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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Well, logically it does make sense. I have always wondered how come PAC is jumping straight into 5th gen design when they don't have any independent (I.e. without a partnership) experience of taking a project from conception to design, prototype, and production. But what kept throwing me off was the ACM's statement that future of PAC is making AESA radars and 5th gen jets in house. Also, I expected Block 3 to already feature low RCS given it will roll off the production line just after India receives first deliveries of Rafale. Pushing this to Azm means quite a number of years where the Rafale will reign supreme in South Asian skies. They better fix this with a 4.5+ gen purchase.

@Oscar @Bilal Khan 777 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Mahmood uz Zaman
A blueprint to move onto a 5th gen existed at Chengdu for many years. Again, old info but the PAF 6 years ago had 3 options available to it to exploit for 5th gen. Only 1 was the J31.

Which means that there was clear availability of a designs from Chengdu and another vendor for a 5th gen route.

The “block-3” design is not being pushed to Azm. Rather, it is being made a stepping stone into AZM.
Moreover, there is no hold on them producing an upgraded block 2 in the interim while they sort out block-3.

My point is that if the PAF opts for the Su-35, then the long-term outcome will be Su-35 + Project Azm. Basically, whatever off-the-shelf fighter the PAF commits to moving forward will replace the F-16. So if the Russians proceed with a new Su-35 variant with an AESA radar, and in turn, the PAF would opt for it then they won't be stop at 2~3 squadrons, but take it to 4~5 (72~90) and replace the F-16s by the mid-2030s.

It might sound weird to maintain that many Su-35s, but it makes sense for the PAF as it'll scale infrastructure spending and ensure that a strong number of jets are operating when others are undergoing routine maintenance (a relatively frequent issue with the Flanker-series).

IMO ... it'll be one of Su-35, J-10C, FC-31 or TF-X.
We have elections tomorrow and then we are likely to hear from any new government how bad our economy has been left by the PmL(N).
One of the major sources of “frustration” at times on this forum while discussing defense purchases is that many tend to ignore budgets and allocation in those budgets for New purchases.
After all, only after we have paid salaries, pensions, maintenance of current assets(from bases, housing to the oldest mirage),loan payments and bills does the remaining amount be allocated to new purchases.
Those purchases will also be on loans since we clearly arent in any economic shape to pay amounts for a proper down payment. For that our credit rating in the market matters and currently that is in a bad category.

So, while our discussions on pursuing 4.5gen airplanes from any supplier not willing to consider us for a long term low interest loan isn’t pointless, it is quite unlikely that any purchase will happen until our economic situation improves considerably.
A blueprint to move onto a 5th gen existed at Chengdu for many years. Again, old info but the PAF 6 years ago had 3 options available to it to exploit for 5th gen. Only 1 was the J31.

Which means that there was clear availability of a designs from Chengdu and another vendor for a 5th gen route.

The “block-3” design is not being pushed to Azm. Rather, it is being made a stepping stone into AZM.
Moreover, there is no hold on them producing an upgraded block 2 in the interim while they sort out block-3.

We have elections tomorrow and then we are likely to hear from any new government how bad our economy has been left by the PmL(N).
One of the major sources of “frustration” at times on this forum while discussing defense purchases is that many tend to ignore budgets and allocation in those budgets for New purchases.
After all, only after we have paid salaries, pensions, maintenance of current assets(from bases, housing to the oldest mirage),loan payments and bills does the remaining amount be allocated to new purchases.
Those purchases will also be on loans since we clearly arent in any economic shape to pay amounts for a proper down payment. For that our credit rating in the market matters and currently that is in a bad category.

