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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

I would also agree with going for 18 blk 52's more filling up the whole option and then not looking at US for anymore fighters or even thoughts! as fc-20 still has several years to come to us & thunders will take up time to be build in large numbers...
I would also agree with going for 18 blk 52's more filling up the whole option and then not looking at US for anymore fighters or even thoughts! as fc-20 still has several years to come to us & thunders will take up time to be build in large numbers...

Yeah 18 more F-16 will be great but i highly highly doubt if Pakistan will ever go for these.

To me Pakistan must put that money to engage Girfo, Selex, Thelas etc. to develop a AESA radar for Pakistani fighters along with other avionics. Era of F-16s are coming to an end in 2020s.
-No leader ship
He did not give any credit to former ACM who worked his butt off to convince the congress, the deal was signed during his tenure.

sorry bro no offense to you. :pakistan:

Now can you give me some events where he proved a BS, Puppet, Liar and Without Leadership?? :what:

That comments of mine were just about particular speech at ceremony of F-16. He never took credit to himself as well in his address.
US pacifies Pak with new F-16 aircraft gift
Chidanand Rajghatta, TNN 14 October 2009, 09:54pm IST

WASHINGTON: Amid efforts to mollify a surcharged anti-American mood in Pakistan, the United States on Tuesday rolled out the first of 18 new F-16

fighter aircraft produced for its ally even as officials from the two countries scrambled to agree on placatory language to accompany the Kerry-Lugar bill to be signed by President Obama in the next 72 hours.

The ''insulting'' tone of the so-called K-L bill, which doles out $ 7.5 billion aid to Islamabad over five years subject to its ceasing support for terrorism, stopping nuclear proliferation, and reigning in its hyper-aggressive military, has inflamed Pakistan. Bowing to a diktat from its military junta, Pakistan’s civilian government earlier this week rushed its foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi back to Washington to convey the country’s mood and concerns over the language in the bill.

Qureshi’s talks with ****** pointman Richard Holbrooke and other senior US officials and lawmakers on the subject resulted in nothing more than assurances that Washington would not infringe on Pakistan’s sovereignty. But the US would not rewrite the legislation, although Senator Kerry is expected to issue further clarifications aimed at pacifying Pakistan. The President thereafter is expected to ive his assent to the bill with a ''signing statement'' that might reiterate US respect for Pakistan’s sovereignty, even though the argument in Pakistan is that the legislation undermines it.

That signing ceremony is expected before the weekend, possibly as soon as Thursday. President Obama is conducting a full and final review of his Pak-Af policy in the White House’s underground Situation Room on Wednesday morning, following which he will emerge to host a Diwali celebration in the White House, the first time a US President would have attended such an event.

While all this was playing out in Washington DC where Pakistan has come to be seen as a distasteful ally (''I absolutely have to hold my nose when I work with the Pakistani government,'' a US analyst said on camera in a TV program broadcast Tuesday night), a different scene was unfolding at a Lockheed Martin plant in Fort Worth, Texas.

Watched by the Air Force chiefs, diplomats, officials from the two countries and local law-makers, Lockheed Martin unveiled the first of 18 Block 52 F-16s made for Pakistan under an order ironically named ''Peace Drive 1.''

The 18-jet order, which includes 12 F-16Cs and six F-16Ds, was scaled down from the original 32, which Pakistan could not afford. But even the whittled down order has kept Lockheed Martin’s Forth Worth plant, which is otherwise nearing the end of its life, humming for awhile, which is why the event saw the attendance of lawmaker Kay Granger from the adjoining Texas 12th district.

The ceremony also saw the presence of Pakistan’s ambassador to the US, Hussain Haqqani, whose job is on the line because Pakistan’s military believes he had a role in undermining its primacy by getting Washington to legislate civilian oversight over it. In an interview to a foreign policy journal on his way to the event, Haqqani appears to have hinted that he has the capacity to embarrass the military if he was fired from his job, a threat that is certain to inflame the already fraught civilian-military confrontation brewing in Islamabad.

Meanwhile, Lockheed Martin said the 18-jets order, including the two-seater F-16D model rolled out Tuesday, will be delivered in the 2009-2010 timeframe. The deliveries will bring to 54 the number of F-16s acquired by Pakistan since it first began receiving them from the US in 1982.

While a few of them are believed to have attrited, Pakistan will still have around 50 F-16s in its inventory at the end of the current order.

''Peace Drive is the flagship of modernization for Pakistan's Air Force. It is the latest configuration of the best 4th generation multirole fighter available in the world today,'' John Larson, vice president of F-16 programs for Lockheed Martin, said at the roll-out ceremony.

US pacifies Pak with new F-16 aircraft gift - US - World - The Times of India
"The 18-jet order, which includes 12 F-16Cs and six F-16Ds, was scaled down from the original 32, which Pakistan could not afford"

we freaking paid for these jet so why cry Indian media, I am hating Indian Media day by day they are after Pakistan like if the were a stray dogs.
Peace Drive I - First F-16 unveiled

October 13, 2009 (by Laurie Quincy) - Lockheed Martin unveiled the first of 18 new F-16s being produced for Pakistan in ceremonies today at its Fort Worth, Texas, facility. Officials including the Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. and Pakistan Air Forces were on hand to witness the event.

