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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Not exactly. It would be safe to say Block 40. But they will feature the stuff our Block 52s can.

Some of them.

why we are spending money on this junk any more..............we should look at J-10.

By the way when we are getting those?

Well, we had 30 years excellent experiences in F-16s and great records. That's why it need to upgrade a bit. For J-10, JFT, it requires more time in disciplines and awareness.
why we are spending money on this junk any more..............we should look at J-10.

By the way when we are getting those?

On the contrary, we are investing this money NOT to let these marvelous machines go to junk. Rather overhaul them, renew their airframe to almost Zero-Hour, retrofit them with BL-52 avionics and radar. The only drawback is new hardpoints and CFTs cannot be installed.

We have invested 1.5 billion USD to save our 5 billion USD assets from going to waste ... thats considered intelligent.

most air forces would think twice before committing to USA hardware as they are so prone to sanction you WHEN you need the F16 the most.

I think india made a SMART move ignoring F16 & F18 and even F35 despite HUGE USA pressure to accept/buy USA weapons even offering license production.

Pakistanis must have great faith and real assurances on future servicability of their F16 fleet
Pakistanis must have great faith and real assurances on future servicability of their F16 fleet

while india was having the ability to mass induct new 4th gen fighters, we faced over a decade of sanctions.....even then we kept a majority of our fleet in fly-worthy, combat-ready and deployable-on-demand condition.

your point is well taken though regardless, and that is why the initial order for 36 fresh new Block 50/52 aircrafts was scaled down to 18. The Americans themselves are aware that we are moving on towards lower cost ''DIY'' alternatives --being cautious not to sacrifice on PAF fleet technological edge
over 65 years after being atom-bombed by Americans, the Japs are inducting the F-35s to their ''air self defence force'' (just announced)

the world is funny like that

maybe because it happened 65 years ago...
time changes everything. same can be said about Germany. european states are now looking towards germans for financial help
they dont have a choice; America wont pocket the bill for Europe again (after 2 world wars) and why should they?

as for the second line of your post -- precisely said ;)
On the contrary, we are investing this money NOT to let these marvelous machines go to junk. Rather overhaul them, renew their airframe to almost Zero-Hour, retrofit them with BL-52 avionics and radar. The only drawback is new hardpoints and CFTs cannot be installed.

We have invested 1.5 billion USD to save our 5 billion USD assets from going to waste ... thats considered intelligent.


What hardpoints that cannot be added, can u elaborate ?
What hardpoints that cannot be added, can u elaborate ?

1. The F16-BL25 onwards were built with 8 wingStations + 1 centerLine + 2 chinPodStations. Older F16s were originally built with only 6 wingStations + 1 centerline. The MLU will give it 2 additional stations on Chin for pods, but not the additional fully capable wing stations.
2. The newly built F16-BL52 can carry more than 1-ton (2000lb) munition on innermost wing stations (station 4 & 6 ), but MLU will not have this capability. Thus the 600 gallon tanks cannot be carried by MLU aircrafts (as per my info).
3. The Conformal-Fuel-Tank capability will not be available for MLU aircrafts.
4. The PW-F100-229 cannot be installed. The MLUs will carry PW-F100-220E engine, which is still a very good engine but with reduced thrust than the 229 variant.
5. Most of the Avionics and Electronics suit will be the same (around 90%+ in my assumption) but still a few EW modifications might be lacking.

1. The F16-BL25 onwards were built with 8 wingStations + 1 centerLine + 2 chinPodStations. Older F16s were originally built with only 6 wingStations + 1 centerline. The MLU will give it 2 additional stations on Chin for pods, but not the additional fully capable wing stations.
2. The newly built F16-BL52 can carry more than 1-ton (2000lb) munition on innermost wing stations (station 4 & 6 ), but MLU will not have this capability. Thus the 600 gallon tanks cannot be carried by MLU aircrafts (as per my info).
3. The Conformal-Fuel-Tank capability will not be available for MLU aircrafts.
4. The PW-F100-229 cannot be installed. The MLUs will carry PW-F100-220E engine, which is still a very good engine but with reduced thrust than the 229 variant.
5. Most of the Avionics and Electronics suit will be the same (around 90%+ in my assumption) but still a few EW modifications might be lacking.


The drop tanks can be carried. Without them, it's pointless.
F-16s are on a role!, Iraq has placed a follow on order for 18 more F-16s after the original order. Oman has placed order for 12 F-16s and Philippines Air Force has also chalked out the requirement of F-16s from EDA stock. Will post details in a while
History will show the F-16 to probably be the most successful manned jet fighter made... a combination of capability, maintainability, and cost.

It'll be in tough competition with the MiG-21 for that honor. It's not numbers alone, it's the platform taken as a whole.

They'll be flying probably well into 2030's and maybe beyond. Kind of like the B-52 with a service life of 60+ years. That's like seeing Sopwith Camels fighting in the Vietnam war. ;)
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