So, while our discussions on pursuing 4.5gen airplanes from any supplier not willing to consider us for a long term low interest loan isn’t pointless, it is quite unlikely that any purchase will happen until our economic situation improves considerably.
Though 'pie-in-the-sky' ... the PAF saying it would consider the TF-X is, actually, a realistic statement. How/Why? Because the TF-X itself is a distant factor (post-2030), which basically means that any traction in that regard is a distant factor. It wouldn't surprise me if the PAF skips the 4.5/4+ issue entirely and (1) either consolidates into a Project Azm-only fleet or (2) procures a second, larger FGF via TF-X or some other consortium.
Unfortunately, the result of Azm that you have described feels neither here nor there. Yes, we need numbers. But at the same time, we need an air superiority fighter, not in the sense that it only performs air to air duties, but in the sense that it rules the skies. Such fighters are by design meant to be inducted in small numbers - they are prohibitive otherwise. IMO, 2 to 3 squadrons of the latest incarnation of Su-35 with latest AESA radar and weapons package, along with 2 to 3 A-100 AEWACS is a must for air superiority. Then we also need S-400+ for air defence. At this point we can feel relatively certain about defending our homeland.

NO OFFENCE but that sounds like the current Template of the IAF

ie 272 SU30MKI of which 140 are going to upgraded to Super MKI = estimated cost upgrade $8 billion

36 high end hyper expensive rafales F3 for $9 billion dollars ( current talks of 36 more by 2025)

recent deal for 5 regiments of S400 ABM =cost of $5billion

2 more ISRAELI Phalcon awacs @ $500 million each

* THE COST IS huge
Though 'pie-in-the-sky' ... the PAF saying it would consider the TF-X is, actually, a realistic statement. How/Why? Because the TF-X itself is a distant factor (post-2030), which basically means that any traction in that regard is a distant factor. It wouldn't surprise me if the PAF skips the 4.5/4+ issue entirely and (1) either consolidates into a Project Azm-only fleet or (2) procures a second, larger FGF via TF-X or some other consortium.

I know money is obviously an issue.

But to wait for Azm and TFX risks PAF being caught with its pants down if hostilities ever break out.

Given the politically uncertain world at present this is a real danger wouldn't you say?

I would say if any oppurtunity presents itself to feasibly introduce a 4.5G plane PAF should do it.

Imagine for a second if war broke out between India and Pakistan in the 1989-2005 time period.

In retrospect it was probably erroneous to skip the Mirage F1.

Lets not make the same mistake and rely on future platforms without proper regard to rectifying tactical deficiencies in the present force.

Of course PAF knows what they are much more so than us living room air marshals.
So---what happened---over the years did someone in the Paf sabotaged their own product---?

My impression is YES, some thing did happened not only with product but plan was there to destroy the whole facility.
Attack at Kamra is as incomprehensible... as US raid at Abbottabad.
Surely some one from PAF did got rich during Zardari rule.... may be he was in marketing or administration.... and yes JF-17 development funds were blocked during the rule of Zardari.
No it was always there. Kernels are independently & dependently 100% configurable. Fourth generation would be unimaginable without such privilege.


When the JF17 came out---the Paf was touting about its modular capabilities---thus putting it way ahead of everything else in its category---. Modular design was the mantra---.

And for over the years---this term disappeared as well---. A senior officer mentioned about the modular design for the engine space as well---that the aircraft was designed to accept couple of different engines in mind---.

And that comment was well apreciated and acknowledged by a respectable defense professional on defencetalkdotcom over a decade ago---.

So---what happened---over the years did someone in the Paf sabotaged their own product---?

Block3 will be used as a testbed for FGF incld turbines. Watch it. @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @CriticalThought

The “block-3” design is not being pushed to Azm. Rather, it is being made a stepping stone into AZM. Moreover, there is no hold on them producing an upgraded block 2 in the interim while they sort out block-3.
But to wait for Azm and TFX risks PAF being caught with its pants down if hostilities ever break out.

As usually, curious ones will find ever huge pipe, under the PAF pants.
So... no worries of hostilities breaking out, as of today.

Imagine for a second if war broke out between India and Pakistan in the 1989-2005 time period.
Between 1989 - 2005 is a period of 16 years.... it can't be measured with common gauge. Pakistan's military situation kept changing in those years, it may be worst during the time of Kargil war, but immediately after, Pakistan was ranked worlds leading arms buyer from the period between 2002-2004.
I imagine, if Pakistan can screw Indians in 1999, outcome in rest of the years wouldn't be much different.
Though 'pie-in-the-sky' ... the PAF saying it would consider the TF-X is, actually, a realistic statement. How/Why? Because the TF-X itself is a distant factor (post-2030), which basically means that any traction in that regard is a distant factor. It wouldn't surprise me if the PAF skips the 4.5/4+ issue entirely and (1) either consolidates into a Project Azm-only fleet or (2) procures a second, larger FGF via TF-X or some other consortium.


