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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

F-16 Fighting Falcon News
Pakistan acquiring F-16s from Jordan
February 19, 2014 (by Asif Shamim) - Pakistani press is reporting that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has acquired one squadron of F-16 multi-role fighter aircraft from Jordan with 13 being inducted into the service next month.

PAF F-16A #85726 and F-16B #84608 over the Choolistan desert, armed with AIM-9 Sidewinders - the PAF's main air-to-air weapons [PAF photo]
With the addition of these new airframes (12 A models and one B model aircraft) the PAF will reach 76 F-16s in service. Lockheed Martin and the US government has also given its nod for the sale/purchase of the planes.

Sources available to the 'The News' who published this story indicated the aircraft were in good condition since all had been updated to the Mid-Life Update (MLU) and they would be provide service for another 20 years with almost 3,000 hours on average available to them for flying. However sources declined to indicate how much this deal was worth and said more would be disclosed next month at the time the new jets were inducted into service.

However, it is understood that the used planes are cost-effective and could provide service for a fairly longer period of time. Pakistan is also contemplating to acquire more used planes for the PAF from some other countries while the induction of JF-17 Thunder aircraft, co-production of Pakistan and China, e is also underway simultaneously, the sources said.

Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafiq Butt, visited Jordan last year pursuing the sale of the aircraft. He and officials from Jordan had discussions about the sale/purchase and delivery deal.

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Forum discussion:
Sorry if this news is posted already. Pakistan buys 13 F-16s from Jordan... 12 of them single seated 1 of them 2 seated... Source of the news is Turkish website kokpit.aero

now i think paf try to get also kc-135 from usa for 76 indus vipers
A little question that popped in my mind.

What sort of precautions does the PAF take regarding decontamination of and F-16 from Hydrazine in case of power failure and activation of EPU?

Is it similar to US safety levels, with the 2 three man teams, first the fire fighters and then NBC personnel taking out the Hydrazine?

Is there a team dedicated to each squadron?

@Oscar, @Dazzler...?
A little question that popped in my mind.

What sort of precautions does the PAF take regarding decontamination of and F-16 from Hydrazine in case of power failure and activation of EPU?

Is it similar to US safety levels, with the 2 three man teams, first the fire fighters and then NBC personnel taking out the Hydrazine?

Is there a team dedicated to each squadron?

@Oscar, @Dazzler...?

the US approach..
A little question that popped in my mind.

What sort of precautions does the PAF take regarding decontamination of and F-16 from Hydrazine in case of power failure and activation of EPU?

Is it similar to US safety levels, with the 2 three man teams, first the fire fighters and then NBC personnel taking out the Hydrazine?

Is there a team dedicated to each squadron?

@Oscar, @Dazzler...?

The initial American team that came with the original peace gate I deal gave through training to our personnel on all such emergencies. They helped design shelters, procedures.. and we even got the newest G-suits(back then) with them.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Pakistan Purchases F-16s From Jordan
Pakistan and Jordan concluded a deal that will transfer 13 F-16 aircraft from Jordan to Pakistan.

By Ankit Panda for The Diplomat
February 22, 2014

According to Pakistani sources, Pakistan’s Air Force has purchased one squadron of F-16 multi-role fighter aircraft from Jordan. The 13 F-16s were in service in the Royal Jordanian Air Force and will be inducted into the Pakistani air force next month. The deal has been finalized, approved by both countries, as well as the United States. The 13 aircraft are the same F-16 A/B Block-15 variant that Pakistan’s Air Force already operates.

The purchase brings the Pakistan Air Force’s total F-16 count to 76. According to Defense Industry Daily, the Royal Jordanian Air Force’s F-16 MLUs (Mid-Life Update) were bought from Belgium and the Netherlands.

The set sold to Pakistan is from a separate set of F-16s in use by the Jordanian Air Force. “This set being sold is from the 33-plane Peace Falcon I/II purchases of F-16 ADFs in 1997 and 2003,” according to Defense Industry Daily. The ADF variant–ADF standing for Air Defense Fighter–is more suited for dogfighting, air superiority, and interception.

Pakistan’s The News International cites “well-placed defense sources” as confirming that the purchased aircraft were in good condition and could serve for up to another 20 years, with about 3,000 flying hours available to them. The deal was set up between Pakistan and Jordan a year ago when Pakistan’s Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) Tahir Rafiq Butt visited Jordan to pursue the deal. The total amount Pakistan paid for the aircraft is not known at this point, but Defense Industry Daily speculates that Jordan likely made a profit on the sale of the aircraft.

The Jordanian F-16 purchase is the latest step in the Pakistani Air Force’s ongoing efforts to bulk up its fleet. Another example of this is Pakistan and China’s joint development of the JF-17 Thunder aircraft, which is also being incorporated into the Pakistan Air Force.

Overall, the F-16 is one of the most important components of the Pakistan Air Force, originally introduced to the air force in the 1980s, during the Cold War. The United States provided Pakistan with an initial batch of F-16s before nuclear sanctions came into force as a result of the Pressler amendment. In the 1990s, a series of F-16 aircraft were embargoed despite Pakistan having paid for them. Currently, the U.S. and Pakistan are discussing additional upgrades and weapons purchases for Pakistan’s existing F-16 fleet. The Pakistani government has shown interest in advanced medium range air-to-air missiles, short range air-to-air missiles, joint direct attack munition, and bunker-buster bombs.

  • Pakistan Air Force Purchases 13 F-16 Fighter Jets From Jordan

  • Pakistan Air Force Purchases 13 F-16 Fighter Jets From Jordan

    [2/20/2014 4:41:34 PM]

    AMMONNEWS- The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has acquired one squadron of F-16 multi-role fighter aircraft from Jordan and 13 F-16s will be inducted into the service next month, Pakistani media reported on Wednesday.

    The fighter aircraft have been purchased from Jordan and they were in the use of the Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF).

    The deal has already been finalized and inked by both the countries. The 13 aircraft are of F-16 A/B Block-15 and the PAF has similar aircraft in its fleet which are flying satisfactorily.

    The deal about 12 A models and one B model aircraft has been authenticated by the manufacturing company and the US government has also given its nod for the sale/purchase of the planes.

    The purchased aircraft were in good condition since they had attained Mid-Life Update (MLU) and they would be providing service for another 20 years with almost 3,000 hours on average available to them for flying.
Jordanian source...
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