Air Chief Marshal Rao Quamar Suleman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force delivering his remarks after the first F-16D block 52 aircraft was unveiled at Lockheed Martins, Fort Worth facility on October 13, 2009. Air Chief Marshal Rao Quamar Suleman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force (PAF), accepted the first F-16 Block 52 aircraft on behalf of his nation. Also present were Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's Ambassador to the United States, and other senior officials.

The U.S. government was represented by Rep. Kay Granger, Texas 12th District, and Gen. Norton Schwartz, Chief of Staff of the Air Force.

"Peace Drive is the flagship of modernization for Pakistan's Air Force. It is the latest configuration of the best 4th generation multirole fighter available in the world today," said John Larson, vice president of F-16 programs for Lockheed Martin.

The aircraft order is designated as "Peace Drive I," continuing a long tradition of naming F-16 international sales programs with the word Peace. The program raises the total number of F-16s ordered by Pakistan to 54. The Pakistan Air Force received its first F-16, in the Block 15 F-16A/B configuration, in 1982. Pakistan has been operating Lockheed Martin aircraft since 1963, when it received C-130B airlifters.

The Peace Drive I order is for 12 F-16Cs and six F-16Ds, all powered by the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 engine. The first aircraft – a two-seat F-16D model – will be delivered to the U.S. government (as agent for Pakistan in the Foreign Military Sales process) in December, with the remainder following in 2010.

"The 18-jet order, which includes 12 F-16Cs and six F-16Ds, was scaled down from the original 32, which Pakistan could not afford"

we freaking paid for these jet so why cry Indian media, I am hating Indian Media day by day they are after Pakistan like if the were a stray dogs.

Its an opinion piece - ignore it and focus on the facts.

We paid for these aircraft, and we diversified into the FC-20 with the money save to avoid a repeat of the sanctions of the past that left PAF capability severely lacking.

I am not sure if the PAF kept the option of ordering 18 more block 52's (Blain might be able to better explain) but it could always be a possibility if this commitment is delivered on by the US, the US-Pak relationship remains stable and Pakistan's economic situation improves by 2011-2012.
At the moment it is only one F-16D that has been manufactured. The same shall be handed over to US government in December for handover to Pakistan in January. Rest of the planes shall follow in 2010.

We have option for ordering 18 more. Lets wait and see in PAF uses that option or not.

PAF made correct decision of diversifying the order and buying FC-20 this shall reduce PAF vulnerability in case sanctions are again imposed.

A thread already exists on F-16 discussion. This should be merged with the existing one.
The Americans are drip feeding us in the hope that we maintain the alliance in the so call 'war on terror'. One wrong step by Pakistan and its goodbye to the F-16s.
PAF F-16 fleet will be upgraded to block 52 till 2011.

The Pakistan MLU avionics upgrade kits are being designed to provide
the Pakistan Block 15A/B aircraft with many of the same capabilities as the
new Block 52 F-16s that the PAF is procuring. The MLU kit replaces most of
the 1980s avionics in the Block 15s with newer, advanced avionics systems
from the Block 52 F-16s. The MLU upgrade kits will include: APG-68(V)9
radar; Embedded GPS/INS (EGI); Link-16 data link; APX-113 Advanced
Identify Friend or Foe (AIFF); Color Cockpit with Color Moving Map; ALQ-
211(V)9 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS)
Pod; Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Cockpit and External Lighting;
Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod; Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System
(JHMCS); Reconnaissance Pod capability; improved avionics systems; JDAM
capability; EGBU capability; AIM-120 AMRAAM capability; and AGM-84
Harpoon capability. While many of the avionics systems and capabilities are
common with the new Block 52s and the MLU, some significant differences
remain between the MLU F-16 Block 15s and the new PAF Block 52s: there
are no improvements to the Block 15s mission range and loiter time; there are
no engine improvements; and, there are no improvements to payload capacity.
Overall, the MLU program will extend the service life of Pakistan’s original F-
16 aircraft and very significantly increase the capability of the Pakistan Air
Force to conduct Close Air Support and night precision attack missions. I
would like to highlight that in parallel with the significant improvement in
weapon accuracy gained by precision guided munitions like JDAM, there is the
potential to dramatically reduce collateral damage and civilian casualties.
Regarding program status, the first four MLU aircraft are undergoing
work in Fort Worth, Texas now. The USAF schedule for delivery of these
aircraft is December 2011.
The delivery dates for the remaining aircraft are
being refined due to the recent stop work.

Now till 2011
62 Block 52 F-16
100 + JF-17
8 to 10 J-10B
80 Mirage ROSE
55 F-7PG

Enough to keep balance till 2011 against 150 MKI, 50 to 60 Mig 29 and 45 Mirage 2K.
Keeping in mind IAF threat from both PLAAF and PAF
i have only one word on JF-17 & F-16 combination
"deadly combination" i will urge PAF to finance the money on f-16 decided to be allocated on J-10
becasue in my view F-16 is alot more effective as dogfighter and A2G attacks as compare to it's chinese counterpart J-10

sie with all respect i think it will be really foolish decesion. J10 is going to come as a fighter that we can play with according to our desires whereas F16 always have lots of strings atatched. i agree with Sir TOPGUN that it wont be wise to look toward US for any future mlitary procurements.
what do you think?
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