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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2



F 16 Simusphere HD - YouTube
Well I feel that a solid way to move forward with cutting dependency on F16 is instead of getting the planes we should seek transfer of technology used in F16.

The odd 18 fighters don't really give or add anything susbtantial to our forces.

I would be more interested to see us aquire skills as developing the 360 view from cockpit or perhaps Avioniocs package software would be ideal from my prespective

The planes themselves represent a symbolic gesture

Ideally , what first needs to happen is that we should get an apology and a substantial package from USA for soliders , not weapons or fighter jets , a financial package for families of the soliders.

a) Financial package for solider's family
b) Free education and medical coverage for their families
c) Formal Apology for mistake and action taken against the culprits

The F16 , while its a symbolic gesture , it really does not helps with our understanding

Numerically we have

45 MLU
18 F16C/D
18 F16C/D final batch

Numerically its a addition but , the right thing to do was stated above

I think we are sending the wrong signal , to Americans if we accept weapons in return for their mistake or misadventures

We already have cut down our dependence with arrival of JF17 Thunder , and 50 Block 2 from China

And supply routes will remain closed , unfortunately there is no revision on that , otherwise it would be a major national security risk
Vipers are here to stay in PAF ... PAF knows what its doing it is one of the best airforces in the world and will always remain so. So plz let them do their job which they do quiet well they know what they need and what they don't .
Vipers are here to stay in PAF ... PAF knows what its doing it is one of the best airforces in the world and will always remain so. So plz let them do their job which they do quiet well they know what they need and what they don't .

F-16 have range and engine advantage over JFT, while technology wise it loose from JFT.

If PAF goes for new F-16, it would only be because of free and fast deliveries.

No wise man in PAF would support buying blk-52, while ignoring JFT blk-2.
unfortunately china is no whrere near USA in the avioncics field yet..it would take atleat few years for china to reach the level of avionics used in F-16Blck52....
The major problem that our country has had is that we have a habit of forgetting stuff with mere 1-2 F16 handover.

After 1999 why did our foreign policy did not shift to more global perspective. On global stage why do we need to have permission from other nations , prior to engaging into Business, military relations. This is not freedom

When ever we try to enact anything close to a free "decision" be it a gas pipeline or a port like Gwadar , we are looked upon by suspicion , yet we allow other nations to open "Air basis" and hidden CIA offices (Calling these as Embassy extension)

We have Transfer of technology on Fighter jets , Railway engines, Submarines, Frigates and even auto so why do we continue to purchase or attain these assets from others.

In 80's the news use to be in newspapers, that people used to tell government to invest into engines, and technological knowledge yet the government use to decide that no we will purchase these items from USA , as its cheaper and quick "solution"

The decision to acquire "quick" solution is indeed the big problem of our country that we always look for the "easy" way out instead of saying - we will make a stand and "this time" find a permenent solution

No more Master - Slave relation

No sovereign country ever allows bombing on its borders or insider its nation and stay quite never happened in history before

To answer your question can we take on "Any Enemy" regardless of their name , well the whole point of having a free country is that you have a belief that you would

Pakistan needs

a) De-fence Pacts
b) 11,000 ICBM projects
c) Strong Navy
d) 300 new fighter jets on top of JF17 thunder
e) Expansion of military basis

We need a foreign policy to

a) Secure our rights to water
b) Secure our stolen land
c) Raise GDP
d) Do business with countries to get cheaper oil
e) Develop a uninfluenced government
f) Display correct Pakistan Map in world map books / google

Its almost like , we can eat honey - and milk now but we insist on eating stale milk from our fridge because we were told to by someone passing by street
Plus Pakistan needs to replace the USA as the worlds super power.......:smokin:

wrong wrong wrong

Pakistan need education

better health facilities

stop poking nose in other countries

crush extremism

corruption free

better govt

political changes

F.POLICY changes

end BS in neighbors like iran afg india groups

and finally dont damn make Pakistan a security state it was welfare Islamic state till 1980
Plus Pakistan shold be on top of USA in every technology, shold not be its slave but instead shold be its master......Pakistan needs to takes the place of USA as a worlds policeman. USA needs to get retirement now from its worlds policeman job, cuz its very old now and nobody listen to it nomore........:smokin:
Although you are quite right about the fact that those embargo 28 F-16s were really pushed to their structural limits and even after the over haul their life won't be like the new ones. As we have heard that U.S have gave back us the money of those 28 F-16s in terms of Palm Oil, so it would be a great idea to go for the 50-70 J-10/J-10S instead of older 28 F-16s and even the most criticized 18 F-16 Block-52s and more over they can order more like another 50-70 J-10B/J-10BS. Although I agree on the upgrade of the current fleet we should be of 31 F-16A/B Block-15, they can upgrade 10 in U.S and the rest 21 F-16s in Turkey. Think over!



F16 can't even come close to Prototype version of J10B , just look at how fantastic the bird looks loaded and ready to defence Pakistan and China

But F16 will just offer a small neumerical addition very minute .. almost like salt in Pot of soup ...

Great so we have
48 MLU
18 Block C/D (Night Enabled Fighters)
18 Block C/D (Night Enabled Fighters)

84 Fighter Planes , flown by 80-120 pilots

A very small benefit short term

I am personally waiting for J20B to bring Honor and a NEW 2010 Bird into Pakistan Airforce

I hope that our airforce does not retires 30-40 Mirages untill its verified that the F16 fighters can operate with out hinderance from Electronic warfare

Its a big security risk to fly F16 , unless it can be verified by Independent investigation that these fighters are safe to fly

I mean what is the point of having a sword that cannot cut a melon ?
Untill Pakistan replaces the avionics on F16 with Turkish versions , I don't trust F16 and software running on it
[--Leo--];2526562 said:
it says late january but today is 25 we have to wait 4 days more?
If you are asking about MLUs...all i can say is that there are 31 days in January...thats all:D

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