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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Yeap. Assuming the marks with the crescent and star outside the F-16 silhouette are PAF, PAF was shot down 4 times and Turkey once.

no the mark on the fuselage means kill confirmed. the 3 small marks means 'probable' kill.
Read my post again. Its Italian AF kills against TUAF in Exercise Spring Flag. PAF never release the scores of DACT missions in multinational exercises. Its not even released within PAF...whatever a Sqn does, it remains in its own archives;)

Okay, i am confused. So someone put this thing up that PAF pilots beat typhoons in WVR combat? Is that true?

Someone clarify it up. Is that myth or plausible?
Okay, i am confused. So someone put this thing up that PAF pilots beat typhoons in WVR combat? Is that true?

Someone clarify it up. Is that myth or plausible?

contact alan warnes of AFM. he can shed some light on it.
30 Apr 1993
PAF accepts first F-16 from Peace Gate IV order, but the aircraft are embargoed.
FIA Institute test F-16 Canopy for potential application F1 in open cockpit racing cars, a tyre travelling at 225/KMH is first fired into a
an American Dragster's canopy and then into an F-16 Bubble Canopy.

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The author is very smart. He hasn't addressed PAF directly, in fact this article more or less advocates to Eurofighter's WVR capabilities (which are no-doubt world class) against the F-16. Now in the light of facts here are some answers to this article.

1. PAF never participated in AE2011. However PAF did participated in ATLC later in same year (but NATO didn't participated in this ATLC held at UAE)

Following link on AE2011 says: franknoort.nl - Frank's Trip Page

2. NATO has documented its participation in multinational exercises here. There is no record of AE-2008-4 but two other exercises AE-2009-2 and AE-2009-4 are listed. PAF participated in them too.

3. During Exercise Spring Flag 2008, Turkey participated with Italian (NATO) Eurofighters. Following is a kill mark photo on Italian Eurofighter.

The dogfight of Italian Eurofighters and PAF F-16s was just one small example that got limelight. There have been lots of more similar encounters in ATLC, AE and FalconTalon Exercises. I wish Alan Warnes or any other writer shed some light on them too. World should see the true potential of our pilots;)

the direction of crescents in pak and turk flags are up and down respectively...while in the pic above all the flags have crescents with downward direction....
Okay, i am confused. So someone put this thing up that PAF pilots beat typhoons in WVR combat? Is that true?

Someone clarify it up. Is that myth or plausible?
Ok, for the last time. The 3-0 encounter with Typhoon is real, three pilots were involved two of them have moved onto JF-17 and bk52. This is no myth.

the direction of crescents in pak and turk flags are up and down respectively...while in the pic above all the flags have crescents with downward direction....
Unfortunately that picture was for reference only. Lets end this discussion for good.
Ok, for the last time. The 3-0 encounter with Typhoon is real, three pilots were involved two of them have moved onto JF-17 and bk52. This is no myth.

Unfortunately that picture was for reference only. Lets end this discussion for good.

Thanks for the info Najam Sahab.

3-0 in favor of F-16 right?

a piece on how F-16 has been able to and will remain relevant to air doctrine in foreseeable future.


THis is from Kamra airfield.

Are these underground shelters? Are there any in kamra? Or in any base in Pakistan. Some new shelters were built for f-16's, and they are evident at PAF Mushaf.

THis is from Kamra airfield.

Are these underground shelters? Are there any in kamra? Or in any base in Pakistan. Some new shelters were built for f-16's, and they are evident at PAF Mushaf.

I don't think so. It looks like a pedestrian tunnel you usually find on highways.
I don't think so. It looks like a pedestrian tunnel you usually find on highways.

This is not a highway, but a taxiway.

Are there any underground in Pakistan?

THis is from Kamra airfield.

Are these underground shelters? Are there any in kamra? Or in any base in Pakistan. Some new shelters were built for f-16's, and they are evident at PAF Mushaf.

Probably nothing more than a drain that leads to an underground sewerage network leading out of the base Perimeter.
But Oscar are there any underground shelters in Pakistan?
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