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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Are you sure? India has spent and still pouring billions of dollars in terms of investments in US, even though Trump making fun of them in his campaign. What are you talking about? lol

Look @ her patch ... Griffin Sqd

If you couldn't understand what I am talking about, you won't understand my response either, so its a waste to discuss it with you.
Anyone whats the story behind this photo?

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She was an aircraft engineer in the PAF and has now moved on to Delta Airlines in US.

Saw it on Instagram couple of days ago and got curious so checked her insta page link which was in the picture. Forgot the name and no way of tracing it back.
From the pictures I don't think with PAF anymore. Aeronautical Engineer now a commercial pilot in US. She claims to be of NYC origin.
I thought it was a picture of an anchor or blogger or cancer patient. These days, from politicians to army generals get a chance to wear the suit am fly in the backseat for a joyride.

Wasting life of the machine for stunts... Sed Lyf.

They should rather fly them in the trainers like K8 or Mushak etc if it's soo necessary.

Also, We all agree that airshows don't need our good aricrafts and pilots wasting their time and life.

For a common man and his morale boosting, even the trainers or block 1s Jf 17s would suffice. They won't even be able to differentiate lol.

For us, seeing them in combat/operational excercises like DACT, or launching training sorties and targetting ground targets holds much more importance.

Anyways, we aren't getting any F-16s if U.S demands for full price.
We already have made arrangements with China to fulfill our needs which additional F-16s would have provided, for the near future i.e 10 to 15 years.
Anyone whats the story behind this photo?

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Thats Fatma Shafi, a popular Instagram user, who is an American commercial pilot. She was trained by the PAF as an engineer. She shares fondly, her experience with the PAF and how the service made her who she’s today.

Her experience shows that Pakistani women can make good pilots and PAF should invest resources to recruit more female pilots. It’s unfortunate that she had to move to the US to pursue her dream of being a pilot.

That is old news---. Those days of holding ground are long gone---now you go in and totally destroy the infrastructure of the country. Non nuclear weapons are a 100 times more lethal and accurate and with a lesser number of weapons---you can totally demolish the abilities and capabilities of a nation from far away---.


What is keeping north korea safe is that they are going to be a future christian / born again nation.

What is keeping Iran safe is that it keeps stabbing the other muslim world and does the job that the americans don't want to do.

Your post does not match the reality on the ground.
Wt happen to the u.s in Afg goes against wt uve stated in ur post. Ie
A bunch of rag tag Afghans in chappels beat the crap out of them in a war of attrition. The likes of which is even worse than wt the British or the Soviets experienced before them.
All of the above happened due to no boots on the ground as the u.s public did not have the stomach to see the constant flow of American body bags. So the u.s left 70 % of afg to the Taliban and only concentrated on the population centers. N the result is after waisting trillions and almost 2 decades n thousands of lifes.
The us has nothing to show for n is forced to sit n negotiate while bending over backwards with the same Taliban whom it called terrorists.
Your post does not match the reality on the ground.
Wt happen to the u.s in Afg goes against wt uve stated in ur post. Ie
A bunch of rag tag Afghans in chappels beat the crap out of them in a war of attrition. The likes of which is even worse than wt the British or the Soviets experienced before them.
All of the above happened due to no boots on the ground as the u.s public did not have the stomach to see the constant flow of American body bags. So the u.s left 70 % of afg to the Taliban and only concentrated on the population centers. N the result is after waisting trillions and almost 2 decades n thousands of lifes.
The us has nothing to show for n is forced to sit n negotiate while bending over backwards with the same Taliban whom it called terrorists.

There are over 2 million dead afghans in this " war on terror " and million homeless.
i recall how you wanted the pakistani military to do exactly that in yemen years ago


That is your shortsightedness and prejudice against me that makes you say that.

Pak military would not have done that but rather controlled the issue with a better understanding and handling of the problem---.

Pak military had a unique experience intaking charge in the restless areas of pakistan and would have applied that same technique to calm the situation down---.

That is your shortsightedness and prejudice against me that makes you say that.

Pak military would not have done that but rather controlled the issue with a better understanding and handling of the problem---.

Pak military had a unique experience intaking charge in the restless areas of pakistan and would have applied that same technique to calm the situation down---.
That's wishful thinking at best and flat out falsehood at worst.
How would have Pak army better controlled the situation exactly in a foreign land as occupiers/invaders? Also the objective would be set by the Saudis and not Pakistanis as you wanted our army as guns for hire. Add on that we don't speak the language or know the local culture or the terrain, AND we were also fighting a war inside our borders at the same time, this entire idea somehow calming the situation is entirely wrong. At best we would have killed thousands of Yemeni Muslims that posed no threat to us and lost thousands of soldiers in turn. At worst we would have also lost more people in Pakistan by prolonging the fight against terrorists.

That is your shortsightedness and prejudice against me that makes you say that.

Pak military would not have done that but rather controlled the issue with a better understanding and handling of the problem---.

Pak military had a unique experience intaking charge in the restless areas of pakistan and would have applied that same technique to calm the situation down---.

You have your head in the sand like an ostrich. Tens of thousands of people have died in Pakistan and thousands more service personnel from combatting terrorist outfits over the past 20 years, but you seem to think the Pak army could do in Yemen what it has only barely done at home without paying a higher price. The US' misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan should be examples enough, but clearly some people in their hubris and arrogance will never learn, no matter what. An you wonder why no one take you seriously?
These days, from politicians to army generals get a chance to wear the suit am fly in the backseat for a joyride.
Wg Cdr. Yasir Shafiq* taking (former) PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi for a spin in an F-16. These N-League swine's outta be billed for these joyrides. I'm certain they can afford it.

*Could be a Gp Capt by now.




Wg Cdr. Yasir Shafiq* taking (former) PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi for a spin in an F-16. These N-League swine's outta be billed for these joyrides. I'm certain they can afford it.

*Could be a Gp Capt by now.





Should we bill the CJSC as well then!

PS,Yasir Shafiq is a group captain now and posted at PAF Shahbaz.
Should we bill the CJSC as well then!
What the hell, why not?!!

He isn't Military. We have servicemen/women who have served their entire lives in the Air Force watching these jets fly day-in/day-out. They never get rides in anything other than a C-130 or a CASA.
What the hell, why not?!!

He isn't Military. We have servicemen/women who have served their entire lives in the Air Force watching these jets fly day-in/day-out. They never get rides in anything other than a C-130 or a CASA.

You might disagree with me but my view is that non-airforce personnel should not be allowed to fly front line fighters. This trend was started by Kiyani and now everyone wants a joyride in F.16's.

If they're so interested in getting a taste of flying then they should be offered to fly in trainers.
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