TFX is a bad choice---. Sanctions are looming over Turkey regarding F35---thge US congress just did something yesterday that might create problems with thedelivery---.

TFX is a bad choice---. Sanctions are looming over Turkey regarding F35---thge US congress just did something yesterday that might create problems with thedelivery---.

Actually F-35 "potential" ban/restriction to Turkey...Could end up as an interesting "Boost" to national fighter as TF-X.
Turkey got already/in the Making a Technological base that is growing at an interesting pace. Key Techs are being Acquired/Funded massively.
Every Key component/Tech is going to be "Homemade" via the full vertical R&D or via ToT for TF-X.

But ofc, in that situation the initial deadline would not be meet, with "Maybe" at least a Decade behind schedule.
The success of the TFX is incredibly important for a variety of reasons.

TFX is a bad choice---. Sanctions are looming over Turkey regarding F35---thge US congress just did something yesterday that might create problems with thedelivery---.
Restrictions or sanctions against turkey would definitely slow the pace and dent the time frame for TFX as well but it would also force turkey to build more stuff in house. Thats like pakistan in 1990s part 2.
The turks but have a better engineering base than us but they would definitely need an appropriate engine from uk/china/Russia....
This scenario can act as a catalyst for Pakistan and Turkey defence relations.
If both countries can navigate the 2020s and early 30s.. we might see a better and a less sanction prone end product. A contender to do that would be a possible jf17 block 4...which if introduced by 2022/23 and if it includes a further improvement of the airframe ...with an enhanced wingspan and a better and much rumored engine...then it should meet the requirements for both the countries, especially Pakistan.
My 2 cents
Restrictions or sanctions against turkey would definitely slow the pace and dent the time frame for TFX as well but it would also force turkey to build more stuff in house. Thats like pakistan in 1990s part 2.
The turks but have a better engineering base than us but they would definitely need an appropriate engine from uk/china/Russia....
This scenario can act as a catalyst for Pakistan and Turkey defence relations.
If both countries can navigate the 2020s and early 30s.. we might see a better and a less sanction prone end product. A contender to do that would be a possible jf17 block 4...which if introduced by 2022/23 and if it includes a further improvement of the airframe ...with an enhanced wingspan and a better and much rumored engine...then it should meet the requirements for both the countries, especially Pakistan.
My 2 cents
This is an interesting line of thought and very palusible. Both Pakistan and Turkey are in the limelight contrary to what we are fed in the international press. My main concern remains the period between 2020-2028. With a presumed production date of 2030 at this point in time and possible delays/set backs to 2035 being possible what does PAF do in the interim. Looking at it from an alternate prism it seems that the product in PAC's mind is either:
A) A low risk lo observable plane in the 2022-2028 period.
B) A chinese product with input from the Turks with various subsystems which can make it comparable to the Wesern Systems (provided the Chinese cannot provide a compatible system to us).
In Case of A) we can then collaborate with the Turks on the TFX. However a scenario of cost overruns and risks associated will again make me favour sticking with the Chinese for this venture.
We are taking it as granted that the Chinese will not catch up to the west. But why is this thought process being projected? Between now and 2030 is 12 yrs. On the basis of chinese growth from 2006 to 2018, and the fact that once you reach a threshold your progress accelerates exponentially why do we see Pakistan dependent on the West for high end products and why do we not see the Chinese producing them by 2030? If J20 is anything to go by, the Chinese are there today, where Turkey is likely to be in 5-8 yrs. One can only hope on the basis of the Chinese having crossed the threshold of current developments to reach the end goal, their progress will speed up exponentially. This is a dilema I cannot solve.
B) A chinese product with input from the Turks with various subsystems which can make it comparable to the Wesern Systems (provided the Chinese cannot provide a compatible system to us).
Forget about it
It is 5th G sensitive technology, No one allow the buyer integrated 3rd party subsystem
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