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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

No one is denying how modern warfare is fought, or how good the F-16 is. Anyone will tell you that in order to occupy a country physically you need to capture and hold ground. This is my point. Even when invading Iraq, the US, with all it's sophisticated assets, still need to fight Iraqi Army on the ground. The Pakistan Army is not the Iraqi Army.


That is old news---. Those days of holding ground are long gone---now you go in and totally destroy the infrastructure of the country. Non nuclear weapons are a 100 times more lethal and accurate and with a lesser number of weapons---you can totally demolish the abilities and capabilities of a nation from far away---.
Achieving limited objectives is something (with its own set of consequences) in war plans but taking over a country size of Pakistan is another. It is not possible for US with her might to go after Pakistan on ground.
There is significant risk even with limited objective interference also. US don't know location of each and every warhead, what they will miss will be dropped on US bases and allies.
Just one nuclear warhead dropped on a US base will ruin the majority party's prospects for a decade or more, it is just a non starter, only thing keeping Iran and North Korea safe is the possibility of actual operational WMD's.


What is keeping north korea safe is that they are going to be a future christian / born again nation.

What is keeping Iran safe is that it keeps stabbing the other muslim world and does the job that the americans don't want to do.

That is old news---. Those days of holding ground are long gone---now you go in and totally destroy the infrastructure of the country. Non nuclear weapons are a 100 times more lethal and accurate and with a lesser number of weapons---you can totally demolish the abilities and capabilities of a nation from far away---.


What is keeping north korea safe is that they are going to be a future christian / born again nation.

What is keeping Iran safe is that it keeps stabbing the other muslim world and does the job that the americans don't want to do.

So why does even the US Army still have 17 Infantry Divisions? You will always need soldiers to occupy a country was my point.
Head on with Shahbaz

So why does even the US Army still have 17 Infantry Divisions? You will always need soldiers to occupy a country was my point.


It takes time to train men for war---. You don't become an F16 fighter pilot jumping into the seat---.

The infantry divs are to fight two to three wars at the same time in different arenas---.
Anyone whats the story behind this photo?

View attachment 683303
Saw it on Instagram couple of days ago and got curious so checked her insta page link which was in the picture. Forgot the name and no way of tracing it back.
From the pictures I don't think with PAF anymore. Aeronautical Engineer now a commercial pilot in US. She claims to be of NYC origin.
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Saw it on Instagram couple of days ago and got curious so checked her insta page link which was in the picture. Forgot the name and no way of tracing it back.
From the pictures I don't think with PAF anymore. Aeronautical Engineer now a commercial pilot in US. She claims to be of NYC origin.
4. If PMIK riles up the Pakistanis for Trump, Trump is the kind of guy that doesn't forget a favour.

Are you sure? India has spent and still pouring billions of dollars in terms of investments in US, even though Trump making fun of them in his campaign. What are you talking about? lol
Saw it on Instagram couple of days ago and got curious so checked her insta page link which was in the picture. Forgot the name and no way of tracing it back.
From the pictures I don't think with PAF anymore. Aeronautical Engineer now a commercial pilot in US. She claims to be of NYC origin.

Look @ her patch ... Griffin Sqd
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