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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

The US now needs money and can easily allow PAF to buy a good amount of used F-16 A/Bs with the upgrade package similar to MLU-4s.

Moreover, might also allow PAF to buy new F-16 C/Ds.
would need to be block 72s as the block 50/52 line has been closed for a few years now. they are no longer for sale new.
would need to be block 72s as the block 50/52 line has been closed for a few years now. they are no longer for sale new.
infact there is just block 70 available with GE engine if i am not wrong and its price has substantially dropped due to standardization and streamlining by LM. as it was losing market to gripen and other russians options
infact there is just block 70 available with GE engine if i am not wrong and its price has substantially dropped due to standardization and streamlining by LM. as it was losing market to gripen and other russians options

Gripen E only has a single customer while the Su.35 has two and F.16V has done much better in the international market than the other two aircraft.
It is losing market to F35. I think Morocco bought with PW engines.
infact there is just block 70 available with GE engine if i am not wrong and its price has substantially dropped due to standardization and streamlining by LM. as it was losing market to gripen and other russians options
It is losing market to F35. I think Morocco bought with PW engines.

It;s not really competing against the F-35.

Current F-16 users are divided between

F-35 = Have cash and are cleared
F-16V = Less money and not cleared

Many NATO countries, Japan, Singapore, Israel and S Korea fall into first catagory

Pak, Morocco, Jordan, Egypt, Thailand fall into second
infact there is just block 70 available with GE engine if i am not wrong and its price has substantially dropped due to standardization and streamlining by LM. as it was losing market to gripen and other russians options
there are/have always been multiple engine options for the F-16's:

Any F-16 Block ending in 0 means it carries a GE engine
Any F-16 Block ending in 2 means it carries a PW engine.

Paf operates the Block 52, this means it carries a PW engine.
Lets say Turkey operates the block 50, this means they use the GE engine.
Anybody have a slightest idea about the parts been manufactured by different countries for EF typhoon recently German has agreed to release parts for EF for Saudi Arabia so one can think of how and from where PAF will overcome this kind of scenario if the need arises after buying eurofighter
somy understanding is forget about EF
any member with more info can put up some words against my post
thank you
It;s not really competing against the F-35.

Current F-16 users are divided between

F-35 = Have cash and are cleared
F-16V = Less money and not cleared

Many NATO countries, Japan, Singapore, Israel and S Korea fall into first catagory

Pak, Morocco, Jordan, Egypt, Thailand fall into second
Yes, you're right, but you forgot someone who wanted to be the first category, but is/will be religated to staying in the second category.


Recently, about a week back Indonesia was turned down the F-35 and is once again being offered the F-16 and/or the F/A-18.

Indonesia Wants F-35 Jets, But US Pushing F-16s or F/A-18s Instead

The 'reason' given is the most absurd one - of having to wait for 09 Years on the Waiting List.

We all know, that if a certain Nation orders the F-35 (today), they'll bypass any 'Waiting List'.

Indonesia shouldn't give in to this kind of pressure & as a lesson outta opt for something European or Russian as they've shown interest in the Su-35.

Yes, you're right, but you forgot someone who wanted to be the first category, but is/will be religated to staying in the second category.


Recently, about a week back Indonesia was turned down the F-35 and is once again being offered the F-16 and/or the F/A-18.

Indonesia Wants F-35 Jets, But US Pushing F-16s or F/A-18s Instead

The 'reason' given is the most absurd one - of having to wait for 09 Years on the Waiting List.

We all know, that if a certain Nation orders the F-35 (today), they'll bypass any 'Waiting List'.

Indonesia shouldn't give in to this kind of pressure & as a lesson outta opt for something European or Russian as they've shown interest in the Su-35.


Indeed, SU 35 option is going to come up again to replace old F5 squadron. Any way, it is part of diversification strategy since we still remember the embargo period. If Biden relax CATSAA there is possibility to go that route, any way we have already been too close with ordering SU 35.

Indonesia Mindef wants to retrofit our Hawk 100/200 instead of replace them with F 16 V as suggested by previous Air Force commander.

I predict new fighters are only for 1 squadron and there is still chance there is no new order until 2024 and our Mindef will focus on Navy acquisition (as what I always suggested here), and starting in 2026 just order KFX/IFX (if the program is on schedule and successful and Indonesia is still in the program)
Indeed, SU 35 option is going to come up again to replace old F5 squadron. Any way, it is part of diversification strategy since we still remember the embargo period. If Biden relax CATSAA there is possibility to go that route, any way we have already been too close with ordering SU 35.

Indonesia Mindef wants to retrofit our Hawk 100/200 instead of replace them with F 16 V as suggested by previous Air Force commander.

I predict new fighters are only for 1 squadron and there is still chance there is no new order until 2024 and our Mindef will focus on Navy acquisition (as what I always suggested here), and starting in 2026 just order KFX/IFX (if the program is on schedule and successful and Indonesia is still in the program)

Indonesia is a prime example of a very good air force hampered by small numbers of many different types.
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