the left-underside of the forward fuselage is significantly lighter and smaller than Lockheed’s other, fully podded IRST systems, Ni said.

Although the pod is tucked beneath the fuselage, the field of view of the sensor is not obstructed at the ranges anticipated for IRST detection of hostile aircraft, Ni said.

Lockheed developed the full-size Legion pod to integrate on the U.S. Air Force’s fleet of F-16 Block 40/42/50/52 jets.

The Legion pod is significantly larger than the Legion-ES because it is designed with growth to carry other systems, such as a communications relay or other sensors. The processor for the full-size Legion pod also is integrated on the pod itself, rather than inside the forward equipment bay.

Lockheed miniaturized and consolidated electronics in the forward equipment bay of the F-16 Block 70/72 series. The extra room created space to house the processor for the Legion-ES, Ni said.

PAF can negotiate for the F-16s Block-52s to add into their fleet.

Although, I think the F-35s will replace F-4s.

PAF can negotiate for the F-16s Block-52s to add into their fleet.

Although, I think the F-35s will replace F-4s.
I don't see anyone scrapping 16/52s just yet. don't know where Greece will get the money from since they were on the verge of/had declared bankruptcy a couple of years ago. With tourism down the drain they don't have much else to earn money with. so will the US irk the Turks who are part of NATO to appease the Greeks? Now that is the question. If I were a betting man I would sell to both and see how they fights each other increasing their demand for more arms. 5 more years and Turkey will be invincible with local 5th generation fighters coming on board, so will the US risk alienating a NATO ally???
I don't see anyone scrapping 16/52s just yet. don't know where Greece will get the money from since they were on the verge of/had declared bankruptcy a couple of years ago. With tourism down the drain they don't have much else to earn money with. so will the US irk the Turks who are part of NATO to appease the Greeks? Now that is the question. If I were a betting man I would sell to both and see how they fights each other increasing their demand for more arms. 5 more years and Turkey will be invincible with local 5th generation fighters coming on board, so will the US risk alienating a NATO ally???
I believe we are done with new F-16s and have slim chances on used ones for the foreseeable future.
It’s a medium Chinese platform as a stop gap strike fighter and then all focus on further JF blocks and AZM.
I believe we are done with new F-16s and have slim chances on used ones for the foreseeable future.
It’s a medium Chinese platform as a stop gap strike fighter and then all focus on further JF blocks and AZM.
The information is soo bi-polar. Some are very optimistic of new and updated F-16s coming to Pakistan while some are soo sure that we got hold of J-10C.
Although talks take place all the time, but this polar opposite narrative is getting crazy.

It's either PAF wants the ambiguity about all this or even PAF does not know what holds for its future.

On AZM, well we succeeded in our nuclear program because we had determined and very dedicated people on it. And for us, it was our survival. Everyone including a common man was supporting. On AZM, most don't even know much about it. And I don't see the pace, commitment needed to put into it. Things are too bleaky to not be skeptical about the program.

A safe bet would be AZM heavily influenced by China but the downside would be a bit of compromise on quality relatively to Western products.

Right now, with the issues sorted on Block 3, I think we will try to produce a larger quantity to develop the force needed counter the threat from India.
For PAF best is to get out this F16 phobia once for all, yes we agree its very good jet and PAF pilots developed have alot expertise on them ..
but alot of strings of conditions and blackmailing remain part of package in past will remain in future aswell untill we dont have alternative option practically adopted
Hi at the moment I’m sure no more F16 specific to the latest as USA is comfortable in selling these new machines to Arabs countries from where they will get hard cash / obviously not from Pakistan even getting blk52 is not a easy option until unless Indians buy some really big and more expensive stuff then might be a chance for PAF as USA is not ready to let go Indians from their circle of buying expensive stuff so won’t annoy them selling these to Pakistan
in the end better luck for Pakistan is to get Chinese or if possible Russian stuff ( coz even European is too expensive & no credit) and with the best training they can always come over to their adversaries even if they are using USA or other European stuff
let’s see what will come out the hat incoming years F16 chances are ver bleak
thank you
The information is soo bi-polar. Some are very optimistic of new and updated F-16s coming to Pakistan while some are soo sure that we got hold of J-10C.
Although talks take place all the time, but this polar opposite narrative is getting crazy.

It's either PAF wants the ambiguity about all this or even PAF does not know what holds for its future.

On AZM, well we succeeded in our nuclear program because we had determined and very dedicated people on it. And for us, it was our survival. Everyone including a common man was supporting. On AZM, most don't even know much about it. And I don't see the pace, commitment needed to put into it. Things are too bleaky to not be skeptical about the program.

A safe bet would be AZM heavily influenced by China but the downside would be a bit of compromise on quality relatively to Western products.

Right now, with the issues sorted on Block 3, I think we will try to produce a larger quantity to develop the force needed counter the threat from India.
I would for a bit go away from insider info and focus on general metrics such as the country’s economic,diplomatic and political condition to determine possible outcomes.
I don't see anyone scrapping 16/52s just yet. don't know where Greece will get the money from since they were on the verge of/had declared bankruptcy a couple of years ago. With tourism down the drain they don't have much else to earn money with. so will the US irk the Turks who are part of NATO to appease the Greeks? Now that is the question. If I were a betting man I would sell to both and see how they fights each other increasing their demand for more arms. 5 more years and Turkey will be invincible with local 5th generation fighters coming on board, so will the US risk alienating a NATO ally???


You are a terrible analyst.

Greece is a christian nation. Turkey is an angry at the US muslim nation. There has been a lots of love lost for Turkey in the west.

The turkish 5th gen is 10 plus years away---. F35 is already inducted and deployed. The turkish 5th gen will have to go integration and that will be a few more years---.
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